Probate Records  Index

St. Francois County, Missouri
1822- 1955





Name of Estate

Name of Executor Administrator, Guardian or Curator

No. of Box -
Some did not have box # listed

Abbitt, Elba O. Francis Abbitt 70
Abbott, Carl Edna L. Byrd 124
Abbott, Paul & Erma Ruth P. Watkins 120
Abell, Jesse J. Mary A. Abell 141
Aberle, H. C. R. H. Aranz 59
Aberle, Seena Dora E. Campbell 103
Abernathy, James A. John S. Clay 59
Abernathy, Jimmy Lee Gracie May Abernathy 183
Abernathy, U. V. 41
Ackerson, Charles C. Z. Boyer 182
Ackerson, Mellie B. Jon. O. Ackerson 58
Acuff, Corwin J. Nellie J. Acuff 128
Adair, Catherine 41
Adams, Anna M. H. J. Moody 142
Adams, J. N. John S. Warner 187
Adams, Richard Roy & Paul Adams 104
Adams, Richard Lee L. Johnson 198
Adams, Wade H. Tolbert Henson 74
Agar. Alex 40
Agnew, Archibald Henry Agnew 124
Ahnert, Frank 40
Ahnert, Fred Cora X. Markert 40
Akers, Alfred J. Clyde Akers 77
Akers, Alice Melvin Pettigrew 113
Akers, J. Clyde Elizabeth Akers 173
Akers, Kenneth C. Elizabeth Akers 180
Albaugh, Raymond Mary Albough 89
Albeats, C. 3
Albeats, Chas. 3
Albert, William Samuel C. Orten
Albert, Eugene O. E. Albert 124
Albert, Eugene Roy V. Coffman 128
Albert. Wm. 40
Aldrich, J. L. Carr Hartshorn 91
Alexander, Adeline Ralph Duran 125
Alexander, Corbin 40
Alexander, Effie Paul J. Clay 192
Alexander, Frank W. Paul J. Clay 192
Alexander, Js. F. & Mabel D. S. Brown 73
Alexander, Lawson W.B. Hunt 7
Alexander, Lucy Parkhurst & Eisenbery 35
Alexander, Mahala J.C. Alexander
Alexander, Mattie 41
Alexander, Mattie Louis B. Butler 47
Alexander, Walter 41
Algire, Perry, N. C. M. Ellen Algire 149
Allen, Barbara Mae Oliver C. Allen 194
Allen, Isaac Luther Melvin E. Allen 183
Allen, Katie J. P. Cayce 173
Allen, Larna Etta 1
Allen, Lawson W. Chas. S. Hughes 44
Allen, Lottie Thomas Allen 92
Alley, Thomas 41
Alley, Thomas S. 41
Alley, Wm. 41
Alls, Nancy 1
Aly, Ernest W. John J. Schmidt 167
Aly, Geo. Louella Aly 93
Aly, Lula Dewey Aly 186
Aly, Paul C. Luella Aly 83
Ames, Herbert L.

No file: Will only filed to probate, no futher proceedings

Ames, Louis Edward 195
Ames, Mary R. Herbert L. Ames 74
Anci, John Meri Anci, widow 47
Anci, Michall Mary Anci 92
Anderson, Adolph S. F. Grisham 56
Anderson, Charles Amada Santee 54
Anderson, Charles A. J. S. Clay 54
Anderson, Elizabeth J. W. N. Fleming 69
Anderson, John J. Berniece T. Anderson, widow 205
Anderson, Margaret F. F. Anderson 91
Anderson, W. J. Geo. M. Wilson 7
Anderson, William J. George M. Wilson
Andreff, Geo. R. Elmer Parker 187
Andrews, Eliza 40
Andrews, Mary J. Mary A. Phillips 185
Andrews, Robt. 41
Andrews, Susie U. H. Andrews 73
Andrews, William E. Williams
Andrews, William H. Mary J. Andrews 134
Andrews, Wm. H. 41
Andrews, Wm. H. 40
Andrews. Wm. R. 40
Angel, Everett Vital LaPort 109
Angel, Everett R. C. Tucker 141
Anothy, Talbert G.C. Kinkeast
Anthony, Louisa Taylor Smith 118
Anthony, Talbot K.W. Weber 7
Antoine, Francis J. Francis Gilbert Antoine 193
Antoine, Francois L. N. Antoine 49
Antoine, Louis N. Irene A. Roberts 197
Appel, Julius Lena J. Heinemann 118
Appleberry Jno. 40
Appleberry, John P. 40
Appleberry, R. Edith Appleberry 169
Arbuthnot, Edith Ella Vivian Simms 166
Archambo, Charles Earl Wm. Clyde Archambo 203
Archdeacon, R. Carrie Archdeacon
Archdeacon, Richard Carrie Archdeacon 49
Archer, Geo. Warren Virginia Ruth HIcks 189
Arenz, Bernice Oscar Arnez 68
Arenz, Sylva James Thomas A. Mathews 190
Armon, Willis 41
Arnold, Billy James Emma Arnold 164
Arnold, Cora M. L. J. Doubet 139
Arnold, Earl W. A. McGraw 186
Arnold, Elisha R. Mamie Arnold 115
Arnold, Ernest H. F. Allen 79
Arnold, Ernest L. Luvada M. Arnold 6
Arnold, Ethel M. John M. Morris 196
Arnold, Guy 186
Arnold, Mayme W. A. McGraw


Arnoldi, Rubert Ollie Arnoldi - no file. Will only.

Rec. Book 2c pg. 529

Asbridge, Elizabeth T. S. Love 1
Asbridge, F. O. 3
Asbridge, Obdiah 35
Ashbaugh, Sarah Louise 193
Ashburn Caroline George Ashburn
Ashburn, Belle J. H. Raile 60
Ashburn, Caroline George Ashburn
Ashburn, Caroline 40
Ashburn, Geo. H. 49
Ashburn, Martha A. Pope Ashburn 144
Ashburn, Paca V. Sarah A. Ashburn 67
Ashburn, R. D. Peter V. Ashburn 49
Ashburn, Ruth P. Sarah A. Ashburn 72
Ashburn, Sarah A. Ruth & Rebecca Ashburn 190
Ashburn, W. C. Martha Ashburn 91
Ashburn, W. D. Ora Ashburn 123
Ashburn, William C. W.C. & P.V. Ashburn
Ashburn, Wm. C. P.V. Ashburn 7
Asher, Lee Velma Henson 139
Asher, Rebecca Geo. C. Asher 139B
Ashlock, Helena Adoption orders Rec. Book 8, page 33
Asplof, Gustavus R. C. Hugo Cozean 165
Atterbury, Mary J. C. H. Atterbury 93
Aubuchon, A. S. Alice M. Aubuchon 91
Aubuchon, Adrian Pauline Aubuchon 105
Aubuchon, Anna Bell F. P. Kenner 71
Aubuchon, Augustus Fred C. Aubuchon 46
Aubuchon, Basil J. Sarah J. Aubuchon 158
Aubuchon, Cletus W. J. Layne 71
Aubuchon, Cletus & Sylvian W. J. Layne 65
Aubuchon, Clyde J. J. L. Aubuchon 85
Aubuchon, Della Mrs. Amos Aubuchon  139B
Aubuchon, E. E. W. E. Aubuchon 149
Aubuchon, Edw. J. Cora J. A. Aubuchon 47
Aubuchon, Ella Inez Rowe 112
Aubuchon, Ernest A. A. Aubuchon 141
Aubuchon, F. B. Sarah J. Aubuchon 102
Aubuchon, Ferdinand Anna Belle Aubuchon 47
Aubuchon, Florance Fred Aubuchon 1
Aubuchon, Francis 49
Aubuchon, Ignatius Dennis Aubuchon 84
Aubuchon, John F. Mattie Aubuchon 95
Aubuchon, Joseph N. A. Aubuchon 52
Aubuchon, Juanita P. B. Pratte 96
Aubuchon, L. E. Della Aubuchon 111
Aubuchon, Louis W.S. Snyder, 88
Aubuchon, Louis W. S. Snyder 88
Aubuchon, Louis Chas. Aubuchon 88
Aubuchon, Pauline Isidore Aubuchon 163
Aubuchon, Peter 42
Aubuchon, Robert A. A. Aubuchon 116
Auerswald, Elizabeth F. Kleppsattle 84
Austin, Belle K. Nannie T. Lotz 182
Austin, C. M. 41
Austin, Ira F. Moses T. Austin 66
Austin, James Michael Goza
Austin, M. B. 41
Avallone, Lucille Thomas Pritchett  Drawer 5
Ayres, Bessie  Drawer 3

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