Probate Records  Index

St. Francois County, Missouri
1822- 1955




Name of Estates

Names of Executors Administrators, Guardians and Curators

Box No.

Cabaniss, Jas. C. 31
Cabiness, Barton T. 15
Cain, George H. Lucy O. Cain 131
Cain, Lucy O. T. E. Phillips 135
Cain, Mary Catherine Alice Kirkpatrick 127
Cain, Mary Ellen 34
Cain, Thomas J. J. N. Shannon Exr 76
Cain. Maud Jessie Merritt 112
Caldwell, James 34
Caldwell, Merritt Lester  Robert A. McIlrath 195
Calkins, Adalea Eliza Turner 118
Calochensky, Walich J. S. Boyer 86
Calvert, Clarence Sr. Clarence Calvert, Jr. 201
Calvert, Donald  NCM 184
Calvert, Sarah E. Clarence Calvert 116
Calvert, Wm. W. P. L. Benham 192
Calvird, Arthur E. G. C. McDaniel 143
Calvird, Emma A. E. Calvird 116
Calywell, John T. Peter Lewis 85
Calywell, Mary J. Peter Lewis 85
Camden, Levi Lora Camden 1
Camden, Noah M. Roy B. Adams 144
Cameron, Kate Geo. H. Langdon 183
Campbell, E.W. Sophia M. Harris 127
Campbell, Estella M. K. C. Weber 127
Campbell, Herbert  NCM 172
Campbell, Isaac R. E. R. Campbell 113
Campbell, Orillary McKinsey Campbell, Gdn. 141
Canter, Robert George Canter 111
Cantrell, Moses 31
Capp, Anna D. O. L. Haile 145
Carder, Geo. 13
Carl, Mary   NCM 180
Carleton, Mary John Karsch 57
Carney, Thomas J. T. Stephens 98
Carpenter, Katherine H. Paul H. Carpenter 153
Carr, Isabelle M. C. G. Carr, 52
Carroll, Rosie James P. Carroll 70
Carroll, Rosie (Insane) James P. Carroll 63
Carrow, Ann Henry Carrow 40
Carrow, Antoine J. J. A. Carrow 47
Carrow, George J. Anna Carrow 159
Carrow, Henry Clay H. R. Carrow 150
Carrow, Joseph A. Peter D. Carrow 78
Carrow, Peter E. Zeno Carrow 125
Carry, Laura Belle Nellie Mae Bequette 176
Carson, Fred Mabel Carson Drawer   1
Cartee, Effie Adeline Eulah Cartee Ade 172
Cartee, Elihu 50
Cartee, Nedra H. B. Ledbetter & J.D. Vance 108
Cartee, P.C. & L.P. George A. Cartee 108
Cartee, W. 34
Carter, Charles, H. W. Frank Carter. 43
Carter, F. M. Commission 31
Carter, F.M. W. P. Carter 104
Carter, Judge William W. Frank Carter 46
Carver, James Felix Aunio M. Carver 169
Carver, Malinda S. Walter T. Baker 178
Cashion, Audell P.A. Cashion 106
Cashion, PerryA. Yount Cashion 201
Casteel, Albert  Drawer  3
Castleman, L. Firmin Myrtle B. Castleman 199
Cauley, Pearl   NCM 206
Cayce Nettie Laura B. Cayce 43
Cayce Tilman Thomas Cayce 70
Cayce, Alice J. M. P. Cayce 209
Cayce, Ellis P. 12
Cayce, Jennette 30
Cayce, N. D. 15
Cayce, Newton F. 34
Cayce, Pleasant 34
Cayce, W.D. J. Paul Cayce 46
Cayce, William P. 34
Cecil, Virginia & Marianna G. E. Cecil 101
Center J. Frank Rosa Belle Center 198
Cervinka, Fred Frances S. Cervinka 146
Chaboude, Clarence Frank Chaboude 98
Chadbourne, Eliza Gideon Chadbourne 61
Chalk, T.C. & V.A. W.O. Chalk 119
Chamberlain, D.K. Nancy E. Chamberlain 110
Chandler, Lavada Archie Jarrall 114
Chaneski, Peter W.E. Coffer 81
Chapman, Alice P. L. Benham 161
Chapman, Geo. L. A. Floyd Chapman 187
Chapman, John Calvin P. L. Benham 203
Chapman, Loraine Edw. Chapman 127
Chapman, Miles 34
Chapman, R. 40
Chapman, W.N. P.H. Pratte 115
Chappel, James G.M. London 62
Charleston, Ardelia W. A. Jones 94
Chatman, John Martha Chatman 133
Cheesebrough, Glenwood Robert Forsyth 120
Cheesebrough, Luther Ed Cheesebrough 112
Cheesebrough, S.J. W. T. Cheesebrough 88
Cheesebrough, William T. Carroll Cheesebrough 165
Childers, Albert Eliza Childers 66
Chitty, Lucy M. P. L. Benham 193
Chitty, William   NCM R. C. Tucker 158
Choate, Doria Alta NCM 184
Choate, J. W. H.A. Miller & W.B. Cozean 108
Choate, J.W. W.E. Choate 100
Christopher, Rhoda J. Robert J. Christopher 77
Christopher, Sylvester Elizabeth Christopher 104
Christopher, W.D. 39
Cimko, Antony Clyde, Morsey 81
Clardy, Charles F. Mary L. Clardy 164
Clardy, Elizabeth D. M. P. Cayce & M. L. Clardy 107
Clardy, J. B. 31
Clardy, Wm. D. 31
Clark, Alfred Melvin Clark 203
Clark, Bertha W. H. Young 50
Clark, C. P. 12
Clark, Edith Robert S. Tetley 88
Clark, G. W.  NCM 186
Clark, James & Samuel Sarah Clark 66
Clark, James W.  #190 Ethel E. Clark 206
Clark, Milo B. Iva M. Clark 194
Clark, W. E. 2
Clark, William 42
Clay,  Elizabeth J. Frank E. Clay 81
Clay, A. J. Bert J. Clay 139
Clay, Charlotte J. L. Robinson 89
Clay, Clarence L. Habeas Corpus 62
Clay, Eleazor 30
Clay, Frank E. M. F. Clay 85
Clay, James W. 40
Clay, Jas. W. C 40
Clay, Mattie E. Robert Clay 103
Clay, Nancy J. 35
Clay, R.D. 34
Clay, R.D. J. C. Alexander 79
Clay, Robert J. by Guardian F. E. Clay 40
Clay, Sanford & Ivan J. S. Clay 123
Clay, Virgil E. Roy L. Clay 103
Clay, William 34
Clay, William S. 40
Claywell, Clarence J. Olive Claywell 203
Claywell, James E. O. L. Haile 128
Claywell, S. 35
Cleavland, Jeff & Scott 40
Clemens, Sarah Jane Ode Clemens 165
Clemens. Wm. J. Clarinda Clemens 105
Clements, Dasey 54
Clements, Pearl Ida M. Clements 118
Clemons, Arch Martha Hand Hatcher 149
Clemons, E.H. & A.W. Martha C. Littrell 82
Clemons, George 204
Clemus, James 13
Cleve, John Ellen Cleve 70
Cleve, L.H. Will F. Mell 137
Cleve, Louis Carl Gaebe 90
Cleve, Virginia Ellen Cleve 75
Cleveland , J. S. J. B. Graves 99
Clifton, Edward H. Carrie Clifton 118
Cline, Elgin Ward Gladys H. Cline 198
Clopper, Blanche Irene NCM 184
Cloud, Alberta W. A. Cloud 95
Cloud, E.R. N. A. Cloud 94
Cloud, Ethylean M. E. Cloud 74
Cloud, Jas 34
Clusemaro, Roxanner J.D. Huff 82
Cobb, John 35
Coffel, Allen  NCM 186
Coffer, Lena E. William E. Coffer, Jr. 183
Coffer, William E. Martha A. Coffer 137
Coffman, Joseph E. Eve E. Coffman 107
Coffman, Noah Cecil Coffman 195
Cole, Alpha Mary Jane Boggs 171
Cole, Bruce Annie Cole 115
Cole, Elizabeth Charles K. Baker 178
Cole, James  Susie Cole 104
Cole, Jane 35
Cole, Joshua 35
Cole, Joshua L. E. Cole 126
Cole, Mary A. 31
Cole, Mayce Joffre Cole 188
Cole, Murney Frank Starrett 69
Cole, Myra 35
Cole, Oliver Jenrietta Cole 183
Cole, Philip S. Leanna Butterfield 129
Cole, Philip S. Jr. Philip S. Cole, Sr 72
Cole, Robert J. C.E. Cole 84
Cole, Sarah E. L.D. Cole 118
Cole, Stephen 40
Cole, William A. Elizabeth Cole 120
Coleman, J. L. J. B. Willmore 96
Coleman, Mary E. 35
Collins, Chas. B. Verona Armbruster 191
Collins, Doris Marie Mary A. Driggers 202
Collins, Herbert L. Mary A. Collins 162
Colsan, James H. A. C. McMullin 152
Compton, Edna Laura Della Mae Cook 197
Compton, Henry W.H. Compton 85
Compton, John E. Joe Grandhomme 157
Compton, Phylis & Irma Gladys Coffman 115
Conklin, Pat H. 31
Connell, John Est and heirs 34
Conover, George W. H. Conover 62
Conrad, Clifton A. Mary J. Conrad 67
Conrad, Elizabeth Francis J. Gideon 133
Conrad, Mary J. Clifton E. Conrad 185
Contant, Fred S. 59
Conway, G.W. C. P. Hale 112
Conway, Robet L.  NCM 189
Conway, Susan Heirs of 40
Conway, Susan m. 34
Conway, Virgilia Mrs. Cora Conway 50
Conway, W. J. 13
Conway, W.S. Everett Conway 92
Cook Peter 31
Cook, Catherine I. Carr Hartshorn 84
Cook, Eliza L. J.N. Cook 85
Cook, John 103
Cook, John P. L. Benham 173
Cook, John Della Cook 112
Cook, Julia P.A. Benham 90
Cook, Newell C.P. Wilkson 57
Cooke, Leon Myrtle Evans 157
Cooksey, Izaak Margaret E. Cooksey 95
Cooksey, Sarah Isaac Cooksey 2
Cooksey, Zeno Samuel Cooksey 133
Cooley, Elizabeth 35
Cooley, Geo. L. Carlisle S. Cooley 146
Cooley, Lloyd  NCM 193
Cooley, Mary Elizabeth Carlisle Spencer Cooley 206
Cooley, Samuel W. 31
Coombs, Carroll C. Cy. B. Denman 75
Cooper Albert L. Margaret L. Bugh 195
Cooper, Donald Charles Ferrell 181
Cooper, Virgil Albert Cooper, 120
Copeland, W.A. Mary E. Copeland 116
Cornell, heirs 34
Cosby, William   NCM 186
Cotes, Edward Mary J. Cotes 2
Cotes, Mary J. 42
Cottner, Roy L. Lulu Cottner 181
Coughlin, Mary E. 13
Counts Anna A. J. Clay 80
Counts, Anderson Clyde Morsey 75
Counts, B. F. Minnie Alva Counts 143
Counts, Edith   NCM
Counts, Finis E. Shelton O. Counts 196
Counts, Gilbert S.W. Robinson 74
Counts, Gus Y. E. F. Counts 135
Counts, J. L. M. K. & F. E. Counts 85
Counts, Lawrence Minnie Alva Rickus 197
Counts, Lucy A. 200
Counts, R. H. Earl and Denver Counts 207
Counts, Rosa E. Earl Sebastian 182
Counts, Shelton O. Ostylee Counts, widow 205
Counts. Thomas P. E. A. Counts 13
Courtois, Charles Daniel Lynn 65
Covington, Audrey NCM 194
Covington, Charles H. Lizzie Covington 56
Covington, Eva May J. A. Covington 120
Covington, Grace Lizzle Covington 62
Covington, Grace J. W. Calvird 82
Covington, I.A. 39
Covington, James 30
Covington, Jas. & Wm.B. 34
Covington, Jennetta Jos. Diemer 148
Covington, M. A. Joseph Diemer 150
Covington, Mary E. Joseph O. Covington 171
Covington, Wilma Harold Covington 144
Cowan, Emeline J.C. Westover 55
Cowan, Henry Emily Cowan 59
Cowan, Joseph Carr Hartshorn 48
Cowley, Benjamin James Cowley 74
Cowley, Lizzie James Cowley 77
Cown, Joseph ( Imbecil) J.C. Westover, Guardian 43
Cox, Edward F. Orpha Yeager 171
Cox, G.W. & Ida 35
Coxey, C.V. T. H. Coxey 116
Crabdree, Fannie C. E. Crabdree 154
Crabdree, Florial Opal Crabdree 141
Craig, Annie 12
Craig, J.E. & W.B. Bertha Prather 118
Craig, L & A Martha Craig 94
Craig, Martha LeRoy Craig 161
Craig, Paul   N.C.M. 182
Crain, Minnie J. Richard Roberts 205
Cramp, Anna C. Joseph Grandhomme 194
Cramp, William Arnie Cramp 142
Crapnell, Roberta Magill William T. Magill 199
Crawford, B. E. Fred Acuff 2
Crawford, B. M. 34
Crawford, Barton G. Sintha Crawford 139
Crawford, E.B. 40
Crawford, Herbert  NCM 193
Crawford, James 30
Crawford, James A. C. P. Wilkson 50
Crawford, Mary I. Edna DeGrant 200
Crawford, W. E. 30
Crawford, William 40
Crawford, Willis Mary I. Crawford 39
Crawford, Willis P. Mary I. Crawford 143
Crawford, Wm. J. 30
Crawley, Samuel l. Adam Neidert 51
Creglow, James J. Harry Creglow 176
Crepps, Clara Mae Victor Crepps 187
Crites, Betty  Incomp 198
Crites, Hubert Clarence Kennon 109
Crites, Myrtle  #210 Edna Peterman, next of kin 206
Crites, Pauline J.R. Horne 109
Crocker, Claude A.  NCM 186
Crocker, Claude A.  NCM 193
Crocker, Ollie Rosa Crocker 101
Crockett, Martha H. W.B. Massey 180
Cross, Essie House  NCM   Drawer 4
Cross, Irene  NCM 184
Crouch, Bette Lou Bertha A. Crouch 186
Crouch, Bobbie Jack Rose Knowles 190
Crow, Price 35
Crump, Benj [Benjamin] 39
Crump, Geo. W. 13
Crump, Ida W. H. Young 15
Crump, Joseph M. Joseph Diemer 166
Crump, Rachel T. J. A. White 139
Crump, Rachel T. Mrs. J. A. White 148
Crump, Susanna 40
Crump. A. R. Jas. Crump 47
Cruncleton, A.W.& C.F. Elsie May Cruncleton 86
Cruncleton, Nancy B. 31
Cruncleton, Wm. Caroline Cruncleton 139
Cruncleton, Wm. M. 30
Crutcher, Walter H. C. McGahan 2
Culp, Henry 154
Culp, Homer  NCM 188
Culver, Della R. Elisha W. Culver 62
Cummins, Harry Thomas P. Settle 68
Cummins, Theresa Agnes Cummins 95
Cundiff, Geo. J. Ellen Cundiff 151
Cundiff, L.J. George J. Cundiff 101
Cunning, Alice M. Alvey W. Bayles 204
Cunningham, Adison 31
Cunningham, Alexander W. A. McGraw 141
Cunningham, Charles F. 35
Cunningham, E. M. Arthur Cunningham 13
Cunningham, Frances M Genevieve F. Bartch 186
Cunningham, Geo. w. Savannah F. Cunningham 24
Cunningham, I.H. Ella Ashby 115
Cunningham, Irene Julie E. Sands 77
Cunningham, Isaac 39
Cunningham, James 15
Cunningham, James 31
Cunningham, James H. Sr. Harry Cunningham 167
Cunningham, James W. Genevieve Conway 165
Cunningham, John 12
Cunningham, John A. P. V. Cunningham 108
Cunningham, Mahala John A. Cunningham 12
Cunningham, R.B. J. W. Cunningham 86
Cunningham, Thomas Addalinda Cunningham 99
Cunningham, Thos. T. 31
Cunningham, Werner Percy Cunningham 102
Cureton, Lester  NCM 184
Curry, Anna Albert Tucker 176
Cutler, R.B. J. J. Bowman 103

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