Probate Records  Index

St. Francois County, Missouri
1822- 1955



K - L




Name of Estate Names of Executors Administrators, Guardians and Curators

Box or Drawer #

Kahn, Bella Helen Kahn 176
Kahn, C. C. P. A. Benham                46
Kahn, Robert S. Bella Kahn 144
Kaiser, Effie Liness Kaiser 197
Kaiser, Mary Lou Lindell Kiser, 198
Kalal, Frank Thomas Kalal                92
Kall, Mike & Mary Katherine Kall                90
Kannawarf, Charles Barbara Kennawarf              100
Kannawurf, Barbara Cora Beckett 106
Karlson, Albert F. Sarah R. Dennis                45
Karlson, Bragetta M. Sarah R. Dennis                45
Karn, Jacob Clyde Morsey                81
Karsch, John W. Fred W. Karsch 181
Karsch, Wm. A. Minnie Mae Karsch 198
Kartes, Eliza 200
Kasher, Benj.                39
Kassabaum, Frederick Nellie Kassabaum 169
Kassabaum, Henry Fern Kassabaum 176
Kassabaum, Wilhelmina C. H. Kassabaum 151
Kay, Ossise Alice Noah M. Kay    Drawer 3
Kay, Pearl F. L. Keith                63
Kay, R. A. Noah M. Kay 176
Kays, Lewis James F. Baker                14
Keaton, Eliza C. P. Wilkson 169
Keaton, Melissa J. W. Buck                16
Keay, Mary A. Oscar Penberthy 189
Keel, Geo. W. John F. Schafer 147
Keel, Martha Letitia Myrtle L. Heck 181
Keeling, Alice Adam Keeling                72
Keeton, Wm.                37
Kehr, Elizabeth Philip Good 104
Kehrman, Emlie A. Marjorie Kehrman 173
Kehrman, John F. Emelia A. Kehrman 142
Kehrman, Rolla Z. Marjorie Kehrman                89
Keiser, Mary C. D. F. Giessing 116
Keith, A. W. Marvin L. Keith       Box  82
Keith, Edwin P. Catherine Keith                44
Keith, Frank & Edwin C. B. Keith                87
Keith, Frank L. C. O. Inman 119
Keith, J. N. L. F. L. Keith                47
Keith, J. N. L. Robert Moran                47
Keith, Margaret A. J. H. Malugen                99
Keith, Pleasant Gentry Sallie B. Keith Drawer 1
Kellar, Fred Geo. Herzog 113
Keller, Henry W. Emma C. Keller                43
Keller, Robert M Emma C. Keller                48
Kellerman, John                37
Kelley, Addie Maymie A. Johnson 142
Kelley, Elizabeth W. E. Coffer                78
Kells, Elizabeth John W. Kells 167
Kelly, Elizabeth W. E. Coffer                80
Kelly, Ernest J. Mary A. Kennedy              104
Kelly, J. H. M. T. Moore                76
Kelly, J. R. Mrs. Sam St. Gemme 152
Kelly, James Mary A. Kennedy                96
Kelly, Lawrence Addie Kelly 113
Kelly, Mary E. E. K. Stevenson 143
Kelly, Oscar T. G. G. Kelly 145
Kelly, Thos. J. Olivia Kelly                66
Kelly, W. S. Ida Kelley 207
Kelon, Ann   NCM 182
Kemp, Wm. Guy   NCM 199
Kendall, Charles Charles Schaper              100
Kendall, James Mrs. Jane Kendall                60
Kendall, Jane James W. Eaton                65
Kendall, Theresa C. R. Kendall                47
Kennedy, Jane A. W. M. Harlan                87
Kennedy, John M. W. A. Kennedy                54
Kennedy, Louis O. W. Bleeck 121
Kenner, Frank P. Mary C. Kenner              100
Kenner, Mary C.    Drawer 3
Kenter, Housand E. W. Geer                58
Kerlagon, Joseph Fred Carrie Kerlagon 168
Kerlagon, Zeno E. Margaret A. Kerlagon 148
Kerr, J. E. Mary H. Kerr 146
Kertesz, Anna John Kertesz 206
Kertesz, Rosie Peter Hillebrand 128
Kessler, Jacob J. W. Kessler 147
Kessler, Louise C. G. McClintock 157
Ketcherside, Paul W. G. Ketcherside 150
Ketchum, John M. Mary L. Porter               83
Kiepe, Chas. A.   NCM 179
Kiepe, Conrad F. W. A. Kiepe 166
Kiepe, Conrad Sr. Carl Gaebe                87
Kiepe, Henry                14
Kiepe, Henry W. Lizzie M. Kiepe                70
Kiepe, Irene M. Lizzie M. Kiepe 127
Kiepe, John Hy K. Lange                87
Kiepe, Katherine Henry Kiepe 158
Kiepe, Rudolph                16
Kiepe, Theodore W. A. Kiepe 121
Kihrman, Emelia A. Marjorie Kehrman 173
Kimberlain, Jos. Mervin Kimberlain                92
Kimberlin, John Mont  NCM 179
Kimberlin, Reuben F. Marvin Kimberlin 155
Kindle, Ethel   NCM 180
King, Cecelia Michael King 128
King, Enoch W. H. Young                51
King, Isabell J. R. Wade           139B
King, Katherine W. H. Young                51
King, Michael J. P. Cayce 181
Kinkead, A. B. estate of 37
Kinkead, A. B. heirs of 37
Kinkead, Ezekial                39
Kinkead, G. S.                16
Kinkead, N. A. Harriett E. Kinkead 111
Kinkead, Samuel                39
Kinkead, Ste. Mary Robert N. Kinkead 190
Kinnard, Rodger Lee  minor Lorene Lahay 198
Kinneman, Henry Minnie Kinneman                96
Kinneman, Minnie Oscar Kinneman 111
Kinney, W. W. Arthur D. Kinney                83
Kinzer, Mary A. A. E. Going                49
Kirkendall, A. C. O. E. Kirkendall                95
Kirkendall, Mary E. Ross H. Kirkendall 191
Kirkendall, Ross H. Hyacinth Kirkendall 192
Kirkpatrick, Alice Nannie T. Lotz 182
Kirkpatrick, Alice   NCM 179
Kirkpatrick, D. H. Alice Kirkpatrick 9
Kirkpatrick, E. E. Habeas Corpus                39
Kirkpatrick, Grace Jno. R. Kirkpatrick                76
Kirkpatrick, John R. C. H. Lucy                96
Kirkpatrick, Margaret S. C. H. Kirkpatrick 148
Kirkpatrick, N. M. J. R. Kirkpatrick                56
Kirm, Edna B. Everett R. Riggs 158
Kirshon, Gloria Betty Kirshon 200
Kirshon, Joe Betty Kirshon 199
Kirstain, Johanna Lucille Miller 193
Kirtley, Lena John S. Clay                83
Kitto, Francis Thos. Kitto                39
Kleete, Emma J. J. Arnold                96
Klein, Annie E. Elliott P. Klein 180
Klein, Ed Elliott P. Klein 180
Klein, Eliza John G. Klein                46
Klein, Geo. Edw. Herbert E. Klein  191
Klein, J. E. Elizabeth Klein  141
Klemp, Wm.                61
Kleppsattel, F. Ella M. Kleppsattel 151
Kline, Eliza J. John G. Kline                46
Klob, August E. J. Klob 123
Klob, Mary L. Everett A. Klob 149
Kloesterman, Fred Henry Schillie                16
Knauss, Florence A. A. M. Hoy 124
Knauss, H. S. A. M. Hoy 119
Knauss, Rosa R. C. Tucker 161
Knight, Samuel L.   NCM 193
Knispel, Alvin Agatha Charlotte Knispel                69
Knoche, Elizabeth R. B. R. Thurman                84
Kobryn, Petro J. S. Boyer                84
Koch, August C. Edward E. Graves                60
Koehler, Paul O. Lucille Koehler 192
Koen, Davis J. N. Highley                48
Koen, Hardy                39
Koen, Helen Ella Koen 104
Koen, Marion J. N. Highley                63
Koenig, Sara Ann Viola Koenig 198
Koester, C. E. Sophia Koester                94
Koester, Charles Christine K. Aubuchon 104
Kohut, Jacob Michael Kohut 129
Kollmeyer Henry Kollmeyer                14
Kollmeyer, Elizabeth Fred Kollmeyer 187
Kollmeyer, Henry M. Fred Kollmeyer 197
Kollmeyer, John G. Henry Kollmeyer 123
Kollmeyer, Wm. Anna Mary Kollmeyer 55
Korber, Wm. Otto Jesperson 154
Krause, Christine K. Carl M. Thomsen 129
Krause, Karl F. C. M. Thomsen 123
Krekel, Alf S. R. L. Boswell 164
Krieger, Emery H. Fannie E. Sproul 86
Krieger, Jacob Lavenia J. J. Krieger 86
Krimminger, Hazel Rachel E. Krimminger 83
Krotchetta, Patrick John Sagan 70
Kuchlin, Hugh John Kuchlin 77
Kuchlin, John Hugh C. Kuchlin 178
Kuchlin, Marian Christian Kuchlin 64
Kugel, Adolph J. P. Cayce & G. C. Forster 83
Kulongoski, Theodore Helen Kulongoski 172
Kunert, Fred P. S. Bates 88
Kurdick, Phil Lola Murdick 165
Kurtz, La Vern H. Stella Irene Kurtz 167
Kurz, Carl J. G. A. Kurz 105
Kytyk, Eva Alex Hatch 90
La Pere, Salome John M. Phelan 127
La Pere, Walter John M. Phelan 128
La Port, Lillian Vetal La Port 119
La Porte, Benjamin Harry La Porte 172
Laakman, E. M. Lulu Laakman 119
LaBruyere, Delbert   NCM 179
LaBruyere, Henry T. J. E. LaBruyere 145
Lacey, Edith L.  NCM  Drawer 10
LaChance, Naree C. Vera H. Smith 188
Lacomb, Victoria Lerry M. Leach 121
Lahay, Charles   NCM 186
Lahay, Francis E. J. H. Lahay 90
Laird, John W. J. C. Laird 131
Lalumendier, Clara B. Lucile G. Goodpaster 197
Lalumondier, Augustus Julian Moczydlowski 84
Lalumondier, Caroline B. F. Towl 99
Lalumondier, Noah Archie Crawford 86
Lambert, Betty A. 34
Lambeth, Amanda H. D. Evans 97
Lambeth, Susan Ellis sJ. Jones 63
Lambeth, Wm. L. Susan & Amanda Lambeth 54
Lance, Geo. A. Ava A. Lance 206
Landolt, Fred J. Edw. Landolt 150
Landolt, Louis V. Anna G. Landolt 91
Landrum, Martha L. Marcus Landrum 69
Lane, James John G. Layne 82
Lane, Maud A. P. Lane 11
Lane, Thelma Mae Wm. F. Lane 198
Lang, Ida V. J. P. Cayce & STL Trust 204
Lang, Louisa F. W. R. Lang 91
Lang, Mary C. Irene C. Lang 182
Lang, Reinhardt Wm. R. Lang 57
Lang, Thos. C. Mary C. Lang 73
Lang, Thos. J. Irene C. Lang 98
Lang, Wm. R. St. Louis Union Trust Co. 203
Langdon, Mary A. Geo. A. Langdon 117
Lange, Louisa S. H. K. Lange 103
Langhorn, Willa E. Ella Freeman 132
Lanham, Mary   NCM Irene Scarlett 196
Lapporte, Mary J. Samuel r. Byington 145
Larby, Floyd H. B. Ledbetter 101
Larby, Irene Roy Larby 108
Larby, Jacob L. H. Williams 101
Larby, Marvin Jacob Larby 63
Larby, Mary E. Jacob Larby 11
Lardy, Eva May Susie Larby 137
Large, Charles I. Elizabeth Large 194
Large, Eva Williams Ralph E. Gray 159
Larkig, Michael 34
Larkin, Etta Mary E. Larkin 63
Larkin, Luther L. Mary E. Larkin 53
Larkin, Samuel Mollie Larkin 99
Larkin, Silas B. 34
LaRose, Lena G. E. LaRose 109
LaRose, Letha & Edna Birdie L. LaRose 109
LaRose, Nancy Ann W. R. LaRose 112
Lashley, Geo. M. R. L. Lashley 67
Lassource, Edward Joseph E. Blankenship 16
Lassource, Effa W. H. Young 4
Latimer, Ava E. A. T. Nixon Drawer 1
Latimer, M. H. W. R. Latimer 96
Latouourno, A.M. 11
Lawrence, Effie E.  Earnest F. Lawrence 178
Lawrence, Wm. Effie E. Lawrence 100
Laws, David N. 34
Laws, Elizabeth D. J. Laws 114
Laws, Ida Amanda Cole 178
Laws, J. B. J. B. Laws 141
Laws, Kate Russell Ryan    Drawer 1
Lawson, Elisha 34
Lawson, Eugene J. S. Boyer 113
Lawson, Pearl J. S. Boyer 113
Lawson, Reathie R. Everett W. Thurman 198
Lawson, Reathie R.   NCM  Drawer 10
Layha, Amie 34
Layne, J. J. 11
Layne, Violet M. Harry Layne 105
Layne, W. H. Julia Layne 102
Layne, Wm. J. J. E. Layne 136
Layne, P. M. 34
Lea, Wm. & Leanna 146
LeCompte, Julian B. W. A. McGraw 182
Ledbetter, H. B. R. C. Tucker 108
Ledbetter, mary Frank Self 136
Lee, Forrest & Lillie Minnie Welch 85
Leftrich, Frank A. 16
Leftridge, Garrett Andrew Thos. A. Mathews 196
Leftridge, Roy   NCM 180
Leggett, Sophia George R. Leggett 188
Legrand, Jno. H. 33
LeGrand, Joseph Lillian LeGrand 141
Lehman, H. B. Louis Lehman 25
Leigh, R. N. Henry Roth 160
Lemley, Alma E. M. Boswell 178
Lenz, Isaac Walter Ellis 160
Lenz, Mercelite Clyde Hicks 156
Lenz, Wm. Clyde Hicks 156
Leonard, Armstead Nellie L. Leist 204
Leonard, Martha C. John J. Leonard 63
LePere, Jacob Matilda Doss 126
Lesser, Catherine Harry Lesser 98
Lessing, Fritz M. Chas. McCarthy 155
Lester, Bethiah R. B. Lester 76
Lester, Rollo B. Marguerite C. Lester 183
Lester, T. H. G. R. B. Lester 154
Lett, Robt. L. Fannie E. Lett 146
Lett, Wm. R. 16
Levall, Robt. E. Mayme L. Kidd 191
Levenworth, Pernetta E. J. Jennings 1
Levering, John S. 11
Lewis, D. M. Monroe Lewis 132
Lewis, Delberta Leatha Lewis 191
Lewis, Edgar & Elmer Thos. J. Lewis 142
Lewis, Elmer C. Edgar C. Lewis 188
Lewis, Elmer Clyde Thos. J. Lewis 128
Lewis, Eugenia T. J. Buckner 99
Lewis, Hazel John L. Lewis 100
Lewis, Jasper N. Malinda C. Lewis 94
Lewis, John Robert J. Lankford 133
Lewis, John Martha M. Lewis 203
Lewis, John L. T. J. Buckner 99
Lewis, Johnet Winifred Lewis 188
Lewis, Lillie A. Monroe Lewis 183
Lewis, Mary Virginia   NCM 195
Lewis, Melvina W. E. Coffer 78
Lewis, Paul Charles B. Keith 150
Lewis, Peter Sallie Kollmeyer 159
Lewis, Theresa Elliott Lewis 132
Lewis, Warner 34
Libby, Charles 16
Libby, John Ava Libby 86
Lilly, Elizabeth Clarence B. Mateer 123
Limbaugh, Teddy Bernard, minor 209
Lindeman, Mary Harry Lindeman 111
Lindsay, Harold Stella Lindsay 121
Lindsay, Herman R. Beulah Lindsay 124
Lindsey, Melcena J. W. Boswell 114
Linville, Martha L. J. Wescoat 96
Linza, Charles F. Myrtle Linza 166
Linza, Charles F. Myrtle Linza 166
Littleton, Marjorie Ann Wm. T. Littleton 150
Litzelfelner, J. M O. C. Litzelfelner 179
Liveraux, Jas. 34
Liveraux, John B. 34
Liveraux, Julia 34
Lloyd, Annie  [Loyd] Minnie Blue 109
Lloyd, Salina H. Annie B. Lloyd 55
Lockridge, Grace Bryan Taylor Smith 181
Lockridge, Theo. F. Geo. Bryan Lockridge 188
Logan, John A. Leslie Emory Logan 168
Logan, Wm. Jas. Leslie E. Logen 145
Logsdon, Docia Irene Ogle 207
Logsdon, Jerry M.    NCM 172
Lohmeyer, Martin G. Carr, Hartshorn 86
London, Leora W. E. London 131
London, Melissa F. R. E. Parker 1
London, Wm. Leora London 121
London, Wm. E. Clyde London 205
Long, B. 34
Long, Benjamin Edward C. Long 57
Long, Ella N. Guy I. Long 127
Long, Harriet 5
Long, John B. J. H. Kirkland 127
Long, Mary 16
Long, Mary S. A. S. Long 132
Long, May  (Ketcherside) Nelson Nance 200
Long, P. G. 34
Long, Samuel 34
Long, Sarah C. Pearl Labruyere 170
Long, Stella A. Sikes Richard Bland Thomas 206
Long, Wm. Mrs. Robert Forsyth 141
Lonion, John C. Mary London 55
Lore, Frank Jr. Habeas Corpus 85
Lore, Luther C. B. Long 106
Lore, Robt. E.   NCM 184
Lorenz, Freemont Eda Lorenz 69
Lorenz, Phillip Eda Lorenz 60
Lorenz, Phillip J. Charlres Lorenz 109
Lorenz, Wm. F. & Ida Wm. Lorenz 11
Loric, Leona Andro Bulno 113
Loughlin, Michael Micheal Loughin 88
Loughlin, Mike William J. Loughlin 168
Love, R. C. J. R. Thompson 96
Love, Robert B. Caroline Henson 177
Love, Wm. N. 34
Lovelace, Archibald B. P. L. Benham 173
Lovelace, Shirley Dorothy Lovelace 184
Lovern, Wm. H. Johnson Vindiver 42
Lovvern, Ben J. Grant Lovvorn 68
Low, James Emma Low 144
Lucas, Geo. P. C. I. Garrett & J. O. Lucas 103
Lucius, Franz Ellen Lucius 68
Luckfahr, Anton K. W. Weber 16
Luckfuhr, Anton K. W. Weber 4
Lucy C. H. O. W. Ramsey 146
Lucy, Addie L. Mildred D. Browne 148
Lucy, C. H. O. W. Ramsey 150
Luft, Jacob W. E. Coffer 75
Luithle, Philip K. C. Weber 167
Lumos, Alvin Mary E. Lumos 123
Lunsford, Wm. W. E. Lunsford 102
Lutes, J. L. Vance Lutes 206
Lutes, Willet J. L. Lutes 131
Lutman, Ella Wm. H. Young 47
Lyha, John 34
Lynch, John J. A. LeGrand 114

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