A - L
ADAMS CEMETERY M - Z Frankclay, St. Francois County, Missouri Photographs taken by Sharon Hackworth and Sue Resinger - July 2005 |
To reach Adams Cemetery at Frankclay, take Highway 8 West from Park Hills, Missouri (formerly known as Flat River) to Highway "M" exit which is just past Leadwood exit; follow Highway M to Frankclay approximately 1-1/2 miles to Wortham Road; turn left on Wortham road; Adams Cemetery will be on your left at top of the hill. Cemetery is well-maintained, but there are alot of unmarked graves as well as graves marked with unidentifiable markers. If you have a relative buried here who is not listed below, please send us an e-mail with documentation to substantiate burial (i.e. death certificate or obituary) and we'll add him or her to the list. Please be aware that there is another Adams Cemetery which is also located in St. Francois County. That Adams Cemetery is located north of Bonne Terre, Missouri. |
Click on names below to view photograph of tombstone. Please be patient - images are large and, depending on speed of your connection, may take awhile to load. If you have problems reading dates, please E-MAIL us and we'll try to help you out. Also, please e-mail us if there are corrections which need to be made, or you have additional information to add on any of the individuals buried in this cemetery. |
M - Z
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N | |
Neel, Carlyn Eli | |
Neel, Cindy | |
Neel, Kay D. | w/o Paul E. |
Neel, Paul E. Military Stone | h/o Kay D., SP3 US ARMY |
Newcomb, Elmer B. |
R | |
Radford, B. W. | |
Ramsey, Bernice G. | |
Ramsey, Ervin Clyde | PFC US ARMY KOREA |
Ramsey, Eva L. | |
Ramsey, Freeman P. | |
Ramsey, James Edward | CPL US ARM KOREA |
Ramsey, Madison O. | |
Ramsey, Marvin E. | |
Ramsey, Otis H. | |
Ramsey, Randel P. | |
Randolph, Hattie E. | w/o M. B. (Peg) |
Randolph, James H. | MISSOURI MEC. 35 INF. 18 DIV. |
Randolph, M. B. (Peg) | h/o Hattie E. |
Randolph, Vernon (Tim) | |
Rawlins, Charles C. | |
Rawlins, Eva E. View 2 | w/o Thomas C. |
Rawlins, Thomas C. View 2 | h/o Eva E. |
Reddick, Betty J. | w/o Willis D. |
Willis D. Military Stone |
h/o Betty J., A2 US AIR FORCE KOREA |
Riggins, Catherine I. | w/o William T. |
Riggins, Ernest E. | |
Riggins, Jerry Thomas Military Stone | US ARMY |
Riggins, Jesse T. | |
Riggins, Jesse Thomas | |
Riggins, Leda June | |
Riggins, William T. | h/o Catherine I. |
S | |
Saggars, Tylitha | |
Sansoucie, John F. | |
Saunders, David D. | |
Schiller, Michael | h/o Victoria |
Schiller, Victoria | w/o Michael |
Shaner, Jane | |
Shaner, John | |
Shaner, Laura | |
Simily, Dorothy Jane | |
Simmons, John | Mayor of Park Hills |
Simms, Sterling Price | |
Simpson, Paul Michael | s/o Beck & Michael Simpson |
Sisk, Bertha | |
Sisk, Eugene | |
Sittig, Thressa M. | |
Skaggs, Billy Ray | |
Skaggs, Dorothy | |
Skaggs, Lisa Ruth | |
Skaggs, M. | |
Skaggs, Martha A. | |
Skaggs, Peggy A. | |
Sliter, Alexander | |
Sliter, Sarah Ann Mayo | |
Sliter, Sgt. Alfred C. View 2 | |
Lloyd Thomas View Military Stone |
h/o Rose Marie, US AIR FORCE KOREA |
Smith, Rebecca View 2 | |
Smith, Rebecca Angeline | |
Smith, Rose Marie | w/o Lloyd Thomas |
Smith, Viola F. | w/o William T. |
Smith, William T. | h/o Viola F. |
Stacy, Rosemarie | |
Staples, Callie | w/o Roy |
Staples, Roy | h/o Callie |
Stivers, Norma Lee | |
Stokes, Justin L. | |
Strauser, Sucorra May Zimmer | |
Suiter, Charles | AOM3 US NAVY WWII |
Suttle, Roy C. View 2 | |
Sylvia | Stone located next to B. J. Werley |
T | |
Tedder, Brenda Elaine | |
Tedder, Gloria K. | w/o Paul E. |
Tedder, Paul David | |
Tedder, Paul E. | h/o Gloria K. |
Thompson, David Allen | |
Thompson, David M. | |
Thornton Genora | w/o John I. |
Thornton, John I. | h/o Genora |
Todd, Clark W. | |
Todd, Donald Ray | |
Todd, James F. | |
Todd, John Paul | |
Trusty, Mary M. |
Uhl, Earnest L. Military Stone | h/o Wilma F., US ARMY WWII |
Uhl, Wilma F. | w/o Earnest L. |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown | |
Unknown View 2 |
Y | |
Yancheck, Adam | |
Yates, Clarence L. | |
Yates, Claude J. | |
Yates, Clifford View 2 | |
Yates, Ira Edward View 2 | |
Yates, Noris R. | |
Yeargain, B. W. |
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