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Missy is no ordinary dog. She's the best K-9 Tombstone
Hunter in St. Francois County, Missouri!

Here's Missy being crowned an "official" cemetery angel!

Even though Missy is a "mighty" tombstone hunter, she's always
well-behaved and lady-like!
She's very respectful of the graves and has never been known to do any "bad"
doggy things
while on one of her cemetery adventures!

"Here I am enjoying a perfect Sunday afternoon. A warm breeze is
blowing through my lovely long hair as I search out those elusive tombstones hidden under
the colorful autumn leaves! Also, as you can see, the exercise is great for my
figure! However, my Aunt Bettye says that I have to make sure I leave before the sun goes
down or else someone might think I'm a little white ghost prowling around the cemetery and
have a heart attack!"

It's bird ... it's a plane .... it's Superdog!

"Hurry up mom ..... come check this one out! It says her name was
I think we might be related!

"Hmmmm.....which one should I check out next? So many tombstones ....
so little time!"
Note: When Missy's not out visiting cemeteries, she
can usually be found at home
with her "mom" and "dad" who are Larry and Sharon Hackworth of
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