Photographed August - September 2005

by Larry and Sharon Hackworth



A .
Adams, James E. .
Adams, Malinda .
Agnew, Charles Andrew (military Stone) GM3 US Navy WWII
Agnew, Cora Elizabeth .
Agnew, Frieda M. w/o William E.
Agnew, Harold James .
Agnew, Inez A. .
Agnew, Iva M.  w/o Thomas H.
Agnew, Linzy M. h/o Maude L.
Agnew, Maude L. w/o Linzy M.
Agnew, Norma Jane Infant of Linzy and Maude Agnew
Agnew, Thomas H. h/o Iva M.
Agnew, William E. h/o Frieda M.
Albaugh, Austin A. .
Albaugh, Dorothy d/o Wesley and Myrtle Albaugh
Albaugh, Mary  .
Albaugh, Myrtle M. w/o Wesley F.
Albaugh, Wesley F. h/o Myrtle M.
Albaugh, Raymond  .
Allen, Harland R h/o Mildred M.
Allen, Mildred M. w/o Harland R.
Anderson, Daisy V. .
Anderson, Gertrude w/o Raymond
Anderson, Josephine  w/o Mounce
Anderson, Mounce h/o Josephine
Anderson, Raymond h/o Gertrude
Archer, Mary .
Archibee, Carol Marie  (back) Infant d/o Lee and Beulah M.
Aubuchon, Gertrude w/o Shelby D.
Aubuchon, Melissa A. w/o Eli B. Aubuchon
Aubuchon, Shelby D. Jr. s/o Shelby D. and Gertrude

B .
Bable, Walter Eugene .
Bader, Pearl R. .
Bader, William Dale Missouri PFC 6, Marines 2 Marine Div
Baldwin, Charles S. h/o Evalyn
Baldwin, Evalyn w/o Charles S.
Ball Family Stone .
     Ball, Ethel W. w/o John
     Ball, Iva .
     Ball, Iva Janette w/o Wilson Woodrow
     Ball, John h/o Ethel W.
     Ball, Wilson Woodrow h/o Iva Janette
Ballard Family Stone .
     Ballard, James C. .
     Ballard, Lizzie M. .
Ballard, Fannie Starbird w/o John Gaines
Ballard, Frank IMilitary Stone PFC, US Army Air Forces WWII
Ballard, James A.  .
Ballard, John G. .
Ballard, John Gaines h/o Fannie Starbird
Ballard, John Shaw .
Ballard, M. Lynn h/o Virginia L.
Ballard, Virginia L. w/o M. Lynn
Batten, Wm. .
Beard, Louis E.  Military Stone SR3 US Navy WWII
Beckerman, Florence Perkins .
Beckerman, George W. Missouri SGT Co B, 501 MIL Police BN WWII
Beckett, Martha P. .
Bequette, Edward  h/o Francis E.
Bequette, Francis E.  w/o Edward
Bequette, Henrietta View 2 w/o Louis P.
Bequette, Jennie M. .
Bequette, Louis P. View 2 h/o Henrietta
Bequette, Robert A. this stone sets in front of Louis P. and Henrietta's stone
Bequette, Robert J.  PFC US Army, Korea
Bess, Prince E.   View 2 s/o Mr. & Mrs. Levi Bess
Bess, Sarah .
Bess, William L. .
Bigbee, V. Ruth .
Bissonnette, Eva G. .
Black, Elizabeth .
Black, Ira Morris h/o Pearl E., married Dec 19, 1914
Black, Pearl E. (Smith) w/o Ira Morris
Black, William .
Blankenship Family Stone .
     Blankenship, Amelia A. .
     Blankenship, Vera E. .
     Blankenship, William Tyndal .
Blankenship, John L. .
Blankenship, Mary Ann .
Blankenship, Noah E. .
Blankenship, Thomas L.  View 2 .
Blankenship, Virgil A. .
Blaylock, Rufus h/o Sarah E.
Blaylock, Sarah E. w/o Rufus
Bloom, Anna M. w/o Raymond S.
Bloom, Dorothy M w/o Raymond B.
Bloom, Michael R. .
Bloom, Raymond BMilitary Stone h/o Dorothy M. Missouri F1 US Navy WWII
Bloom, Raymond S. h/o Anna M..
Bohs, Earl J.  h/o Helen C.
Bohs, Helen C. w/o Earl J.
Bowers, Bobby .
Bowers, E. Lorene w/o Robert E.
Bowers, Robert E. h/o of E. Lorene
Bowling, Bert .
Bowling, Pearl R. .
Bowyer, Jessie Ann w/o Robert N.
Bowyer, Robert N. h/o Jessie Ann
Boyd, L. Reva .
Boyer, M. Labrot .
Brann, George M. h/o Sadie A.
Brann, Sadie A.  w/o George M.
Brann, Thomas H. .
Bray, John H.  h/o Tennessee
Bray, Roy S. .
Bray, Tennessee w/o John H.
Brewen, James I. .
Brewster, Cora E. .
Brewster, Edgar E. .
Brewster, Elizabeth w/o Marvin
Brewster, Marvin h/o Elizabeth
Brewster, Nancy Baby
Brewster, Zeno .
Briggs, Melissa Ann .
Brolaski, William F.  .
Brookmann, Helen Umfleet .
Brown, Clyde, EMilitary Stone h/o Mynaun (Carr), PFC US Army, WWII
Brown, Mynaun (Carr) w/o Clyde E.
Buckley, Florence L. w/o Harvey W.
Buckley, Harvey W. h/o Florence L.
Buhrmester, Annie E. w/o Frederick W.
Buhrmester, Beulah Mae View 2 w/o George W.
Buhrmester, Clinton C. .
Buhrmester, Frederick W. h/o Annie E.
Buhrmester, George W.   View 2 h/o Beulah Mae, BM2 US Coast Guard WWII
Buhrmester, George Wesley .
Buhrmester, Nellie Mae .
Burns, Alma Wolfe w/o Goldman Lee
Burns, Goldman, Lee h/o Alma Wolfe
Byington, Evelyn Mae .

C .
Cain, Clara Key w/o John W.
Cain, John W. h/o Clara Key
Caldwell, Jas   View 2 VA MIL. REV. WAR
Calhoun, Willa Coffer .
Callahan, Tywalla L. .
Camden, Ida May .
Camden, Ruby J. .
Camden, W. Taylor .
Camden, Willard .
Cameron, Don H.  h/o Kate
Cameron, Kate w/o Don H.
Campbell, Effie M.  .
Campbell, Herbert L. .
Campbell, James Lee Missouri PVT Artillery
Campbell, Robert L. PV US Army WWII
Campbell, Sara L. .
Carlyon, Ronald D. .
Carter, Barbara G. .
Carter, Jean .
Cheesebrough, Lillian w/o Thomas
Cheesebrough, Thomas h/o Lillian
Chilton, Mathilda .
Christopher, Charley E. .
Clark, Dorothy Marie   
Clark, Flemon D.  h/o Isora L.
Clark, Isora L. w/o Flemon D.
Claywell, James E. .
Claywell, John T.  h/o Mary Jane
Claywell, Mary Jane w/o John T.
Claywell, Ruah A. .
Claywell, Simon P. .
Clinton, David O.  Military Stone h/o Dianna L., SP4 WU Army, Vietnam, married Dec 12, 1970, parent of David Jr., Tracy and Markus.
Clinton, Dianna L.   Back View w/o David O., married Dec 12, 1970, parent of David Jr., Tracy and Markus.
Coffer, Carrie E. w/o William E.
Coffer, Herbert H. SSGT US Air Force, Korea
Coffer, William E. h/o Carrie E.
Coffman, Bertha L. w/o Chan
Coffman, Chan h/o Bertha L.
Coffman, Gloria P. w/o William E.
Coffman, Odus C. .
Coffman, William E. h/o Gloria P.
Cole, Brenda Carol Infant of Homer and Eileen Cole
Cole, Darrell S. Medal of Honor, SGT, US Marine Corps WWII
Cole, Eileen V. w/o Homer D.
Cole, Gayland R. .
Cole, Grace Irene .
Cole, Herbert h/o Lorene
Cole, Homer D.  Military Stone h/o Eileen V., PFC US Army WWII
Cole, Howard G. PFC US Army WWII
Cole, Lorene w/o Herbert
Cole, Mary M. w/o Samuel R.
Cole, Samuel R. h/o Mary M.
Collins, Deborah Ann w/o Phil Roger, married March 29, 1980
Collins, Phil Roger h/o Deborah Ann, married March 29, 1980
Conrad, Amanda (Masters) .
Conrad, David Emil .
Conway, Carol F. .
Conway, Ewell E. .
Cooper, Doyle Lee .
Cooper, John C. h/o Ollie M., Missouri MBL ORD Repair Shop, WWI
Cooper, Ollie M. w/o John C.
Copher, Ed h/o Mattie
Copher, Mattie w/o Ed
Copher, George .
Copher, Morris F. h/o Virginia M.
Copher, Virginia M. w/o Morris F.
Copher, William E. s/o C. E. and Mattie B.
Counts Family .
     Counts, Edna F. .
     Counts, Elizabeth Hyndman .
     Counts, Marion C. .
     Green, Ada N. .
     Green, Paul .
     Wampler, Zoa nee Counts .
Counts, Everett E. PVT US Marine Corps WWI
Counts, Hazel E. .
Counts, J. Fred .
Counts, Joel Howard h/o Rosa E.
Counts, Rosa E. w/o Joel Howard
Counts, Susan E. .
Covington, Harold B. s/o W. T. & Maymie
Covington - Parker- Hendrick .
     Covington, Beulah A. .
     Covington, James Clay .
     Covington, James Wm. .
     Covington, Lucy Z. .
Cox, Edward F. .
Cox, Martha R. .
Crabdree, C. Columbus .
Crabdree, Florial C. .
Crabdree, Minnie J. .
Crice, Ashley N. .
Crice, Matthew .
Crowder, Emma Edith w/o Marvin W. Crowder
Crowder, Marvin W. h/o Emm Edith
Crouch, Barbara A. w/o B. Jack
Crouch, B. Jack h/o Barbara A.
Cunningham Family .
     G. W. .
     Mattie .
Cunningham Family  .
     Cunningham, Blanche Adele .
Cunningham, Hubert E.  Military Stone h/o Joyce S., Missouri PVT Quartermaster Corps WWI
Cunningham, Joyce S. w/o Hubert E.
Cynthia  .

Dalton, A. Leon .
Dalton, Elsie w/o Walter C.
Dalton, Walter C. h/o Elsie
Daugherty .
Davis, Algen F. .
Davis, Carl B.  h/o Freda B.
Davis, Freda B. w/o Carl B.
Davis, George A. h/o Thelma J.
Davis, Golda w/o Orville
Davis, Hellen Marie .
Davis, Henry .
Davis, Henry Lindsay .
Davis, Howard W. .
Davis, Thelma J. w/o George A.
Davis, Katherine E. .
Davis, Martha E.  .
Davis, Mary Shaw .
Davis, Mildred Marie .
Davis, Orville h/o Golda
Davis, Orville F. .
Day, Eliza East Age 78yrs, 6 months, 26 days.
DeBlois, Daisy A. w/o Floyd H.
DeBlois, Floyd H.   Military Stone  h/o Daisy A., Missouri PVT Co C 1 Prov Regt., WWI
Deckard, Heather Anne Leslie .
DeGrant, Larry Paul .
Dettmer, Edith w/o William
Dettmer, William  Military Stone h/o Edith
Dillard, Ephram .
Dillard, Gillis .
Dillard, Minda J. .
Dillard, Nora Aged 21 yrs.
Dixon, Isabelle w/o Reuel T.
Dixon, Reuel T. h/o Isabelle
Doss, Clara w/o Rev. H. W.
Doss, Gloria d/o Matilda
Doss, Homer L. .
Doss, Jesse F. w/o Marvel L., married Sept 8, 1935
Doss, John E.
Doss, John R. Missouri PFC 50 Inf. 13 Div, WWI
Doss, Martha J
Doss, Marvel L. h/o Jesse F., married Sept 8, 1935
Doss, Matilda m/o Gloria
Doss, Rev. H. W.  w/o Clara
Doss, Ruby C. .
Duncan, Barbara L. .
Duncan, Fred E. h/o Mildred L.
Duncan, Mildred L. w/o Fred E.
Duncan, Howard B. Jr. .


E .
Eaton, A. Cassie w/o J. Henry
Eaton, J. Henry h/o A. Cassie.
Eckart, Margarethe .
Eddington, Jeanette .
Edgar, Delmar L. h/o Mildred L.
Edgar, Mildred L. w/o Delmar L.
Elvins, Emma E. w/o Prentice
Elvins, Prentice h/o Emma E.
Elvins, Raymond (Barney) h/o Viola (Jo), married Aug 29, 1936
Elvins, Viola (Jo) w/o Raymond (Barney), married Aug 29, 1936
Elvins, Viola Mae .
Emerson, Jeffrey S. .
Evans, Adolph A. h/o Eunice E.
Evans, Eunice E. w/o Adolph A.
Evans, Cecil E. G. .
Evans, Earnest J. h/o Elizabeth J.
Evans, Elizabeth J. w/o Earnest J.
Evans, H. Lloyd .
Evans, Howard A. h/o M. Alice
Evans, M. Alice w/o Howard A.
Evans, Malba A. .
Evans, Martha R. L.  w/o B. F. Evans
Evens, Howard J. h/o Mary Ellen Johnson
Evens, Mary Ellen Johnson w/o Howard J.


F .
Farmer, Robert  .
Fender, Cecil A. .
Fender, Pearl G. .
Ferguson, Florence V. .
Fields, Hettie B. .
Fields, John C. .
      Juanita next to John and Hettie Fields
Finger, Pearl A. .
Finger, William H. .
Fischbeck, Carl W. h/o Dorothy nee Presnell
Fischbeck, Dorothy nee Pressnell w/o Carl W.
Fitzgerald, Idell w/o William A.
Fitzgerald, William A. h/o Idell
Flanery, Jesse CMilitary Stone h/o Myrtle S., PVT US Army WWI
Flanery, Esther H. w/o Otto H.
Flanery, Myrtle S. w/o Jesse C.
Flanery, Otto H.  Military Stone h/o Esther H., Missouri Cook HQ Engineers WWI
Fogarty, James E. .
Foister, Virginia Ann .
Frazier, Alice P. .
Frazier, Coleman P.  View 2   View 3 Missouri OVT 128 INF, 05 Div
Frazier, W. R.  .
Freeman, Cecil Max .
Freeman, Mary C. .
Freeman, Max .


Gall, Elizabeth G. w/o of William T.
Gall, William T. h/o Elizabeth G.
George, Freda h/o James I., married Aug 9, 1941
George, James I. w/o Freda, married Aug 9, 1941
Gerstenschlager, Barbara Ann w/o Marion Glenn
Gerstenschlager, Marion Glen h/o Barbara Ann
Gerstenschlager, Glen Edward .
Gerstenschlager, Marion Karl .
Gibson, Family Stone
     Gibson, Green .
     Gibson, Nancy .
Gidden, Kendra Alyssa .
Gillis, Alfred R. h/o Louisa C.
Gillis, Louisa C. w/o Alfred R
Gilman, Jane Deloris  .
Givens, Vada .
Goforth, Daily .
Graves, George Edwin h/o Lola Beatrice
Graves, Lola Beatrice w/o George Edwin
Grayson, Benjamin D. h/o Debby A.
Grayson, Debby A. w/o Benjamin D.
Grayson, Roy D. .
Green, Elsie Marie .
Green, Cordelia w/o Louis Edgar
Green, Louis Edgar h/o Cordelia
Groom, Edna M. w/o Frank
Groom, Frank h/o Edna M.
Groom, Iola .
Gross, James C. .
Gross, Nola O. .
Gruhala, Frank  SGT USAAF, WWII
Gunnett, Corinne W. w/o Sanford M.
Gunnett, E. Spurgeon  h/o Opal
Gunnett, Margaret A. w/o Rev. Emanuel
Gunnett, Opal w/o E. Spurgeon
Gunnett, Rev. Emanuel h/o Margaret A.
Gunnett, Sanford M. h/o Corinne W.


Hager, Georgia T. w/o Robert E.
Hager, Robert E. h/o Georgia T.
Halbrook, Dora V. w/o Levi A.
Halbrook, Levi A. h/o Dora V.
Halbrook, Matilda  .
Halbrook, Willard Dale .
Hall, Julia Adeline nee Chapman .
Halter, Catherine w/o Jacob
Halter, Jacob h/o Catherine
Hamm, Clara M. w/o Rev. J. W.
Hamm, Eugene R. .
Hamm, Rev. J. W h/o Clara
Hardy, Cynthia Nora w/o Glenn A., married Feb 1, 1931
Hardy, Glenn A. h/o Cynthia Nora, married Feb 1, 1931
Harper, Annabelle w/p Joseph H.
Harper, Joseph H. h/o Annabelle
Hart, Carrie M. .
Hartman, Edna Propst .
Hartman, Emma M. .
Hartman, Wm. L.  .
Hartupee, Justin A. s/o Mike and Dean
Haynes, Ethel Etta w/o Jacob
Haynes, Jacob h/o Ethel Etta
Head, Henry  h/o Maggie P.
Head, Maggie P. w/o Henry
Head, Milburn P. .
Helms, Ray .
Henderson, Erma J. .
Henderson, Henry .
Hensley, Earl Cecil Jr.  Military Stone .
Hensley, Frieda Mae .
Hensley, Pearl Louisa .
Hesker, Myrtle L. .
Hortiz, Doyla Crabdree .
Horton, Deulah Maurine w/o Thomas Francis
Horton, Jerry Michael .
Horton, Thomas Francis h/o Deulah Maurine
House, James H.   View 2 h/o Pauline G.
House, Pauline G.   View 2 w/o James H
House, baby boy    View 2 s/o James H. and Pauline G.
Hoy, Obediah William  h/o Susanna Ziegler 
Hoy, Susanna Ziegler w/o Obediah William
Huddleston, Hazel DView 2 .
Huff, Amanda w/o William Carl
Huff, Amos Wharton   View 2 s/o W. C. & Amanda Huff
Huff, Shelby Jean d/o Inez Huff
Huff, William Carl  h/o Amanda
Hughes, C. Mont h/o Lena
Hughes, Delbert C s/o Mont & Lena
Hughes, Dorothea E.  w/o George H.
Hughes, Eugene Keith s/o M. I. & L. B. 
Hughes, Everett W.   View 2 .
Hughes, F. Marion .
Hughes, Genevieve Emily d/o M. I. & L. B. 
Hughes, George H. h/o Dorothea E.
Hughes, Irene .
Hughes, Lena w/o C. Mont
Hughes, Lena w/o Marcus I.
Hughes, Mamie .
Hughes, Marcus I. w/o Lena
Hughes, Myrtle H.
Hughes, Raymond s/o Mont & Lena
Hughes, Wesley  .
Huie, Edna A. w/o William F.
Huie, Thomas M. .
Huie, William F. h/o Edna A.
Hulsey, Alma A. "Wills" w/o Hubert
Hulsey, Charles E. .
Hulsey, Henry A. h/o Maranda Ann
Hulsey, Hubert h/o Alma A. "Wills"
Hulsey, Katie Mae .
Hulsey, Maranda Ann w/o Henry A.
Hulsey, Patricia J. .
Hunt, Ida G. w/o J. W. 
Hunt, James Walker s/o J. W. & L. B. 
Hunt, Marie O. .
Hupp, Henry N. .
Hutson, Delores K. .
Hutson, Donald B.. .


Jackson, Blanche I. w/o Warner
Jackson, Warner h/o Blanche I.
Jennings, Carl E.  Military Stone SP4 US Army
Jennings, Harry D.  PFC US Army WWII
Jennings, Margaret Mae (Ferguson) .
Jennings, Mary L.  w/o Z. B.
Jennings, Virgil .
Jennings, Z. B.  h/o Mary L.
Johnson, Amos h/o Anna M.
Johnson, Anna M. w/o Amos
Johnson, Edward A. h/o Genevieve
Johnson, Florence w/o Luther
Johnson, Genevieve w/o Edward E.
Johnson, Gerald F. Missouri PVC 83 CMI Div, WWII
Johnson, Jaunita Faye .
Johnson, Lester Darrah .
Johnson, Louis J. h/o Minnie B.
Johnson, Luther h.o Florence
Johnson, Minnie B. w/o Louis J.
Johnson, Nancy Anna w/o W. Edward
Johnson, Orville Glenn .
Johnson, W. Edward h/o Nancy Anna
Johnson, Winifred w/o W. E. 
Joiner, Leon E. .
Joiner, Lucy L. w/o Nealy
Joiner, Nealy h/o Lucy L.
Jordan, Fannie w/o of Gorge R.
Jordan, George R. h/o of Fannie
Jordan, Nicholas H. s/o Geo R. and Fannie


K .
Kalawaia, Vern Kila .
Karsch, Emma C. .
Karsch, Frederick M. .
Karsch, Frederick Michael II .
Karsch, Maxine J. .
Karsch, Minnie Mae Albert w/o W. A. Karsch
Karsch, Neva R. w/o W. Albert 
Karsch, Phillip Donald .
Karsch, Virginia Mae .
Karsch, W. Albert h/o Neva R.
Karsch, William Adam .
Keith, Hugh L. h/o Josephine
Keith, Josephine w/o Hugh L.
Kelly, Austain G. .
Kelley, John L. .
Kelly, Joseph Noel Missouri PFC Medical Department WWII
Kelly, Lester W. .
Kelly, Lou Ella  .
Kelly, Nellie M. w/o Robert N.
Kelly, Robert N. h/o Nellie M.
Kendall, William A. .
Kennedy, Glenwood F. Missouri PFC 739 AAA Gun BN CAC WWII
Kennon, Clyde E.  h/o Martha B.
Kennon, Martha B.  w/o Clyde E.
Kennon, Clyde Lynn .
Kennon, Lena L. Doss .
Kerlagon, Florence E. w/o J. Monroe
Kerlagon, J. Monroe h/o Florence E.
King, James F. h/o Mary E.
King, Mary E. w/o James F.
Knowles, John A. .
Kux, Kurt Alfred .


L .
LaBrot, Carl .
LaBrot, Joseph .
LaBrot, Lena .
LaBruyere, David W. .
Lacey, Charles h/o Hattie Mabel
Lacey, Hattie Mabel w/o Charles
LaHay, Lawrence P. PFC US Army WWII
Langley, James H. .
Larned, Pearl M. w/o Percy L.
Larned, Percy L. h/o Pearl M.
LaRose, Paul W. h/o Violet L.
LaRose, Violet L. w/o Paul W.
Lawrence, Ellis J. h/o Laura K.
Lawrence, Laura K. w/o Ellis J.
Leach, Virginia M. .
Leach, Woodrow W. .
Lee, Tiffany Dawn .
Leist, Frank JMilitary Stone h/o Myrtle C., Missouri PVT BTRY B 341 Field Arty, WWI
Leist, Myrtle C. w/o Frank J.
Leist, Frank Joe .
Lemmon, Hattie A. .
Lemmon, William E. Illinois PVT US Marine Corps WWI
Lewis, Billie s/o J. W. & V. V.
Lewis, Eleanor Louise .
Lewis, John W .
Lloyd, Curtis T. .
Lloyd, Lorene E. .
London Family Stone .
     London, Esther E. .
     London, William P. .
Long, Albin L.  .
Long, Gertrude .
Long, Mary S. .
Lumos, Alvin .
Lumos, Melvin .
Lunsford, Ellen G.  w/o Ernest W.
Lunsford, Ernest W. h/o Ellen G.
Lunsford, Jess W.  Military Stone PVT US Army WWII
Lunsford, Byrtle, D. .
Lunsford, Kasher H. Missouri PFC 110 ENGRS 35 DIV WWI
Lusk, Myrtle A. .
Lusk, Walter Lee .
Lynde, John S.  h/o Sadie J.
Lynde, Sadie J. w/o John S.
Lynde, Paul W. .


M .
Marks, David P.  .
Marks, Lorena .
Marler, Emily Lorine w/o Clyde E.
Marler, Clyde E. h/o Emily Lorine
Mathews, Jennette Ann Henderson nee Parks .
Mattingly, Terry E. .
May, George Dewey  View 2 stone is broken from base and laying face up on ground
Mayberry, Carl E. h/o Minnie A.
Mayberry, Minnie A. w/o Carl E.
McCall, Cynthia A. .
McCall, John C. .
McCarron, Delores M. .
McChesney, Anna C. w/o Thomas H.
McChesney, Thomas H. h/o Anna C.
McClary, Clyde E. h/o Marple L.
McClary, Marple L.  w/o Clyde E.
McDaniel, Dora .
McDaniel, Isaiah .
McDaniel, John W.  37Ys., 4Ms., 23Ds.
McDaniel, Lizzie .
McDaniel, Marian   Missouri PVT US Army WWI
McDaniel, Mary J. .
McDaniel, Sterling S. .
McGee, Earl S.  h/o Viola
McGee, Jennie w/o Walter
McGee, Leonard K.   .
McGee, Leonard K. Jr.  SA US Navy 
McGee, Melvin  h/o Neatie E.
McGee, Neatie E.  w/o Melvin
McGee, Viola  w/o Earl S.
McGee, Walter h/o Jennie
McNabb, Gladys R .
McNabb, Robert M. .
McWorthy, J. L. Family .
     Ray M. .
     McWorthy, Roy S. Illinois PVT US Army WWII
Mead, Dora .
Mead, Harry LeRoy  CPL US Army, Korea
Mead, John Sam .
Mead, Roy L.  .
Mellgren, Blanch E. .
Meyer, Charles F. h/o Martha
Meyer, Martha w/o Charles F.
Miller, Everett P.  h/o Naomi L.
Miller, Naomi L. w/o Everett P.
Minks, Clyde C.  .
Minks, David R. PFC US Army WWII
Minks, Mark A. .
Minks, Stephen D. .
Mitchell, Harry E.   Military Stone h/o Mary L., Oklahoma PVT Co H 56 Inf Div WWI
Mitchell, Mary L. w/o Harry E.
Moore, Carrie V.  w/o Clarence E.
Moore, Clarence E.  h/o Carrie V.
Mosier, Aubrey O.  .
Mosier, Floy A. .
Mosier, Kermit R. SrMilitary Stone h/o Nellie G., married Oct 28, 1936, Missouri, S1, USNR WWII
Mosier, Nellie G. w/o Kermit R. Sr., married Oct 28, 1936
Moss, Lewis L. Deaf Mute
Mounce, Alice Faye w/o James D.
Mounce, Annie Gertrude w/o James
Mounce, James h/o Annie Gertrude
Mounce, James D. h/o Alice Faye
Moyer, Doris Maxine d/o O. R. and G. O.
Moyer, Golden Opal d/o M. & Josephine Anderson
Moyer, Ida M. w/o Joseph E.
Moyer, Joseph E. h/o Ida M.
Mullersman Family .
     Mullersman, Ferd .
     Lois Hannah .
     Mullersman, Rose .
     Rosemary .
Murphy, Alfred .
Murphy, Angel Renee .
Murphy, Annise .
Murphy, Etta Mae .
Murphy, Harold G. PFC US Army Korea
Murphy, Paula Neoma .
Murphy, Ruth Hortense .
Murray Family .
     Basil C. .
     Fronia E. .
     James .
Murray, Ethel A.  View 2 w/o Milburn S. 
Murray, Milburn S.  View 2 h/o Ethel A.


N .
Nabors, Clois G. w/o Linoel A.
Nabors, Linoel A. h/o Clois G.
Napple, Dora A. .
Nelms, Charles H. .
Nelms, Elizabeth .
Neustaedter, Infant  s/o H. A. & V. H. 


O'Sullivan, Lillie w/o Murt
O'Sullivan, Murt h/o Lillie


Palmer, Buster .
Parks, Otis Harlan Missouri PVT 164 Depot Brig 
Patterson, Ella .
Patterson, Gentry T. .
Patterson, Helen May  View 2 .
Patterson, Ira .
Patterson, Margaret A. View 2 .
Patterson, William Grait  View 2 .
Penberthy, Nettie nee Kiepe .
Penberthy, Robert Missouri PVT 15 Co. 162 Depot Brig WWI
Perkins, Artie F. .
Perkins, C. Guy .
Perkins, George B. .
Perkins, John L. .
Perkins, Rosemary .
Perkins, Walter B. Missouri SP4 17 Cav 173 ABN BDE
Perry, Donald Ray .
Perry, Elizabeth S. .
Perry, Minnie MView 2 broken off base, on ground face up.
Pinkston, James T. h/o Jessie A.
Pinkston, Jessie A. w/o James T.
Pipkin, Charles P.  .
Pipkin, Earl E. .
Pipkin, John Leslie  Missouri PVT Btry D 27 CA TNG 3 WWII
Pipkin, John W.  .
Pippin, Ruby M .
Politte, Frank M. .
Politte, Norman R. h/o Vivian R.
Politte, Roy M.  
Politte, Vivian R. .w/o Norman R.
Pratt, Charles .
Pratt, Charles R. h/o Viola A.
Pratt, Viola A. w/o Charles R.
Presnell, Anna Mae TEC 3 US Army WWII
Presnell, Jane (baby)  d/o Roy & Rosine
Presnell, Rosine C. w/o Roy E.
Presnell, Roy E. h/o Rosine C.
Price, Lester A. h/o Thelma I.
Price, Thelma I. w/o Lester A.
Priday, Alice Virginia .
Priday, Daisy L. .
Pridemore, John J. h/o Stella M.
Pridemore, Stella M. w/o John J.
Propst, Harold A. .
Propst, Minnie Lee .
Pryor, Charles   View 2 Aged 29 yrs.


Q .
Qualls, Freida G. .
Qualls, George E. .
Qualls, June P. .


R .
Reece, William Clark .
Reed, Herbert Eugene F1 US Navy
Reese, Cora .
Reese, W. L.  .
Rehkop, Gale Leeman w/o John Henry
Rehkop, John Henry h/o Gale Leeman
Rennie, George W. .
Rhodes Family Stone .
     Rhodes, Chas M. .
     Rhodes, Margaret .
     Warren, Charles E. .
Rickard, Clarinda nee Gray .
Rickard, John W. .
Rickard, L. B. .
Rickard, Martha E. .
Rickard, Orville Roland .
Rickard, Vincent Linn .
Rickard, Willa Marie .
Rickard, Wm. MView 2 .
Rion, Alvin Milton   Military Stone PFC US Army WWII
Rion, Bertha  w/o Oscar A.
Rion, Dorothy Mae .
Rion, Edith  .
Rion, Harold E. .
Rion, John Everett .
Rion, Mary L. .
Rion, Milton E. .
Rion, Oscar A. .h/o Bertha
Rion, Robert Edward .
Ritter, James Lee .
Ritter, Melissia nee Taylor .
Robbins, Lucy June .
Robbins, Miranda G. .
Robinson, Billy Louis Jr. Stillborn
Robinson, Elsie M. nee Kalbrook .
Robinson, Joseph F. .
Robinson, Lillie E. w/o Samuel W.
Robinson, Mary R.  w/o Richard M.
Robinson, Pearl  .
Robinson, Richard M. h/o Mary R.
Robinson, Samuel W.  h/o Lillie E.
Robinson, Willie .
Rodenhofer, Margaret .
Rodgers, Hettie Luvenia .
Rodgers, William N. .
Roe, Alfred M.  h/o Nora M.
Roe, Nora M. w/o Alfred M.
Roland, Freeda Mae .
Rosch, Nancy C. nee Pettus .
Rudy, Jennie Marks w/o Jos. R. Rudy
Rudy, Jos. R.  h/o Jennie Marks
Rudy, Mollie .
Russell, Edna R. w/o Fred E., married Dec 26, 1925
Russell, Fred E.  h/o Edna R., married Dec 26, 1925
Ryal, James T. .


S .
Sackmann, Mena .
Sackmann, W. L.  .
Sager, Irene E. .
Schmidt, Shirley Bloom .
Schneider, Fred .
Sebastian, Anna w/o Earl
Sebastian, Earl   Military Stone h/o Anna, SN US Navy WWI
Sebastian, William Earl s/o Earl & Anna
Seel, John E. .
Seel, Maggie Spray .
Shaw, Frances L. .
Shaw, Harry S. .
Shaw, Katie Isabella  d/o A. E. & S. H. Shaw
Shaw, Mary A w/o Philip A.
Shaw, Philip A. h/o Mary A.
Shaw, W. A.  .
Shelley, Edmund B. .
Shelley, Irene .
Short, Donald Everett SRA US Air Force
Shy, Mary E. .
Shy, Welton L. .
Shy, W. R.  .
Siebert, Clara E. .
Siebert, Louis L. Missouri PFC Btry C 129 Fld Arty WWI
Siegenthale, Simon P. Missouri PVT 350 Infant WWI
Silvey, Elmer "Bill" h/o Marion G.
Silvey, Marion G. w/o Elmer "Bill"
Silvey, Loyd .
Silvey, Mary A. .
Simpson, Sedalia M. .
Sisson, Willie B. View 2  View 3 d/o John G. Ballard, m/o Mary S.Davis
Slough, James Carl Col. US Air Force WWII / Korea
Slough, Loralee R.  .
Smith, Charles H. .
Smith, Donald W.  s/o W. W. & Viola E. Smith
Smith, Dorothy L.  w/o Raymond C.
Smith, Edyth Fay .
Smith, Esther L.  w/o Tony Jr.
Smith, J. Everett .
Smith, Mary F.  .
Smith, Raymond C.   Military Stone  h/o Dorothy L., PFC US Army WWII
Smith Family Stone  
     Smith, John L.  
     Smith, Maple C.  
     Smith, Virginia L. .
     Smith, William A. .
     Smith, William M. .
Snow, Eliza Jane .
Spray, William H.  .
Stabener, Mamie P.
Stark, Harold B. (Jim) h/o Mary Ellen
Stark, Mary Ellen w/o Harold B. (Jim)
Stegall, Elda A. .
Stegall, Lela  w/o C. G. Stegall
Straughan, Alyce Kay Baby
Straughan, David E. h/o Maxine
Straughan, Maxine w/o David E.
Straughan, Edward William  s/o Russell & Perle 
Straughan, Perle w/o Russell H.
Straughan, Russell H. h/o Perle
Sutton, Ann .
Sutton, Anna E. w/o Joseph Samuel
Sutton, Joseph Samuel h/o Anna E.
Sutton, Warren Harvy .
Emmett Swink Family .
     Swink, Berenelle Beatrice .
     Swink, Edna B. .
     Swink, Emmett D. .
     Swink, George E. .


Taplin, Eugene M. .
Taplin, Frances P.    View 2 w/o Harley W.
Taplin, Harley W.    View 2 h/o Frances P.
Taylor, C. W.  .
Taylor, Nadine E. .
Taylor, Ozell .
Taylor, Verna V. .
Terry, Timothy Michael .
Thomas, Clarence E. Missouri PVT Co C 314 Ammo Train WWI
Thomas, Elba Marie .
Thomas, Irene .
Thomasson, Anna D.  w/o John N.
Thomasson, John N. h/o Anna D.
Thompson, Dudley H. .
Thomure, Birdie M.  w/o Glenwood L.
Thomure, Catherine V. .
Thomure, Glenwood L.  h/o Birdie M.
Thomure, Glennwood C. .
Thomure, Louis S. .
Thomure, Oscar L.  
Thornton, Leora K.  View 2 w/o Harold B.
Thornton, Harold BView 2 h/o Leora K.
Thurman, Alma F.  .
Thurman, Alonzo W. .
Thurman, Cora C.  w/o Joseph A.
Thurman, Joseph A. h/o Cora C.
Thurman, Myrtle A. .
Thurmond, Homer T. .
Treaster Family .
     Treaster, Augusta M. .
     Treaster, Jacob M. .
     Treaster, Mary E. .
Tuggle, Charley O. .
Tuggle, Rose A.  .
Tullock, Eliza  .
Turner, Geo. A.  h/o Jenettie C.
Turner, Jefferson D.  .
Turner, Jenettie C. w/o Geo. A.
Turner, Vivian G. .


U .
Umfleet, Gus .
Umfleet, Harold Vernon .
Umfleet, Jeff h/o Mary Francis
Umfleet, Mary Francis w/o Jeff
Unknown 1 .
Unknown 2 .
Unknown 3 .
Unknown 4 .
Unknown 5 .
Unknown 6 .
Usery, Chester H. h/o Esther M.
Usery, Esther M. w/o Chester H.


V .
Vandiver, Lon P. .
Vansickles, Howard O. .
Vechorik, Dominik    View 2 h/o Pearl L.
Vechorik, Pearl L.   View 2 w/o of Dominik
Vogel, Edgar L.  View 2 .


W .
Wagner, Gretchen Karsch .
Wagner, Robert Louis .
Wallace, Perry B. .
Wallace, Sadie .
Wann, Ida L. w/o Sterling G.
Wann, Sterling G. h/o Ida L.
Warne, Mortimore .
Warren, Angil L.  .
Warren, Anna Elizabeth d/o A. L. & Bertha 
Warren, Bertha May .
Watkins, Anna EView 2 w/o T. Alfred
Watkins, George LMilitary Stone h/o Genevieve, Missouri 1st Lt. Medical Corps WWI
Watkins Genevieve w/o George L.
Watkins, T. Alfred  View 2 h/o Anna E.
Watson, Laura M. .
Watts, Augustus .
Watts, Hiram PVT. Co E. 50th MO Reg. Inf.
Watts, Leo A. .
Watts, Newton L.  .
Watts, Victoria .
Weber, Daisy M. .
Welland, Herman .
Welland, Mary L.  .
Werner, Estella (Elvins) w/o Hans A.
Werner, Hans A h/o Estella (Elvins)
Weston, Anna E. .
Weston, Frank J. .
Weston, Richard .
Weston, Samuel C. .
Westover, Anna .
Westover, James C. .
Westover, Job T.  h/o Ollive
Westover, Ollive  w/o Job T.
White, Albert .
White, Alice C. .
White, Betty Jean d/o J. T. & Leora A. White
White, Glen L. .
White, Harold Edwin s/o A. & C. A. White
White, Harold G. .
White, James N.  .
White, Myrtle E. w/o Roy G.
White, Roy G h/o Myrtle E.
White, Roy B. h/o Viola E.
White, Viola E. w/o Roy B.
Whiteaker, B. M.  .
Whiteaker, R. M.  .
Wilkinson, Edgar A.  h/o R. Jaunita 
Wilkinson, R. Jaunita w/o Edgar A.
Williams, Carrie D. w/o Odie M.
Williams, Charles E. .
Williams, Harvey L. .
Williams, Odie M. h/o Carrie D.
Williams, Rosalie M.  w/o Veay "Bill"
Williams, Veay "Bill" h/o Rosalie M.
Wilson, Cora J. .
Wilson, Paul E. baby
Wilson, Richard B. .
Wilson, Robert B. .
Wininger, Mildred C. .
Womack, James L.  h/o Lelia M.
Womack, Lelia M. w/o James L. 
Wood, Dorothy J.  w/o William T.
Wood, Lydia Mary .
Wood, William T.  Military Stone h/o Dorothy J., MT SGT US Marine Corps WWII
Wooldridge, Chloe .
Wunning, Charles  .
Wunning, Glenn .


Y .
Yancey, Albert Ray Missouri SGT CO A 731 Ordinance BN WWII
Yancey, Thomas W.  Military Stone h/o Ollie E., Missouri CO M 9 Infantry WWI
Yancey, Ollie E. w/o Thomas W.


Z .
Zeller, Edward .
Zeller, Lavinia .



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