Photographed August 2005

by Larry and Sharon Hackworth and Sue Resinger


Allen, Fred F. h/o M. Odessa
Allen, M. Odessa w/o Fred F.


B  .
Baker, Elsworth E. .
Baker, Frances, E. .
Baker, James E. .
Baker, Mary P. .
Bayless, baby Baby
Bayless, Earl D. Son of W. H. and G. E. Bayless
Bayless, Grace E. .
Bayless, Wm. Howard .
Biggs, Edward J. h/o Virginia E.
Biggs, Virginia E. w/o Edward J.
Biri, Henry A. h/o Martha E.
Biri, Martha E. w/o Henry A.
Black, Laura .
Blake, Charles (Ray) h/o Ethel M.
Blake, Ethel M. w/o Charles (Ray)
Bolon, Mae Petty .
Boswell Family Stone  view 2 .
     Alma L. w/o R. L. Boswell
     Lena w/o R. L. Boswell
     Raymond .
     Robert L. .
Bowling, Mary V.   view 2 w/o William W.
Bowling, William Mview 2 h/o Mary V.
Boyer, Angela Gay .
Boyer, Burlin T. h/o Isabel
Boyer, C. Zeno h/o Lottie
Boyer, Isabel w/o Burlin T.
Boyer, Lottie w/o C. Zeno
Braham Family Stone .
      Braham, Dr. J. W. .
      Braham, Gertrude Graves .
      Braham, John Van .
      Braham, Mary Elizabeth .
      Braham, Mary Jane .
      Tyler, Rolla .
Branch, Peggy Ann w/o Tony Carrol
Branch, Tony Carrol h/o Peggy Ann
Brewer Family Stone .
      Brewer, Ed .
      Brewer, James R. .
      Brewer, Nina M. .
Brumfield, Betty Lou .
Bryson, Mae .
Burford, Glemma .
Burford, James L. .
Burns, Carrie L. .
Burns, Edna S. .
Burns, Preston .
Byington, Catherine B. .
Byington, Kennett V. .

C .
Caldwell, LaDonna .
Caldwell, Ronald Gene Infant son
Caldwell, Lowell Dean Infant son
Caldwell, Nova O. w/o Roy G.
Caldwell, Roy G. h/o Nova O.
Chamberlain Family Stone .
      Chamberlain, D. K. .
      Chamberlain, Dillon D. .
      Chamberlain, Edyth G. .
      Chamberlain, Nancy E. .
Chandler Family Stone .
      Frieda C. .
      Gilbert .
      Laura A. .
      Levina .
      Terry .
      Theodore  B. .
      Velma .
Chinn Family Stone .
      Chinn, Mary Noland .
      Mother .
      Chinn, William Craig .
Cleve, Florence G.   w/o  Walter W.
Cleve, George A.  View 2 h/o Theresa A.
Cleve, Theresa A.  View 2 w/o George A.
Cleve, Walter W.   h/o Florence G.
Coffel, John .
Courtois, Ada Ann w/o James G.
Courtois, James G. h/o Ada Ann
Culton, Judith .
Cunningham Family Stone .
      Bartch, Genevieve F. .
      Cunningham, Frances M. .
      Cunningham, James W. .
Cureton, Dorothy C. .
Cureton, Louis E. .


D .
Davis, Orpha .
Dawkins, Silas N. .
Debruler, Jeanne .
DeFreece, Dale h/o LaDon, we were blessed with two Children LaRee and Julie
DeFreece, Elmer Dean   Military Stone Missouri A2C 616 AC & W SQ AF, son of Rev Vergil and Sylvia.
DeFreece, Ladon  View 2 w/o Dale, we were blessed with two Children LaRee and Julie, back of stone: LaDon touched the future by teaching many children 1963-1996.  She was a Teacher come from God.
DeFreece, Rev. Vergil E.. h/o Sylvia H., married Apr 10, 1932.  We were blessed with three children, Dale, Dean and Jeanie
DeFreece, Sylvia H w/o Rev. Vergil E., married Apr 10, 1932. We were blessed with three children, Dale, Dean and Jeanie
Dettmer Family Stone .
      Dettmer, Adolph Jr. h/o Julia
      Dettmer, Julia w/o Adolph, aged 60 yrs, 1 mo, 24 days.
      Effie V. .
      George A. E. .
Downing, Dow Y. .
Downing, Eva Rita .
Downing, Howard L.  View 2 .
Downs, Earl A. Age 24 years, 21 days

F .
Faulkner, Archie H. Missouri PVT 1 CL, Base Hosp. 65
Faulkner, Jewell L. .
Faulkner, Nancy A. .
Forster, Herman C. Co. 1,15 US INF. SP. AM. WAR
Foster, Barbara E. .
Foster, Elmer C. h/o Emma M.
Foster, Emma M. w/o Elmer C.
Fowler Family Stone .
      Drabing, Alice .
      Drabing, George A. .
Fowler, Edith Phillips w/o Robert Maxwell
Fowler, Robert Maxwell h/o Edith Phillips
Fraser, Candace E. .
Fraser, Dwight Earl .
Fraser, John M. h/o Velma M.
Fraser, Velma M. w/o John M.
Fuhrmeister Family Stone .
      Fuhrmeister, Fred B. .
      Fuhrmeister, Francis H. .
      Fuhrmeister, Fred H. .
      Fuhrmeister, Fred W. .
      Fuhrmeister, Laura R. .
      Fuhrmeister, Louise L. .


G .
Giessing, Leah J. .
Giessing, Rachel S. .
Giessing, William F. .
Goetz, Ella E.   View 2 .
Goetz, John C.   Military Stone PVT US Army WWI
Gossett, John Y. h/o Mary E. Zolman
Gossett, Mary E. Zolman w/o John Y.


H .
Halbrook, Leeman G. h/o Mary Ellen
Halbrook, Mary Ellen w/o Leeman G.
Hall, Florence L.  w/o Joseph C.
Hall, Joseph C. h/o Florence L.
Harston, Emily C. .
Hastings, Harold K. h/o Virginia
Hastings, James D. .
Hastings, Virginia L. w/o Harold K.
Hatridge, Ardith C. .
Hatridge, Eliza B. w/o Rufus C.
Hatridge, Odessa M. .
Hatridge, Rufus C. h/o Eliza B.
Hawn, John L. .
Haynes, B. LeRoy h/o Pearl M.
Haynes, Pearl M. w/o B. Leroy
Hedgecorth, Ernest RMilitary Stone Captain 407 INF 102 INF DIV WWII
Hedgecorth, Thelma  .
Heffron, Cornelia w/o Theodore
Heffron, Theodore h/o Cornelia
Heifner Family Stone .
      Heifner, James C. Father
      Heifner, Jeroldine  Daughter
      Heifner, M. Frances Mother
Hill, Barbara M. w/o Howard P.
Hill, Howard P. Sr. h/o Barbara M.
Hodges, Grace A.   View 2  w/o R. Lou
Hodges, R. Lou    View 2 h/o Grace A.
Hogan, James SBack of Stone h/o Martha Ellen
Hogan, Martha Ellen  Back of Stone w/o James S.
Holley, Edna M. Sutton .
Holmes, Jackie Haynes This tag is on the stone of  B. LeRoy and Pearl M. Haynes.
Horton, Dr. E. L. h/o Ruth S.
Horton, Frances w/o Thomas
Horton, Louis E. h/o Louise
Horton, Louise w/o Louis E.
Horton, Ruth S. w/o Dr. E. L.
Horton, Thomas h/o Frances
Hosking, Beverly B. .
Hoy Family Stone .
     Hoy, Annie Alsworth .
     Hoy, Arthur Marion .
     Hoy, Della M. .
     Hoy, Emma S. .
     Hoy, William F. .
Hunt, John H.. h/o Louise M.
Hunt, Louise M. w/o John H.
Hunter, Lucille .


J .
Jackson, Harry F. Missouri SGT. 1CL, 109 SN, TN. 34 DIV.
Jarrette, Laura E. (White) w/o Phillip H., married Dec 22, 1897
Jarrette, Mary Rayoum .
Jarrette, Phillip H. h/o Laura E. (White), married Dec 22, 1897
Jennings, George J. h/o Pearl
Jennings, Pearl w/o George J.
Johnson Family Stone .
     Johnson, Everett C. .
     Johnson, Henry F. .
     Mary .
     Milford G. .
     Johnson, Wilma .
Jones, Malcom E. .
Jones, Patrah .


K .
Keel, Doshia E. w/o Geo. Fredrick
Keel, Geo. Fredrick    Military Stone h/o Doshia E., Missouri Pvt. O. M. Corps
Keith, John B. h/o Mildred L.
Keith, Mildred L. w/o John B.
Keith, Nelle Pleasine  .
Keith, Pleasant G. Sr.    h/o Sallie B.
Keith, Pleasant Gentry Jr. Missouri 2 lieut. Air Corps
Keith, Sallie B. w/o Pleasant G. Sr.
Kinder, Eva Lee .
Kinder, Evelyn Louise .
Kindle, Henry P. Missouri PVT CO A 301 Engineer BN  WWII
Kindle, Robert A. h/o Rosa D.
Kindle, Rosa D. w/o Robert A.
Klein, Elliott P. h/o Mildred S.
Klein, Mildred S. w/o Elliott P.
Koen, Jesse F.   Military Stone h/o Marguerite
Koen, Marguerite w/o Jesse F.
Koupal, Ada w/o Matt
Koupal, Carl M. Sr. h/o Lillian F.
Koupal, Lillian F. w/o Carl M. Sr.
Koupal, Matt h/o Ada
Koupal, William B. .
Krekel, Alfred S. .
Krekel, Marie .


Lackey, Nora E w/o Willard M.
Lackey, Willard M. h/o Nora E.
Lange, Charles M.  h/o Tessie A.
Lange, Tessie A. w/o Charles M.
Lee, Mildred Helen w/o Robert Edgar
Lee, Robert Edgar h/o Mildred Helen
Lemons, Wm. M.  .
Limbaugh, Elmer   View 2 .
Lincoln, Claude V. h/o Mary E.
Lincoln, Mary E. w/o Claude V.
Logsdon, J. M.  .h/o Mrs. J. M.
Logsdon, Mrs. J. M.  w/o J. M
Lordon, Pearl  w/o Mike Lordon
Lore, Bessie C. w/o Herbert H., married Jul 27, 1933
Lore, Herbert H. h/o Bessie C., married Jul 27, 1933
Lore, Ray .


M .
Manley Family Stone .
     Manley, Betty K. .
     Manley, Edward H. .
     Manley, Henry Sr. .
     Manley, Henry W. .
     Manley, Ida B. .
     Manley, Jack M. .
     Manley, John E. .
     Manley, Madia K. .
     Manley, Sophia L. .
Mascher, Edna W. Missouri Army Corps WWII
Mason, Clementine w/o Monte G.
Mason, John R. .
Mason, Montie G.  h/o Clementine
Mayberry, Mary Tullock w/o Oliver J.
Mayberry, Oliver J. h/o Mary Tullock
McCahan, Asa V. h/o Ettie E.
McCahan, Ettie E. w/o of Asa V.
McCahan, Helen Cathryn .
McCall, Georgia H. w/o H. Nelson
McCall, H. Nelson h/o Georgia H.
McClintock, Anna Blanche w/o Lakon Dubart
McClintock, Lakon Dubart h/o Anna Blanche
McDaniel, Charles R.  .
McDaniel, Cleve h/o Jessie Maud
McDaniel, Jessie Maud w/o Cleve
McDaniel, Robert L. .
McEwen, Nancy C. Morris w/o William Henry
McEwen, William Henry h/o Nancy C. Morris
McKinney, Derrill L. .
McKinney Family Stone .
     Edward J. .
     Knowles, Dee Allen .
     Rosa K.
     Thomas E.
McKinney, Homer Fredrick      .
McKinney, Jetta E. .
McKinney, Thresia Arzella .
McNew, Charles h/o Laura
McNew, Essie Barton w/o Paul R., married Oct 14, 1934
McNew, Gladys .
McNew, Laura w/o Charles
McNew, Paul R. h/o Essie Barton, married Oct 14, 1934
Meador, Dolly Jean .
Meador, Joel h/o Melvina
Meador, Melvina w/o Joel
Meador, Vurble O. .
Meador, Ella Meyers .
Meyers, Ella  .
Morgan Family Stone .
     Morgan, Beulah .
     Morgan, Dave M. .
Muelln, Dorothy I. .
Muelln, G. Adolf .
Mullins, Absalom J. h/o Emma A.
Mullins, Emma A. w/o Absalom J.
Mullins, James Henry Missouri SSGT US Air Force, Korea
Mullins, Robert Clay .


N .
Nichols, Adabelle Ruth .
Nicholson, Helen M. w/o L. Wayne
Nicholson, L. Wayne h/o Helen M.
Norton, John F. Born England


O .
O'Dell, Wm. Levi .
Opp, Ida M. w/o Rev. Max
Opp, Rev. Max h/o Ida M.


P .
Page, Ava M. .
Page, Carl A. h/o May F.
Page, May F. w/o Carl A.
Page, Stanley E. .
Patt, Anita L. Goetz .
Phillips, Harrison h/o Luella
Phillips, Luella w/o Harrison
Phillips, Joseph W. h/o Sarah Jane
Phillips, Sarah Jane w/o Joseph W.
Pinkston, Caroline J. w/o John W.
Pinkston, John W. h/o Caroline J.
Politte, Edith O.   View 2 .
Politte, Edwin S. View 2 .
Politte, Hazel CView 2 .
Poorman, Frank David  Pennsylvania PVT B 15 Engineers WWI
Prather, Hazel L. .
Prather, Lon .


R .
Reaves, Dr. Lowry M. h/o Iva M.
Reaves, Iva  M. w/o Dr. Lowry M.
Reeder, Edith McCahan w/o Ollie Clinton
Reeder, Ollie Clinton   Military Stone h/o Edith McCahan, CPL US Army WWI
Resinger, Frank   View 2 h/o Laura
Resinger, Laura   View 2 w/o Frank
Revoir Family Stone .
     Revoir, Curtis V. .
     Henry .
     Frederick L. .
     Revoir, Helen L. .
     Revoir, Lorraine .
     Wilhelmina J. .
Roberts, Melvina c. w/o Robert L.
Roberts, Robert L. h/o Melvina C.
Roussin, L. Bernice .
Ruhl, Etta M. .
Russell, Clara K. w/o John W.
Russell, John W. h/o Clara K.


S .
Schafer Family Stone .
     Schafer, Sarah J. .
     Schafer, William C. .
Schafer, Dasie J. w/o John F.
Schafer, John F. h/o Dasie J.
Schaffer, Alfred A. CPL US Army WWII
Schaffer, Loretta Ruth (Umfleet) .
Scott, Viola Mae .
Sellards, Alexander h/o Rosa B.
Sellards, Effie .
Sellards, Rosa B. w/o Alexander
Sikes, Flora A. .
Sikes, John A. .
Simms Family Stone .
     Simms, Calvin L .
     Simms, Etta M. .
     Simms, John W. .
     Simms, Martha Jane .
     Simms, William E PVT US Marine Corps WWI
Simms, Wilford E. US Coast Guard WWII
Smith, Amanda J. .
Smith, George E.   Military Stone h/o Leanna M., PFC US Army 
Smith, Hattie V. w/o William O.
Smith, Leanna M. w/o George E.
Smith, P. G.  .
Smith, William O. w/o Hattie V.
Stanfield, Thelma Joy .
Stevenson, Daisy Kelly Born in Cleveland, Ohio
Stevenson, Emma J. Born in Wheeling, WVA
Stevenson, Emmett K. Born in Columbiana Co., Ohio
     Jenny This stone is set besidethe Stevenson Stone of Daisy, Emma and Emmett K.
Stewart, Henry D. h/o Sarah A.
Stewart, Sarah A. w/o Henry D.
Stubbs Family Stone .
     Stubbs, Chas I. .
     Watts, Sarah C. .
     Watts, Bertha .
Sutton, Ada w/o Charles J.
Sutton, Charles J. h/o Ada 
Sutton, Grayce Lovvorn .
Sutton, John J. .
Sutton, Paul J. .
Sutton, Ruth .
Swearingen, Alonzo .
Swearingen, Estelle .
Swearingen, Hazel .
Swearingen, Violet L. .


T .
Taylor, Helen Margaret .
Taylor, John F. h/o Minnie B.
Taylor, Minnie B. w/o John F.
Thomure, Edith B. .
Thomure, Grace E. w/o Leslie V.
Thomure, Leslie V. h/o Grace E.
Thurman, Georgia B. w/o Walter H.
Thurman, Joseph Warren h/o Mary
Thurman, Mary w/o Joseph Warren
Thurman, Walter H. h/o Georgia B.


U .
Unknown .


V .
Vaughan Family Stone .
      Belle w/o Zack
      Zack h/o Belle
Vaughn, Alverta Z. w/o John T.
Vaughn, John T. h/o Alverta Z.
      Grover this stone was next to John T. Vaughn
Vineyard, A. Ernest h/o Hazel O.,  married Dec 15, 1923
Vineyard, Hazel O. w/o A. Ernest, married Dec 15, 1923


W .
Waltman, Eugene .
Ward, Daisy Kelly Stevenson w/o J. B. Ward
Watts, Mildred .
Watts, Susie P. .
Watts, Mary Jane w/o William C.
Watts, William C. h/o Mary Jane
Weiler, Dorothy M. w/o Wilbert M.
Weiler, Wilbert E. h/o Dorothy M.
Weise, Jessie Marie .
Westover, Annie L.    .
Westover, Carrie C.   View 2 w/o Maurice F.
Westover, Laura E.   .
Westover, John J. h/o Martha V.
Westover, Martha V. w/o John J.
Westover, Maurice F.  View 2 h/o Carrie C.
Westover, Paul B. h/o Rachel L.
Westover, Rachel L. w/o Paul B.
White, Cora Lee .
White, Cynthia Ann .
White, Martha Jane .
White, Nancy .
White, Ola Mae .
Wigger, Margaet S. .
Williams, Leslie C. .
Williams, Leanna E. w/o M. Eugene
Williams, M. Eugene h/o Leanna E.
Williams, Mabel A.  .
Williams, Mercedes M. .
Wills, Chas H. h/o Emma L.
Wills, Emma L.  w/o Chas H.
Wilson, Claude C. (Arky) h/o Lucille E.
Wilson, Eustace R. h/o Nettie M.
Wilson, Lucille E. w/o Claude C. (Arky)
Wilson, Nettie M. w/o Eustace R.
Wolfe, Mary E. w/o Samuel
Wolfe, Samuel h/o Mary E.
Womack, Odelia O. .
Worley, Albert L. h/o Maggie M.
Worley, Maggie M. w/o Albert L.
Wright, Jennie E. .
Wright, Silas .


Z .
Zimmer Family Stone .
      Zimmer, Alberta Alvina .
      Zimmer, J. Frank .
      Michael Conrad Father
      Rosetta Amelia Mother
      Sophia M. .


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