Published by THE WASHINGTON COUNTY JOURNAL, Potosi, Washington County, MO, May 12, 1870.

An exchange from far off Sioux City has a new and charming sensation, the result of an "interview" with which its local has just been favored, with our "whilom" neighbor, Sam Hilderbrand. According to this authority Sam made his appearance in the office of the Sioux City TIMES a few days since, sent his regards to our St. Francois County neighbors, and opened to the aforesaid local the new and startling programme he has in hand for a young war of his own, on Queen Victoria. He said "I'm goin' up to Benton, then along the river to Fort Clark or McRee village, and then to the nor'west to the head of the Minnewauken, or Devil's Lake, whar I'll meet 'the boys' for work. The boys'll go from St. Paul to St. Cloo' -- (St. Cloud) along the river, an' then across the country to the Salt Water region, in Dakota. You see we've heern tell that thar's a lively time up in the Red river country, an' we're a goin' up to take a leetle hand in it. We'll make Devil's Lake our startin' point, an' we think we can be of some service to those fellers who are tryin' to give old England fits."

The local of the TIMES evidently formed a deep respect for Sam and his desperado band, as he suggests they would doubtless think as little of going through a brigade of the "Queen's Own" as they would of spitting and roasting a round of buffalo. Before his departure from the editorial sanctum, Sam amused himself by straddling a printing press, picking his teeth with a bowie knife, and relating in graphic terms the process by which he was converted from an unpretending citizen to a first class outlaw. Having cleaned out our Southeast Missouri country, he has now resorted to the more tempting field of our British neighbors, whom he proposed to finish up this summer. He has determined not to return to this vicinity till after Sheriff Breckenridge's term of office has expired.

[Note: We've transcribed article exactly as published, but believe correct spelling of his last name is Hildebrand.]



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