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ROGER LEE JOHNSON JR was born on March 11, 1948 and joined the Armed Forces while in FLAT RIVER, MO.   He served as a 39305 (Psychological Operations Officer, Spec. Forces), Det A-105, 5th Special Forces Group,  in the Army.  In 2 years of service, he attained the rank of 1LT/O2. He began his tour of duty on May 6, 1968. On September 28, 1968, at the age of 20, ROGER LEE JOHNSON JR perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Quang Nam. You can find ROGER LEE JOHNSON JR honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 42W, Row 36.

ROBERT WAYNE WERLEY was born on June 18, 1947 and joined the Armed Forces while in DESLOGE, MO.    He served as a 12C20 (Bridge Crewman), E Co., 4th Engineer Batalion, 4th Inf. Division, in the Army.  In 2 years of service, he attained the rank of SP4/E4. He began his tour of duty on July 22, 1967. On June 13, 1968, at the age of 20, ROBERT WAYNE WERLEY perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Quang Tin. You can find ROBERT WAYNE WERLEY honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 57W, Row 15.

EARL WAYNE ELLIS was born on July 31, 1950 and joined the Armed Forces while in BONNE TERRE, MO. He served as a 51K20 (Engineering), C Co., 34th Eng. Bn., 159th Eng. Grp., 20th Eng. Bde., in the Army, and attained the rank of SP4/E4. He began his tour of duty on February 10, 1971. On June 21, 1971, at the age of 20, EARL WAYNE ELLIS perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, An Giang. You can find EARL WAYNE ELLIS honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 3W, Row 85. CLICK HERE to view article which was published in the Daily Journal on July 1, 1971.

was born on October 23, 1947 and joined the Armed Forces while in BONNE TERRE, MO.   He served as a 0311 (Rifleman) in the Marine Corps.  In 3 years of service, he attained the rank of CPL/E4. He began his tour of duty on November 9, 1967. On May 15, 1968, at the age of 20, DENNIS EDWARD ISGRIG perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Quang Tri. You can find DENNIS EDWARD ISGRIG honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 60E, Row 24

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REGINALD DAVID CLEVE was born on August 2, 1947 and joined the Armed Forces while in FARMINGTON, MO.  He served as a 100B (Utility Helicopter Pilot), 176th Aslt. Helo Co., 14th Cbt. Avn. Bn., in the Army, [176 AVN CO 14 AVN BN 16 AVN GP], and attained the rank of WO/W1. He began his tour of duty on March 22, 1971. REGINALD DAVID CLEVE was aboard a helicopter which went down.  He and the three men with him were classified as "Killed in Action, Body Not Recovered".  You can find REGINALD DAVID CLEVE honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 4W, Row 66.  For further information, click HERE to view Reginald David Cleve's personal memorial page on the Virtual Wall.

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    Click HERE to enlarge

DAVID FRANKLIN FREEMAN was born on August 31, 1946 and joined the Armed Forces while in FARMINGTON, MO.  He served as a 11E40 (Armor Crewman), C Troop, 3rd Squadron, 17th Cav. Rgt., in the Army, and attained the rank of SGT/E5. He began his tour of duty on November 20, 1969. On September 15, 1970, at the age of 24, DAVID FRANKLIN FREEMAN perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Quang Tri. You can find DAVID FRANKLIN FREEMAN honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 7W, Row 64.  [Note: Above photo with chopper contributed by Joe Wilkson.]

THOMAS DEWEY PIPKIN JR was born on November 21, 1946 and joined the Armed Forces while in FARMINGTON, MO.  He served as a 11B10 (Infantryman), C Co., 1st Bn., 50th Inf. Rgt. in the Army.  In 1 year of service, he attained the rank of PVT/E2. He began his tour of duty on September 1, 1967. On October 11, 1967, at the age of 20, THOMAS DEWEY PIPKIN JR perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Binh Dinh. You can find THOMAS DEWEY PIPKIN JR honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 27E, Row 91

JOHN FENTON SUGGS JR was born on August 31, 1945 and joined the Armed Forces while in FARMINGTON, MO.   He served as a 11B2P (Infantryman, Airborne Qualified), B Co., 4th Bn., 503rd Inf. Rgt.,   in the Army.  In 1 year of service, he attained the rank of PFC/E2. He began his tour of duty on August 16, 1968. On November 5, 1968, at the age of 23, JOHN FENTON SUGGS JR perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Phu Yen.
You can find JOHN FENTON SUGGS JR honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 39W, Row 24.

DELBERT LEON REESE was born on August 21, 1947 and joined the Armed Forces while in ESTHER, MO. He served as a 91B20 (Medical NCO), D Co., 1st Bn., 22nd Inf. Rgt., in the Army.  In 1 year of service, he attained the rank of SP4/E4. He began his tour of duty on August 11, 1967. On February 2, 1968, at the age of 20, DELBERT LEON REESE perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Pleiku.   You can find DELBERT LEON REESE honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 36E, Row 83 (see below).

ANTHONY ROY HARDIE was born on August 15, 1946 and joined the Armed Forces while in ST LOUIS, MO.   He served as a 11H40 (Infantryman), HHC, 1st Bn., 327th Inf. Rgt., in the Army.  In 2 years of service, he attained the rank of SP4/E4. He began his tour of duty on July 8, 1965. On October 28, 1965, at the age of 19, ANTHONY ROY HARDIE perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Pr & Mr Unknown. You can find ANTHONY ROY HARDIE honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 3E, Row 2.

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Image of name of Delbert L. Reese on Wall
(5th row from bottom above flowers)

HAROLD RAY SILVEY was born on July 14, 1948 and joined the Armed Forces while in ST LOUIS, MO.   He served as a 11B2P (Infantryman, Airborne Qualified), C. Co., 1st Bn., 506th Inf. Rgt., in the Army.  In 2 years of service, he attained the rank of SP4/E4.  On July 3, 1968, at the age of 19, HAROLD RAY SILVEY perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Hua Nghia. You can find HAROLD RAY SILVEY honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 53W, Row 5.

BENNY ELLIS SEABOURNE was born on March 22, 1943 and joined the Armed Forces while in LEADWOOD, MO. He served in the Air Force.  In 6 years of service, he attained the rank of A1C/E4. He began his tour of duty on March 10, 1967. On July 3, 1967, at the age of 24, BENNY ELLIS SEABOURNE perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Quang Tri. You can find BENNY ELLIS SEABOURNE honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 22E, Row 122. Click HERE to view Benny Ellis Seabourne's personal memorial page on the Virtual Wall.

RODGER LEON TRAMMELL was born on July 29, 1946 and joined the Armed Forces while in INDEPENDENCE, MO. He served as a 0311 (Rifleman), E. Co., 2nd Bn., 5th Marines, in the Marine Corps.  In 2 years of service, he attained the rank of LCPL/E3. On May 16, 1966, at the age of 19, RODGER LEON TRAMMELL perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Quang Tin. You can find RODGER LEON TRAMMELL honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 7E, Row 64. Click HERE to view Rodger Leon Trammell's personal memorial page on the Virtual Wall.

HARRY MELBORN VANDIVER JR was born on May 20, 1950 and joined the Armed Forces while in ST LOUIS, MO. He served as a 11B10 (Infantryman) D. Co., 2nd Bn., 501st Inf. Rgt.,  in the Army, and attained the rank of SP4/E4. On November 30, 1971, at the age of 21, HARRY MELBORN VANDIVER JR perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Khanh Hoa. You can find HARRY MELBORN VANDIVER JR honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 2W, Row 81.

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Francis Edwin Cortor, Jr.
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FRANCIS EDWIN CORTOR JR was born on May 23, 1947 and joined the Armed Forces while in FESTUS, MO.  He served as a 11B40 (Infantryman), C Co., 1st Bn., 11th Inf. Rgt.  the Army.   In 3 years of service, he attained the rank of SGT/E5.  On October 21, 1969, at the age of 22, FRANCIS EDWIN CORTOR JR perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Quang Tri.  You can find FRANCIS EDWIN CORTOR JR honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 17W, Row 100.

Click HERE to view obituary.

JERRY RAY CARTER was born on September 8, 1944 and joined the Armed Forces while in IMPERIAL, MO. He served as a 0311 in the Marine Corps.  In 1 year of service, he attained the rank of LCPL/E3. On June 29, 1967, at the age of 22, JERRY RAY CARTER perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Quang Nam.
You can find JERRY RAY CARTER honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 22E, Row 82.

HAROLD RAY SILVEY was born on July 14, 1948 and joined the Armed Forces while in ST LOUIS, MO. He served as a 11B2P (Infantryman, Airborne Qualified), C. Co., 1st Bn., 506th Inf. Rgt., in the Army.   In 2 years of service, he attained the rank of SP4/E4. He began his tour of duty on December 5, 2967. On July 3, 1968, at the age of 19, HAROLD RAY SILVEY perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Hua Nghia. You can find HAROLD RAY SILVEY honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 53W, Row 5.

RODGER LEON TRAMMELL was born on July 29, 1946 and joined the Armed Forces while in INDEPENDENCE, MO. He served as a 0311 in the Marine Corps, Battalion 2, Regiment 5.  In 2 years of service, he attained the rank of LCPL/E3. On May 16, 1966, at the age of 19, RODGER LEON TRAMMELL perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Quang Tin. You can find RODGER LEON TRAMMELL honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 7E, Row 64.

BILLY JAY MEADOR was born on August 28, 1947 and joined the Armed Forces while in FARMINGTON, MO. He served as a 11B2P (Infantryman, Airborne Qualified), B. Co., 1st Bn., 327th Inf. Rgt.,  in the Army.  In 1 year of service, he attained the rank of SP5/E5.  On May 13, 1967, at the age of 19, BILLY JAY MEADOR perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Quang Ngai. You can find BILLY JAY MEADOR honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 19E, Row 110.

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Workman's Cemetery, Park Hills, MO

H.T. 2nd Class Donald Lee Rhodes, serving with the U.S. Navy in Vietnam, was fatally injured on Aug. 28, 1973, in a plane crash near Madrid Spain as he was enroute home to attend his grandmother's funeral.  He is buried next to his grandmother.  

was born on April 10, 1948 and joined the Armed Forces while in SAN MANUEL, AZ.  He served as a TM3 (Torpedoman 3rd Class E4) in the Navy. Unit - LCPL Boat, Don Ha River Security Group, Cua Viet Detachment, Nvaal Support Activity Danang.    In 3 years of service, he attained the rank of TM3/E4. He began his tour of duty on July 16, 1968. On November 11, 1968, at the age of 20, GARY EVERETT GRAVES perished in the service of our country in South Vietnam, Quang Tri Province SVN. He was killed in action by explosive devise (mine).  You can find GARY EVERETT GRAVES honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Panel 39W, Row 48.

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Be sure to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund site, which memorializes the men and women who gave their lives in Vietnam
Also visit the
The Virtual Wall � Vietnam Veterans Memorial which contains personal remembrances of letters, photographs, tributes, poetry, and citations honoring those women and men named on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC.  This is the "original" Virtual Wall which has been operating since early 1997.  



NOTE:  If  anyone can supply pictures of any of the above veterans who perished, we'll gladly post them.  We'd love to put faces on all the above boys.   .    Thanks!


The following poem was written by Jack Hammond 
of VFW Post No. 2426,
Desloge, Missouri:


Does anybody know where I am?
My Country sent me to war
in a place called Viet Nam.

I was wounded, they left me for dead,
A stone for my pillow
and mud for my bed.

The enemy found me and took
me away.
They made me a prisoner
on that unforgettable day.

I had some buddies that were
by my side,
Some are still here,
But most of them died.

Has my country forgotten
Where I am?
Are they to leave me
In this foreign land?

You must know I am here,
What's taking so long?
You must know I am here,
Is there something wrong?

You must know where I am
You sent me to this Hell
Called Viet Nam.



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