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THE BONNE TERRE STAR, Bonne Terre, St. Fran�ois County, Missouri.
Friday, December 24, 1897.

The Little Folks Make Known Their Wishes and Old Santa Should Respect Them.
What the Children Say:

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  I want you to bring me a watch, a gun, a banjo and a horn. BURT BEQUETTE.

MR. SANTA CLAUS:   I want some dishes, doll buggy, stove, table, little parlor set, candy nuts and oranges.  Myrtle Simms.

DEAR SANTA -- I will let you know what I want.  I want a story book, a lamp, a doll buggy and cradle.  Gertle Gibbs.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:   Please bring me a gun and a train.  If you have no train bring me a horse and wagon.  Bring me some candy and nuts, oranges and bananas.   Now, please bring me these things, for I am a good little boy. Joseph Bouchard.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  I want a little bed for my doll that opens and shuts, a little piano, candy and nuts.  Nellie Simms.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  I want a train, a _______ [paper torn], firecrackers, sky rockets, a little horse, saddle and bridle, candy and nuts.  Fred Simms.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  Please bring me an air gun, a story book, candy, nuts, oranges, a train, a horse and wagon.  Willie Terry.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  I want a boat, a train, a fiddle, a harp, a popgun, an express wagon, a rocking horse, a watch and a knife.  CLARDY PHILLIPS.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  I want you to bring me a fiddle, a drum, a train, a banjo, some firecrackers, some candy and an air gun.  EDDIE ARMSTRONG.

DEAR SANTA:  I have been a good girl for a long time and won't you please bring me a doll, some little dishes and lots of candy and oranges? From your little friend, Della Henson.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS: I am a little boy five years old and have a little brother three years old.  I would like for you to bring me a sack of candy, some bananas, oranges and pretty toys.  My little brother wants just the same things that I want.  LEO POSTON.

Victor, Colo., Dec. 14, 1897.
DEAR OLD SANTA CLAUS:  I want you to send me something for me and my grasshopper, or it will spit all over everything Christmas.  Come to Victor [unreadable] grasshopper oil.  FRANK SHANNON

Victor, Colo., Dec. 14, 1897.
DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  I am waiting patiently for you Christmas.  I want you to be sure and come and bring me something nice.  Remember my cousins in Missouri.   Your little friend, BEULAH SHANNON.

DOE RUN, Mo., Dec. 10, 1897.
DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  You always bring me something nice for Christmas.  I am eight years old.  For this Christmas I would like a small piano and a Christmas tree.   Your young friend, AUGUSTA LAWRENCE.

DE SOTO, Mo., Dec. 12, 1897.
DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  I am a little girl six years old.  I have a little sister three years old and we want a set of furs, some candy and nuts and a violin like papa's.   We are good girls.  Good-bye.  RUTH GOIN.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  Please bring me a little cup, saucer and plate, knife and fork, a little doll and lots of candy and nuts.  I live in Bogytown.  My name is STELLA EVENS.

MR. SANTA CLAUS:  I am glad to see you  Santa Claus.  I want some candy and nuts, a five-cent pistol and some caps with it, and that wooden train at Mr. Brokenshire's.  Good-bye.  GRADY BUTLER.

MR. SANTA CLAUS:  I wish to thank you very much for what you brought me last Christmas.  I would like for you to bring me some nuts and candy, a nice bottle of perfume, a handkerchief, some pink hair ribbon and a gold ring. Your friend, MAUDIE MITCHELL.

MR. SANTA CLAUS: I wish to thank you for what you brought me last Christmas and I would like to have for this Christmas some nuts and candy, some oranges and bananas, a handkerchief, a new winter jacket and a story book. I am nine years old.  Your friend, GRACIE KOETH.

DEAR SANTA:  I wish you would please bring me a few things.  I want a little coffee mill, oranges, candy, nuts, beads, doll, ring, book, grapes, and dishes.  I will close for my self.  I will write some for Esther, my little Sister.  You forget her last year.  She wants you to bring her some blocks, rubber doll, candy and oranges.  I will close for this time.  So good-by. PAULINE SPENCER.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  Please bring me a large drum and a large ship.  R. LEE MITCHELL.

DEAR SANTA:  Please bring me a little piano and little steel range.  Look for my stocking.  Yours, MYRA MITCHELL.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  Will you please bring me a little doll and a set of dishes?   From your friend.  Good-bye.  KATY WILSON.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  Don't forget me in your rounds.  Please leave me a little drum and some fire crackers.  CLARENCE RONGEY.

MR. SANTA CLAUS:  Please send me a little saddle for my yellow pony and saddle blanket. Yours respectfully, CHARLIE WALLER.

DEAR MR. SANTA CLAUS:  Will you be so good as to bring myself and four little sisters some nice presents Christmas?  Good-bye.  EDITH WILSON.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  Please bring me a target, some bullets, some fire crackers, a coconut, some candy and a fiddle. FRANK O'FARRELL.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  I want you to bring me that tin kitchen at Mr. Brokenshire's and anything else you have for me; candy, nuts and bananas. ETHEL COMPTON.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  I will write you a few lines to let you know what I want for Christmas.  I want a doll, a story book and a stove.  I will close. From MAGGIE BENHAM.

DEAR MR. SANTA CLAUS:  Please bring me a big doll, a doll buggy, some candy, some nuts, a little knife and fork and a gold ring.  Good-bye till Christmas.  LIZZIE O'FARRELL.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  I thought I would let you know what I want.  I want a lamp, trunk, book, and a bottle of perfumery and anything I hope I will get it.  Love to you.  EDNA COMPTON.

DEAR MR. SANTA CLAUS:  Will you bring me a wagon, an air gun, pistol and some caps, some fire crackers, some candy, some nuts and a pair of Billy Goats?  I remain your little friend, CLYDE O'FARRELL.

MY DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  Please bring me a doll that goes to sleep and can eat dinner, a little doll buggy, French harp, some colored pencils, a set of dishes, white ones like mamma's, a tea pot, a nice story book, bring lots of candy and nuts and some oranges too.   Please bring [unreadable] a little tub and washboard.  All to MAUD GREEN.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  I want a large doll, a little tub and washboard, washstand and a ring. Maude Emily Dickson.

DEAR TANTA:   Me has been a dood boy for a 'ong time so won't woo bring me a wockey horse and a 'ittle wagga and some tandy and o'nges.  From woo little friend, Roy Vandiver.

DEAR SANTA:  Please bring me a doll and doll buggy, and a negro doll.  Also some firecrackers, bananas, oranges and some candy.  Ross McHenry.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:   I want a doll, an iron, a set of dishes, a stove, a kitchen set,   a rocking chair, a dress, a parlor set and a ring.  Eva Brokenshire.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  Please bring me a little red bucket, some candy, some nuts, a doll and a set of dishes.  Yours for Christmas.  Fronie Butler.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS: Please bring me a train, a wagon, some bananas, oranges, candy and nuts.  And then I will be a good little boy.  Willie Palmer.

DEAR SANTA:  Please bring me a little coffee mill, a set of dishes, a little red bucket, some candy and nuts and a little doll.  Winnie Butler.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  I would like a doll, a ring, a coat, a sack of candy, some oranges, a pair of mittens, and a cradle.  Please bring something for my sister for she is crying for some play things.  You overlooked us last year, but please don't forget us this time.  Your friend, Myrtle Sample.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  Please bring me a little doll with brown curls and brown eyes.   Lovingly, BIRDIE HENSLEY.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  Please bring me a little range stove, about a foot high, with pots, skillets and pans.  Lovingly, KATE HENSLEY.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  I have been a good boy ever since last Christmas and if you please come around this Christmas and treat us like you did last Christmas, i.e. myself and my 3 year old sister Constance and my little one year old brother Coin.  Mamma quarrels at us some, but that don't count.  Do please come and bring us plenty of presents.   You will find us at the Green old place in Bogytown.  Yours, PERCY POSTON.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  I write to tell you what I want you to bring me Christmas.   Please, dear Santa, bring me a nice horn that I can play music on, a tool box with a saw and hammer in it and a place to keep nails, a pair of lines and a little whip to play horse with, and I would like to have a little boat that I could make run on water.   I have two little sisters and a brother.  Maud will write too.  Mabel, the baby, says bring her a baby doll and some canky.  (she means candy).  Paul wants a horse and wagon, a little rocking chair and a train with an engine to it.   Please Santa Claus don't already.  Good-bye.  My name is FREDDIE GREEN.

DEAR SANTA CLAUS:  I will write you a little to let you know what I want for Christmas.  I want a doll, a book, a table.  I will close.  From GEORGIA GUYTON.

DEAR OLD SANTA CLAUS: I am going to tell you what I want for Christmas.  I want a gun, trumpet, drum and candy, oranges and nuts. Now, Dear Old Santa, please bring these, and oblige your little friend.  HILARY KIRKPATRICK.

DEAR OLD SANTA CLAUS:  I want a pair of boots, a cap, a pair buckskin gloves, a green sled, a pound of dates and figs, some candy and nuts, two oranges and three bananas.   I am a good boy.  HARRY LANIGAN.

MR. SANTA CLAUS: I thank you very much for what you brought me last Christmas.  Will you please bring me some nuts and candy, some firecrackers, a nice necktie, a gun, a pair of boots and a fiddle.  Your friend, CLAUDIE MITCHELL.

We sincerely trust that Santa Claus will especially remember every dear  little boy and girl who have communicated their desires to him through the STAR.  Their little heard beat faster as Christmas time approaches and we hope Santa Claus will see that their wants are supplied.

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