Esther, St. Francois County, Missouri

seniors46_ehs.jpg (169544 bytes)

L to R: 

Row 1:  Mr. Walter Simpson (sponsor), Betty Dalton, Betty Crepps, Everett Halbrook, Clifford Ladman, Miss Rebecca Watts (sponsor).

Row 2:  Alva Jarrells, Vernon Howell, Margaret Mason, Donald Jones, June Davis Umfleet, Harold Rion.

Row 3:  Thomas Shannon, Dorothy Darnell, Edward Seal, Alice Calahan, Warren Forsythe, Gloria Cheek Graham,

Row 4:   Elda Green, Luther Tinnin, Louise Harris, Darrell Cook, Helen Hawkinson, Bill Zolman.

Row 5:  Dual Slover, Vivian Rhodes, Lester Major, Doris Wamble, Carl Watts, Beulah Huber.

Roy 6:  Homer Ratley, Gene Neff, Marcia Rowland, Gladys Soldin, Abbilee Sherrill, Elbert Ransom.


President-------------------------------------------------Vernon Howell
Vice-President---------------------------------------Margaret Mason
Secretary---------------------------------------------------Betty Crepps
Treasurer----------------------------------------------------Dual Slover
Reporters--------------------------------Darrell Cook, Betty Dalton
Sponsors---------------------------Rebecca Watts, Walter Simpson

Class Colors ----- Blue and White
Class Flower ---- White Roses

Class Motto:
"Struggling and Striving, through strain and stress,
It's doing your noblest -- That's success!"


Alice Calahan, Pep Squad, Girl Reserves, Chorus
Gloria Graham, Pep Squad, Girl Reserves, Chorus
Darrell Cook, Basketball, Softball, Chorus
Betty Crepps, Pep Squad, Golden Galleon, Girl Reserves, Paper Staff, Chorus
Betty Dalton, Pep Squad, Dramatics, Paper Staff, Senior Play, Golden Galleon, Girl Reserves
Dorothy Darnell
Warren Forsythe

Elda Green, Paper Staff
Everette Halbrook, Chorus
Louise Harris, Pep Squad, Girl Reserves, Chorus
Helen Hawkinson, Chorus, Dramatics, Senior Play
Alva Jarrells, Pep Squad, Paper Staff, Girl Reserves, Chorus
Donald Jones, Basketball, Softball
Clifford Ladman
Lester Major, Basketball, Softball
Margaret Mason, Dramatics, Paper Staff, Golden Galleon, Senior Play, Girl Reserves, Chorus
Gene Neff, Basketball, Softball
Homer Ratley
Vivian Rhodes, Pep Squad, Dramatics, Golden Galleon, Paper Staff, Senior Play, Chorus
Harold Rion
Marcia Rowland, Pep Squad, Paper Staff, Chorus, Girl Reserves
Edward Seal, Dramatics, Senior Play, Chorus
Elbert Ransom, Basketball, Softball
Abbielee Sherrill, Girl Reserves
Thomas Shannon, Senior Play
Dual Slover, Basketball, Softball, Dramatics
Luther Ray Tinnin, Band, Golden Galleon
Gladys Soldin, Dramatics, Pep Squad, Girl Reserves, Chorus, Senior Play
Doris Wamble, Pep Squad, Golden Galleon, Girl Reserves, Paper Staff, Chorus
Carl Watts, Basketball, Softball
Leon Weekley
Billy Zolman, Chorus
Lora June Umfleet, Paper Staff, Golden Galleon, Pep Squad, Dramatics, Chorus
Vernon Howell, Basketball, Softball
Linuel Cravens, Basketball
Beulah Huber, Pep Squad, Paper Staff, Chorus

Upper Third of the Senior Class: Alice Callahan, Margaret Mason, Betty Crepps, Vivian Rhodes, Elda Green, Abbilee Sherrill, Beulah Huber, Luther Ray Tinnin, Alva Jarrells, June Davis Umfleet, Doris Wamble.

Valedictorian --------- Margaret Mason
Salutatorian --------------June Davis Umfleet


Most Likely to Succeed ------ Clifford Ladman
Most Handsome Boy ----------- Elbert Ransom
Neatest Girl ------------- Louise Harris
Best Dressed Boy ---------- Donald Jones
Most Romantic Boy --------------Vernon Howell
Typical Senior Flirt -------------- Marcia Rowland
Most Self-Reliant Girl ------- Alva Jarrells
Most Self-Reliant Boy --------- Harold Rion
Most Carefree Girl ------------- Alice Callahan
Girl Most Difficult to Understand ------- Beulah Huber
Boy Most Difficult to Understand ------------- Gene Neff
Wittiest Girl -------------------Gloria Graham
Wittiest Boy --------------------- Darrell Cook
Most Lovesick Girl ---------------- Betty Crepps
Best Future Husband --------------- Carl Watts
Best Natured Girl ---------- Gladys Soldin
Best Natured Boy ---------------- Homer Ratley
Most Winsome Smile -----------Tommy Shannon
Most Businesslike -------------Doris Wamble
Most Timid ---------------- Abbielee Sherrill
Quietest -------------------- Dorothy Darnell
Laziest Boy --------------- Lester Major
Best All Around Girl ----------Vivian Rhodes
Best All Around Boy ----------- Warren Forsythe
Most Ambitious Boy --------- Luther Tinnin
Most Dependable Girl ----------- Margaret Mason
Most Studious --------------- Elda Green
Most Reckless Boy ---------- Edward Seals
Most Athletic Girl --------------- Betty Dalton
Most Contented Girl ------------- Helen Hawkinson
Most Unhurried Boy -------- Bill Zolman
Most Co-operative Girl --------- June Umfleet
Most Accommodating Boy ------------- Everette Halbrook  


Edward Seal ---- Navy
Homes Ratley ---- Farm
Alva Jarrells ---- Work in St. Louis
Thomas Shannon ---- Navy
Vivian Rhodes ---- Work in Civil Service
Beulah Huber ---- Private Secretary
Dual Slover ---- Live and Do Well
Betty Crepps ---- Raise 15 Children
Warren Forsythe ---- Navy
Harold Rion ---- Navy
Carl Watts ---- Married Life
Doris Wamble -- Married Life
Marcia Rowland ---- Work
Luther Ray Tinnin ---- College 
Betty Dalton ---- College
June Davis Umfleet ---- Make a Home for a Swell Guy
Alice Calahan ---- Live a Happy Life
Dorothy Darnell ---- Married Life
Gloria Cheek Graham ---- Housewife
Elda Green ---- College
Louise Harris ---- Secret
Helen Hawkinson ---- Work
Margaret Mason ---- College
Abbielee Sherrill ---- See the World
Gladys Soldin ---- College
Donald Jones ---- Be a Groceryman
Gene Neff ---- Be an Iceman
Lester Major - Play Baseball
Everett Halbrook ---- None
Elbert Ransom ---- Be a Farmer and a Family Man
Darrell Cook ---- Undecided
Vernon Howell ---- College
Bill Zolman ---- Army

We thank Marcia (Rowland) Jones for sharing the 1946 EHS Yearbook with us!



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