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The Flat River Board of Education will soon begin the work of building an addition to the East Ward. This will aid materially in relieving crowded conditions in the Flat River Schools next year and undoubtedly will prove a great satisfaction to the people of East Flat River.
The following is a partial list of the rural teachers for next year:
Rouggley -- Miss Malissie Akins. Blackwell -- Mrs. Clara B. Blackwell. Coonville -- Mrs. Clementine Mason. French Village -- Miss Lucille Counts. Patterson -- Miss Katherine Jennings. Lambeth -- Miss Ollie Porterfield. Germania -- Miss Genevieve S. Barker. Cedar Falls -- Miss Rosa Moon. Barton -- J. W. Young. Gumbo -- John T. Shannon. Loughboro -- Miss Birdie Layne. Oak Hill -- Mrs. Jessie Huff. Sugar Grove -- Mrs. Florence Boord. Clearview -- Miss Audrey Horn. Unity -- Miss Alice Gruner. Copenhagen -- Miss Clara E. No_al. DeLassus -- Mrs. Genevieve Herwig. Stono -- Miss Della Rosentengel. Hildebright -- Miss Hester N. P__rd. Cartee -- Miss Edith Clark. Fairview -- Miss Edna Green. Brightstone -- Miss Mabel Ebreicht. Rock Creek -- Miss Mayme Bohs. Rockwood -- Miss Anna Meridith. Patton Mountain -- John T. Patterson.
"The badly needed increased school revenues cannot come this year through increased valuations except where local authorities see to it that all property is listed for taxation. Other means must be found to preserve the efficiency of the public schools. Many schools should be closed under the provisions of Section 10776, R. S. Mo., 1909, and the children sent to the nearest adjoining district. No doubt many rooms in town schools can be combined. A special building fund should be voted to take care of all repairs, etc., and the teachers' and incidental funds be relieved to that extent."
County Superintendent of Schools.
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