"Local and Personal" Column

Fri. August 10, 1906

"Local and Personal" Column:

Mrs. Geneva CHAMBERLAIN is visiting in Illinois.

Mrs. J. L. EATON visited friends in Irondale Monday.

Miss Edith BOSS returned Monday from a visit to Middlebrook.

Dr. F. W. STAMMER made a business trip to St. Louis Wednesday.

Judge D. L. RIVERS of Elvins was here on legal business Wednesday.

Mrs. D. DEES of Pevely, visited her sister, Mrs. John WYATT last Wednesday.

Chris MITNER, of Kimmswick, was here Monday greeting many old friends.

Wm. TRAUERNICHT, of Middlebrook, was here on business Thursday.

Miss Ollie LEGGETT spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives at Middlebrook.

For Sale -- Fresh cow with young calf; also one Jersey bull.  A. O'CONNOR.

The school building is being painted and presents a very neat appearance.

Messrs. P. J. McHALE and J. LANAHAM of St. Louis are guests of the Misses PAUL.

G. O. NATIONS will preach at Union church next Sunday morning and evening.

Mrs. L. J. HINCHEY is spending the week with her sister, Miss HOLLOMAN, at Hogan.

Attorney NIPPER of Potosi was here Wednesday, also Judge ELKINS of Iron Mountain.

Mrs. H. BISPLINGHOFF, we are sorry to learn, has been sick at her home in this
city this week.

Miss Florence McCOY was immersed in Flat River last Sunday afternoon by Rev. 

Rev. J. W. HODGES and family have returned from a trip to West Tennessee where
they visited relatives.

Mrs. PIRTLE and daughter, Aveline, have returned from a month's sojourn at 
Colorado Springs, Colorado.

A number of young folks were pleasantly entertained at the residence of N. A.
COTTRELL Saturday evening.

For Sale -- A fine combination buggy good as new; has only been used a few times.

Henry ADKINS has added a handsome new porch to his residence on the west side of
the tracks.

Mrs. O. O. TEMPLETON has sold the residence occupied by C. C. DENT to Miss Effie
BROWN; consideration, $1,000.

Mrs. Charles H. WATSON of Kansas City spent a few days here this week visiting
her sister Phebe YOST, and her aunt, Mrs. LaTOUR.

Mrs. STAMMER and daughter, Miss Bertha, attended the funeral of Miss Irene WAGNER
at Farmington last week.

Miss Joyce BECKLEY, of St. Louis, came down Wednesday for a visit with the family

Rev. Oca [?] STEEL of Ironton, has been called to the pastorate of the Tower 
Grove Baptist church, of St. Louis.

Engineer G. E. PAUL of Poplar Bluff has taken a run out of Bismarck.  He will
shortly move his family to our town.

Mrs. N. A. COTTRELL and her sister, Mrs. PERTLE, visited Irondale friends Tuesday.
Mrs. PERTLE resides in Indiana and has been visiting Mrs. COTTRELL for the past

Mr. and Mrs. S. M. CARTER of Irondale attended the ice cream social at Mrs. 
EATON's Thursday night of last week.

N. A. COTTRELL and family have gone for a month's visit to relatives of Mr. 
COTTRELL in New York.  They left Thursday evening.

Stephen FINS [?] returned home from a visit to St. Louis this week and is now
sick at the home of Archie WOODS, with intermittent fever.

J. H. WHEELER will please accept the thanks of the Gazette force for a whopping
big water melon kindly sent to the office Tuesday morning.

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