"Local and Personal" Column
Bismarck, St. Francois County, Missouri

Fri. Dec. 7, 1906

"Local and Personal" Column:

Walter KIDD is now employed as brakeman on the I.S. Ry.

Miss Edith BOSS has returned from a visit to friends in DeSoto.

Sterling MAXWELL of Belgrade is visiting at C. C. DENT's this week.

Ed. DREW of Belgrade has a turkey gobbler weighing 36 pounds.  It is a bird.

A. S. DAVIDSON has taken out license as drayman and solicits a share of your business.

A wreck on the I.M. at Knobel, Ark. delayed the early north bound trains several hours

Mrs. V. H. SHOFFELMEYER of St. Louis is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Miss GUNTON of Ironton spent thanksgiving here, the guest of the Misses PAUL, and attended
the dance that evening.

Messrs. P. J. McHALE and J. J. LANBETH [? LAMBETH] of St. Louis visited the Misses PAUL the first
of the week.

Mrs. Wm. DEVINE, Sr. and Mrs. Henry GRIDER went to St. Louis Tuesday ; they will return

Mrs. W. A. PAUL and daughters visited friends and did shopping in St. Louis recently.

Judge Chas. A. KILLIAN was summoned to St. Louis by the illness of his son, Monday night.
He went north on No. 6 Tuesday morning.

All members of the Eastern Star lodge are requested to be present at the next regular
meeting.  Election of officers will be held and other important business transacted.  
Regular meeting nights, second Friday of each month.

Paul STEEL, principal of the Leadwood school, and Miss Mary STEEL of Flat River spent
Sunday with the family of their brother, Hugh STEEL of this city.

Louis H. BUTLER is again able to be at the store, after quite a spell of sickness.

F. G. GRISHAM who is running a saw mill east of town has put in a stock of merchandise 
in the building lately vacated by Cheap John, on Front Street.

The Chyenne club entertained Miss Mae SLOAN, the prize roller skater the first of last
week.  Miss Mae carried off the honors at the rink the preceding Saturday.

Henry ADKINS has employed Mr. Jos. ANDERSON of Crawford County as blacksmith.  He is
said to be one of the best horse shoers in the country.

Rev. L. R. MAUK left Wednesday for Belgrade where he goes to hold a protracted meeting.
He will return Sunday but will again go to Belgrade where the meeting will probably
continue for about two weeks.

Chas. M. BUFORD, proprietor of the Enterprise livery, feed and sale stable, Irondale, 
was in Bismarck Wednesday on business and favored the Gazette with a short visit.  He
reports business in his line as unusually good.

Richard ADAMS and J. W. YEARGAIN of Farmington were here Tuesday morning enroute to
Irondale to attend the director's meeting of the bank at that place.  Mr. ADAMS is also
interested in the drilling operations now in progress on his place near Irondale.

Stepping into ROYER's pretty store yesterday we were shown some beautiful engraving he
had just finished on a lot of Christmas goods.  He informed us that he engraves free 
of charge articles purchased of him, where the design is not too elaborate, and his work
speaks for itself.  The Bismarck people need not send away to have their engraving done
as Mr. ROYER is prepared to execute promptly and beautifully any work in that line.

Eleven individual offers have been made to wash our office towel since the appearance of
the touching lines contributed by one of our lady friends a couple of weeks ago in regard
to the condition of the same.

There is some building going on here at present.  G. W. BRAME is building a 9-room residence
and R. M. BATEY has a home under headway, both in the Barth addition.  Mr. SATTERFIELD is
putting up a residence on the West Side; Sam WOOD's new house in Barth's addition is com-

Miss Sadye SLOAN came up from Oran, Scott county, where she is at present located, to 
spend thanksgiving with home folks.  Her many friends were much pleased to meet her again
and regretted that she could not make a longer visit.

Our foreman, who has been enjoying himself among relatives and friends at Lutesville, 
Marble Hill and Whitewater, came back Monday humming the old refrain:  "Farewell to 
Bollinger county, No longer can I stay."  George says he had the time of his life.

The city has done a favor to the public in repairing the crossing and filling up the mud
hole between Butler's store and Dr. EATON's office.  Good for the Street Commissioner!  
May his shadow never grow less.  He would be a dandy man to put up some street lamps.

It has been fair weather in the Gazette office for the past week, all on account of the
presence of three beautiful and accomplished young ladies who called to leave us some
local items, say a lot of very complimentary things in regard to the paper and volunteer
to wash the office towel.  We will give a year's subscription to the Gazette, for one
dollar, to anybody who can guess the names of the fair callers.  We are always glad to
receive our friends and hope they will come again and bring along what local items they
can.  That's the way to make a good local paper.

The Gazette Artist is improving.  One of the pictures he prepared for this week's paper
showed a section of barbed wire fence, but it was so true to life that the office boy
fell against it, tore five holes in his pants and spoiled the whole thing.

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