Charley BUFORD of Irondale has purchased the fine saddle horse of J. R. JORDAN. Harry McGREW, Frank WRAY, Fred SCHAPER and Alvin JONES were fishing near Irondale the first of the week. John HELTON, wife and little daughter of Crossett, Ark., have lately been visiting the family of A. S. BOYD of this city. The Irondale Milling Company has just completed the erection of a new smoke stack, the old one having been blown down some time ago. Mrs. Geo. J. GOELTZ, Jr. visited St. Louis last week. Work on Dr. STAMMER's new brick residence is progressing rapidly. D. S. PAINTER made a trip to Farmington Thursday. Miss Pearl POLLARD visited Irondale Tuesday, the guest of Mrs. S. M. CARTER. C. E. BUTLER and wife went to Farmington last Sunday. Mrs. Samuel M. CARTER of Irondale is enjoying a visit from her sister, Miss GUTHRIE, of Fulton, Mo. Mrs. J. U. SCHWAB from St. Louis was in town Thursday. A much needed rain fell in this vicinity Monday and was gladly welcomed by the farmers and proprietors of garden spots. Judge TULLOCK has been visiting in St. Louis and in Illinois this week. Mrs. WOODSIDE from Ironton visited her sister, Mrs. G. J. GOELTZ Jr., last Friday. W. M. SANDMAN and wife have fitted up rooms in the Montgomery block, where they will reside. Mrs. J. M. BRYAN is visiting friends in St. Louis and will extend her visit to include various points in Illinois. Judging from the exhibition of ball playing that some of our town folks put up in the game last Friday there ought not to be much trouble in putting a rattling good nine in the field this season. Signs of prosperity in the way of new buildings, fresh paint and repairs are cropping out all over town this spring. At a call meeting of Bismarck Lodge, No. 330, A.O.U.W., last Tuesday evening, it was decided that the lodge members would give a picnic July 4th. There will be services at the M. E. Church in this city next Sunday. In case Rev. HODGES, the pastor is not able to be here on account of the Hickory Grove meeting, the pulpit will be supplied. Rev. J. W. HODGES informed us that there was much interest manifested at the meeting he is holding at Hickory Grove church both Sunday morning and night. Rev. J. A. WOOD is assisting in the meeting and it is expected that services will continue during the week. Bert BARRETT of this place kindly showed us through his poultry raising quarters one day last week and exhibited some very lusty looking chicks in all sorts of stages of development. He has been very successful this season and will raise a fine lot of chickens without the bother of setting hens. The appearance of the EATON & TRAUERNICHT building, occupied by LUCY & LUCY, general merchants, has been improved by the erection of a large wooden awning on the west front. John DENTON was doing the work, but on the advent of his twin babies last week there was lively betting on the outside that he would never survive to finish the job. John stood the racket better than was expected and kept right along with his job until it was finished. Prof. J. W. HOUSTON of Irondale paid the Gazette man a pleasant visit Tuesday and incidentally divulged the fact that he was on his way to Belgrade for the purpose of carrying away one of the nicest young ladies in that community -- and that is saying a good deal, for Belgrade certainly has some astonishingly handsome and accomplished young ladies. Later developments proved that he was telling the truth and that the wedding took place in Potosi on Wednesday. Judge L. F. DINNING of Potosi was here on business Wednesday morning. Mrs. E. N. SINCLAIR and Mrs. John LORE of this city visited St. Louis Tuesday. Miss Edith BOSS received an elegant new Cable upright piano one day this week. St. Louis Conference, Woman's Home Mission Society, M. E. Church, South, will hold their annual meeting at Oran, Mo., May 14-16. Our delegates elect of Bismarck will please take notice and attend if possible. -- Rev. J. W. HODGES. Dr. J. L. EATON sold his fine saddle horse to E. L. McCOMBER of Irondale one day this week. Garden truck is being brought into town quite freely this week: onions, lettuce, radishes, and greens are plentiful and not exorbitant in price. The special car of the International School of Correspondence put in an appearance here on No. 21 last Sunday. This part of the country was treated to a brilliant electrical display Tuesday night, but no rain of consequence fell here although heavy rains were reported near by. There was a rough and tumble fight down in Puckyhuddle the other day, one of the combatants being armed with a rail, an ax, a pair of tongs, a saw and a rifle, while the other one had only a scythe, pitchfork, dog, razor, pistol and a hoe. The trial jury was out only four minutes and returned the following verdict: "We, the jury, would have given a dollar to seen the fite." Mr. F. F. BEARD of this city, who made such a lightning run for collector, does not seem to be at all put out by his defeat by so narrow a margin but is greeting his friends and customers in his same old courteous manner at his handsome store on Front street. Some of his friends complain that he did not tell them he was running, but there were lots of folks that were aware of it, as the returns of the primary show. Sam DINNING, Esq., of Potosi passed through here enroute to his home after a visit to his sister, Miss Genevieve, who is attending school at the Ursuline Convent in Arcadia. Mr. and Mrs. Gus STEFFEN visited relatives in Doe Run on Sunday. Miss Lena NOLTE [?], who resides a mile or so west of town, has been quite ill for several days. Rev. R. H. AUSTERMAN of Waltersburg, Ill., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gus STEFFEN Sunday. We regret to hear that the infant child of R. S. BRECKENRIDGE has been seriously ill for several days. Mrs. J. J. DAVIS spent several days in Esther this week, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. APPLEBERRY. A Scott county man has married his mother-in-law. There are no braver men than those raised in the classic shades of the watermelon country. Dr. W. R. GOODYKOONTS of Caledonia and Dr. A. H. HAMEL of DeSoto were here Thursday enroute to their respective homes after having attended the meeting of the Southeast Mo. Medical Association at Oran. George FORBES, who is employed in the express office in Little Rock, Ark., is visiting his family in this city this week. B. T. EATON and wife of DeSoto have been visiting at the home of Dr. J. L. EATON in this city this week. They returned to their home Wednesday. John F. HINZE and son Alfred attended church at Doe Run Sunday. Dr. John TURLEY of River Aux Vases, Ste. Genevieve county, was a visitor in town during the week. John DENNIS, a merchant of the lead belt, accompanied by his wife was the guest of Dr. F. W. STAMMER and family last Sunday. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Dr. J. A. EATON of Belgrade is improving after a severe spell of sickness and hope soon to be able to announce her complete restoration to health. The saloons are closed in Potosi now, but we saw a big green car hitched onto the rear end of the Branch train one morning this week bearing the legend: "Ten Nights in a Bar Room," and bound for Potosi. There isn't a bar room there! Miss Leslie FLEMING, one of Bismarck's most charming young ladies, left for St. Joseph, Mo. Wednesday morning, where she will be the guest of her sister, who resides in that city. A telegram from Miss Leslie to her parents Thursday morning announced her safe arrival at St. Joe. The Southeast Missouri Drummer's Association will hold their annual meeting at Poplar Bluff on the 24th, 25th and 26th of the present month. Extensive preparations are being made for their entertainment and excursion rates will be given on all railroad lines. A mardi gras parade and a splendid pyrotechnic display are among the features announced.
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