"Local and Personal" Column

Fri. May 25, 1906

"Local and Personal" Column:

Next Wednesday, May 30, is Memorial day and is one of the legal holidays of the year.

Miss Stella BELKNAP is visiting home folks.

G[?]. S. ADAMS is very sick at the home of his son-in-law, Harry McGREW of this place.

Theo. and Fanny Fern COTTRELL are visiting friends in St. Louis this week.

Mr. and Mrs. G. F. HUNT went to Caledonia Saturday.

Mrs. J. M. BURKE has returned home after a short visit in Little Rock.

Finis ST. CLAIR has resigned his position as engineer at the mill.  A. D. DAY of Potosi
has been employed to take his place.

Mrs. C. C. DENT and Miss Anna WHITWORTH visited Farmington this week.

Rev. George STEEL of Ironton was in town a few days this week visiting his son, Hugh
STEEL of the Steel H. & L. Co.

Wm. MESTER, the gardner, will bring in fresh peas on Saturday.  You can call him up by
phone and place your order.

Mrs. Sarah MAXWELL of Belgrade was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dr. J. L. EATON several
days last week.  Mrs. EATON and her mother attended District conference at Elvins.

Sunday was observed as Children's Day at the M. E. church at Hickory Grove and a very
entertaining program was prepared for the occasion.

The Degree of Honor participated in a potato race last meeting night and Miss Ollie
HINDS won the prize.  The members of this lodge seem determined to keep in the lead in
the way of entertainment for the young folks.

Mrs. Henry STAPP of Leadwood, Mrs. M. E. DONNELL of Irondale and Mrs. J. D. WOOD of 
near here were visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. WOODS of this place recently.

For Sale -- One 10 1/2-barrel half round water tank for thresher engine with one wagon
and two heavy log chains, cheap.  Address - Wm. BENOIST, Irondale, Mo.

Mr. R. E. LEE and family made a trip Sunday to Leadwood, visiting friends and relatives.
He reports a splendid time and an enjoyable outing, but was hardly able to recognize
the once small village he left over a year ago, then known only as Owl Creek postoffice.

For the accomodation of those who desire to attend Memorial Day services at Hopewell 
on Wednesday, May 30, train No. 26 on the I.M. will stop at Hopwell in the morning and
train No. 1 will stop at Hopewell and Irondale going south in the evening of that day.

Miss BELCHAMBER of St. Louis is visiting friends here.

Prof. J. J. COLEMAN and wife spent last week in Caledonia.

Dr. J. L. EATON and wife made a trip to St. Louis Tuesday.

Louis H. BUTLER made a business trip to St. Louis Wednesday.

The Court of Honor holds Memorial Services Sunday at 2:30; everybody is invited.

Miss Gertrude BEARD of Bonne Terre was the guest of Miss Effie SINCLAIR during a part
of her visit here.

Jake BARGER is getting ready for the next horse show.  He has bought another horse.

George FORBES of Little Rock spent a few days with friends in this place this week.

Jake BARBER sold his wagon, team and harness to Finis SINCLAIR for $260.  Finis
worked them a week and sold them to John HUGHES of Esther for $280.

Dwellings are in demand here right now.  Among the new arrivals we note one of the
railway mail agents, whom we met while he was busily engaged in house hunting prepara-
tory to removal to this place to reside.

Dr. McHENRY has located in Bismarck and will practice dentistry.  The Doctor has 
rented a residence and is looking about for suitable apartments for an office.

Mrs. W. E. BUTLER and Mrs. Chas. E. BUTLER have been visiting in St. Louis this week
and their respective husbands are doing the bachelor stunt in great shape.

James A. BOONE of Charleston passed through here Wednesday, enroute to his home after
attending the Judicial Convention at Excelsior Springs as a delegate from his county.

Misses Martha DEATZ and Frieda and Mary OEHLER were the guests of Miss Theresa MESTER
at her home last Sunday.

Mrs. W. A. JOBE and daughter Maggie of Bonneterre, formerly residents of this city,
were Bismarck visitors Monday.

The Degree of Honor served ice cream and strawberries to a large crowd at the A.O.U.W.
Hall Monday evening, and we hear that everybody was well pleased over the affair which
was a success, both socially and financially.

The air is fragrant with the perfume of thousands of beautiful roses which now adorn
the yards about town.  Bismarck is a beautiful residence place any time, but at this
season of the year especially so as the town seems to be a mass of flowers throughout
the residence district.

Senator George T. LEE of Carter County was in Bismarck a short time Saturday.

W. R. VINEYARD and Henry VALLE attended the protracted meeting at Irondale last Sunday.

Engineer B. T. EATON of DeSoto is on the short run to Glen Allen this week.

Foreman SUTTON is on the sick list and Harry WILLIAMS of De Soto is filling his place.

The Sligo and Eastern Railway still continue to build slowly in this direction, a few
miles at a time.

John T. RICE, postmaster at Irondale and manager of the W. E. BUTLER store at that
place was here on business Wednesday.

Matt HAMMERS and Ed BEARD and some of their young lady friends had a pleasant outing
one day this week and tried their luck at fishing.

W. S. ANTHONY, Esq., of Farmington was in Bismarck Sunday.

Rev. A. M. ROBINSON of near Irondale was in Bismarck Saturday on his way to his
appointment in Williamsville.

The Sunday school children of the Baptist church are preparing for Children's Day.
The exercises will be held on Sunday, June 17th, at 7:30 p.m.

Dr. J. M. SLOAN is here this week on his regular monthly visit and will remain 
until the 29th.  Parties desiring dental work will do well to call and arrange dates
and thus save delay.

Engineer B. T. EATON of DeSoto has been assigned a run out of Bismarck and will
remove his family to this place during the coming week.

O. W. RAMSEY came in from his buggy trip Wednesday; he informs us that the Bismarck
Telephone Co., of which he is president, will soon have connections with the Lead
Belt and Caledonia systems.

Miss Nellie McGREW was awarded the prize given by the Harkness and Fox minstrels 
last Saturday night, as the most popular lady in town.  The prize awarded was a 37-
piece silver set.  Miss Nellie received 65,565 votes.

Miss Gertrude BEARD of Bonneterre has been visiting the family of Mr. Newton BEARD
of this city during the past week.  Miss BEARD is "central" at the Bonneterre 
telephone office and is considered very expert.

F. F. BEARD is expecting the return of his family from St. Louis in about four weeks
from this date.  He says he is thoroughly tired of being a bachelor and will be 
glad when school closes in the city and the folks come home for the summer.

Thursday, May 24 the Ladies Society of the Baptist church spent the day with Mrs.
Henry NOLTE, and had a very enjoyable time.  Although the ladies brought a lunch
with them they found room for the roast chicken, coffee, delicious cakes and ice
cream provided by their hostess.  Those present were Mrs. BATEY, COTTRELL, EIDSON,
LaTOUR, RANSEY, McFARLAND, TULLOCK and WHEELER and the pastor, H. J. LaTOUR.  Quite
a number of little folks were present and enjoyed a hearty play and the swings.

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