"Local and Personal" Column

Fri. Oct. 5, 1906

J. M. BURKE of Little Rock, Ark. spent Sunday with his family.

Mrs. L. H. BUTLER is expected home this week from Fort Smith, Ark., where she has been

Mrs. Adaline DENT and daughter, Mrs. J. M. BRYAN, returned home last week after a visit
in St. Louis.

Mrs. J. L. EATON is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. MAXWELL.

C. E. BUTLER, J. D. WOOD, Frank WRAY and Harry McGREW went to St. Louis Tuesday to see
the Veiled Prophet.

Miss Julia GUNTON of Ironton was visiting the Misses PAUL last week.

Rev. J. W. HODGES, late pastor of the M. E. Church, South, at this place, expects to 
leave with his family for Oak Ridge, Cape Girardeau county today, to which place he was
assigned by the conference.  We trust that he and his family may find their new home
desirable in every respect.

All members of D. of H. lodge No. [??] are kindly requested to attend lodge meeting
Tuesday evening, Oct. 9. -- L. A. BARRETT, Chief of Honor.

Essex Pigs for Sale -- For sale, two fine 7-months old male essex pigs. W. E. FITE, 
Bismarck, Mo.

SURPRISE PARTY -- The Degree of Honor treated the A.O.U.W. folks to a surprise party
after the lodge work was over last Thursday night...A fine luncheon was spread, in
which, we are informed, Huckleberry pie played a conspiculous part.

D. L. RIVERS, [?]. E. LONDON, J. L. MORRIS and B. W. BARHAM of Flat River came over
Monday night to attend Masonic lodge.

F. M. PRIEST left for Oregon last Saturday and will probably remain there until
spring; he has property interests near Katamath Falls, a rapidly growing young Oregon

R. C. TUCKER, democratic nominee for prosecuting attorney of this county was circula-
ting among the voters of this place last Saturday.  He reports his prospects for
success as very flattering.

The case of the State vs. Walter KID and others charged with disturbing the peace, 
was dismissed by the prosecuting attorney at Farmington last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. SHOFFELMAYER are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. FLEMING.
Mr. SHOFFELMAYER has just resigned the post of news editor of the St. Joseph
News-Press to accept the telegraph editorship of the Globe Democrat of St. Louis,
where he and his wife will reside.

COURT OF HONOR -- At a regular meeting of the Bismarck District Court of Honor
last Friday night the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:  Henry
ADKINS, W. C.; J. M. BURKE, P. C.; Oscar TEMPLETON, V. C.; Mr. EIDSON, Chaplain;
L. H. BUTLER, Recorder; L. MATKIN, Conductor; Leslie FLEMING, Guard; Clyde MATKIN, 
Sentinel; Geo. J. GOELTZ, Jr., Director.  After the election of officers the balance
of the evening was spent eating ice cream and listening to sweet strains of music.
The election of officers has been changed from January to September. The new officers
will be installed the first meeting night in Oct.; all members are requested to be
present and assist in the work.  Work to be done in first and second degrees. -- 

BRECKENRIDGE HOTEL CHANGES HANDS -- The popular Breckenridge hotel at this place
changed hands last Monday, Mr. R. S. BRECKENRIDGE having sold his entire interest
to B. T. EATON of DeSoto, who took active charge on that day.  The hotel will be
practically refurnished soon and will be first-class in every particular.  We are
not informed at present of Mr. BRECKENRIDGE's plans, but hope he may meet with 
fine success wherever he may locate.

Among the callers at this office last Saturday was Mr. C. P. (Pink) WILKSON, the
affable and capable young gentleman who expects to be the next Circuit Clerk for
St. Francois county.  He has every qualification necessary, having filled the 
position of deputy most acceptably under the present clerk and is a man of brains
and energy, abundantly able and perfectly willing to do his whole duty.  We wish that
his fondest hope may be realized in the election this fall.

BOARD OF EDUCATION -- On account of inclement weather the board held no meeting last
Friday night, but a call session was held Oct. 2.  Among other matters, City Marshall
HUFF was appointed Truant Officer and will arrest all children found on the streets
during school hours without legal excuse.  The clerk was also instructed to notify 
all non-resident pupils that tuition is payable in advance.  Warrants were ordered
drawn in payment of teachers' salaries and some incidental expenses.

REPORT OF BISMARCK HIGH SCHOOL FOR SEPT. 1906 -- Enrollment in high school, 20; 
Total in all rooms, 193.  All the rooms are doing good work.  The patrons are co-
operating nicely.  It is the wish of each teacher that the pupil attend every day.
In fact it is next to an impossibility to advance a pupil who is irregular in the
least.  Below is the average daily rank of the pupils who did satisfactory work for
the month.  First rank:  Edmon BOSS, Bertha BEARD, Norman GOELTZ, Marie HECK, Kathleen
LENTZ; 2nd rank:  Blanche RAMSEY, Myrtle MATKIN, Addie HUGHES, Edgar BATEY; 3rd rank:
Clyde MATKIN and Alta HUFF.


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