"Local and Personal" Column

Fri. Sept. 26, 1906

J. R. THOMPSON visited Flat River Sunday.

Miss Bertha STAMMER is visiting in St. Louis.

Miss Edna BEARD is visiting in St. Louis this week.

Miss Clara BOSS is the guest of friends in DeSoto.

Judge D. L. RIVERS of Elvins was here on business last Friday.

Norman MAXWELL of Belgrade was here Tuesday visiting the family of Dr. J. L. 

F. R. GRIDER is having his residence painted by E. J. DENT.

Mr. John BOSS returned to St. Louis Saturday after a week's vacation with 
home folks.

W. L. CARNEY and W. E. BUTLER made a trip to Washington county Monday.

Mrs. Dr. COBB of DeSoto was the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. M. BURKE last 

The conductor on passenger train No. 18, found an infant, apparently about 
two days old, abandoned on his train Wednesday morning, between here and St. 

Hon. M. R. SMITH, democratic candidate for congress, will address the Farmers 
meeting at this place Oct. 20.

Miss Effie BROWN has gone to Oak Ridge, La., where she takes charge of the 
millinery department in a large mercantile establishment.

Hon. Marion E. RHODES, Congressman from this district was a pleasant caller 
at the Gazette office last Saturday.  It is needless to say that the Gazette 
man was much pleased to see him and renew the friendship begun many years ago 
between Mr. RHODES and himself.

J. W. WHITWORTH of Arcadia had business in Bismarck the first of the week.

The Bismarck Orchestra will furnish music for the big meeting in this city Oct 

Charles CURRY, a prominent farmer of Wynne, Ark., and an old time friend of Mr. 
STAMMER, was visiting the doctor Wednesday.

Mr. John BOSS and Misses Edna BEARD, Leslie FLEMING and Edith BOSS enjoyed an 
outing at Iron Mountain Lake Thursday.

A merry crowd of girls surprised Miss Edith HITZMAN at her home last Thursday 
evening and had a jolly good time.

A crowd of young girls enjoyed an outing last Saturday afternoon and partook 
of an elegant lunch served by Miss Nellie WOOD.  We hear that the girls indulged 
in several feats of strength and daring; Miss Edith HITZMAN succeeded in knocking 
a tree down and Miss Clara BOSS won the prize -- a large mustard seed -- as the 
most expert swimmer.  Misses Leona PAUL and Nellie LOTTSMAN took the cake as the 
bravest girls by walking across a water gate with hands behind them.

There was a steady flow of visitors and customers all day Thursday at the opening
display of millinery at Mrs. W. M. BOLZ's establishment.  The display is said to
have been a handsome one and demonstrated that the proprietress is an expert in 
all that pertains to her business.

L. H. BUTLER left Monday for Kansas City where he represents the Bismarck lodge,
A.F. & A.M. at the annual meeting of the Grand lodge this week.

Henry ADKINS was painfully injured while shoeing a mule Monday.  The mule lurched
forward throwing him violently to the ground and dislocating his right shoulder.  
Dr. EATON, who reduced the dislocation, states it will be a week or more before 
he can use the arm to any extent.

Dr. W. R. GOODYKOONTZ of Caledonia was a Bismarck visitor Tuesday and when last
seen by the Gazette man he was whooping up Dave BALL for Governor.

Hon. M. E. RHODES, Congressman from this district, will be here Oct. 19, at the
big convention and will address the assemblage.

Mrs. A. J. WOODS threw open her handsome millinery parlor to the public last
Thursday, it being the ocassion of the fall opening of millinery goods.  There 
were many visitors and all admired the beautiful stock she had on exhibition.  
We hear that Mrs. WOODS visitors not only came to be shown but to purchase as 
well and that she was well pleased with the result of the day's work.

Our Baptist friends have just completed the placing of a handsome new iron fence
around their church lot.  The lot has been cleared of stumps and put in nice 
shape and a broad concrete sidewalk laid from the gate to the steps.  We 
congratulate the pastor and members on the sightly appearance presented by the 
church property.

For Sale -- I have for sale 5 dozen Victor Disc Records; cheap.  Call or address
Mrs. Bettie McCARRON, Irondale Mo.

J. H. CURRAN, President of the Immigration association, was here Saturday 
arranging the details for the big meeting to be held here Oct. 19-20.

Esq. KIDD of Mineral Point was here last Friday and Saturday visiting relatives 
and incidentally talking fruit trees.  We acknowledge a pleasant call from him 
at the Gazette office.

The Gazette always trys to give its readers something new each week and thus 
keep out of the rut.  Our friends will notice that our last paper was dated Sept. 
21, while today's issue is changed to the 28.  The public likes a change in reading 

Numerous farmers have signified their intention to have exhibits of fruit and
grain at the Farmers meeting to be held here.  It is expected that several special
prizes will be offered along this line.

Mrs. COCHBURN chaperoned a box party composed of Misses Olive LEGGETT, Edith BOSS,
Leslie FLEMING and Pearl POLLARD at the Olympic theatre Tuesday night, the occassion
being the first appearance, this season, of a new play entitled "Ten Nights in a
Bar Room."  They say they never saw anything like it before.

Miss Leona PAUL entertained a few friends at her home on Monday evening, Sept. 17.
Among those present were Misses Edith HITZMAN, Clara BOSS, Mae SLOAN, Ethel
BISPLINGHOFF and Nellie LOTTSMAN.  Musical numbers, vocal and instrumental, were
rendered and the guests at departing were loud in their praises of the hostess
and her rare abilities as an entertainer.

The Southeast Missouri Trust Co., organized at Cape Girardeau this week, has
offered Mr. S. M. CARTER, cashier of the Irondale Bank, great inducements to 
connect himself with the company in the capacity of secretary.  Mr. CARTER is 
likely to accept this lucrative position.

Later -- Since the above was written, Mr. CARTER has accepted the position.  The
Gazette, with a host of other friends congratulate him upon his good fortune.  The
new company could not have made a more suitable selection.


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