Flat River, St. Francois County, Missouri.
"BISMARCK NEWS" by Mrs. J. C. Blanton
Fri. Nov. 30, 1945

Mrs. C. H. KISTNER was a St. Louis visitor Thursday.

Sgt. Robert WOOD, Jr., of U.S. Army Air Corps left Nov. 14th for Santa Ana, Calif., after spending a 45-day leave here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert WOOD.

Pvt. Hugh DRIEMEIER of Fort Riley, Kansas, spent several days the past week here with his family and his father, Fred DRIEMEIER.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred MOSS of Wheaton, Ill., visited her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. James MIDDLETON the past week.

Mrs. J. C. BLANTON spent the week end in St. Louis with her daughter, Mrs. J. L. RAGSDALE. She also visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert VANCE.

John Elmo ROSS has returned home after four years service in the U.S. Army. He has been discharged and is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. ROSS.

H. L. STRADER was a St. Louis visitor Tuesday.

Lt. Comdr. Clifton R. BELL, whose wife is now teaching in the Bismarck schools, has been appointed County Supt. of Schools for St. Francois County to succeed the late J. Clyde AKERS.

Felix DRIEMEIER returned home this week after receiving his discharge from the army.

Mrs. O. E. HANSBROUGH has gone to Palm Springs, Calif. She will spend the winter there with her daughter, Mrs. M. S. THOMPSON and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred WESNER, who have been visiting her brothers, Emil FRANZ and family and Walter FRANZ, returned to their home in Fish Creek, Wisconsin.

Mr. and Mrs. Luther NEWCOMB and daughter, Nancy, are visiting with the former's sisters, Mrs. Gervis LESTER and Mrs. J. J. RICKMAN. Mr. NEWCOMB has been employed in the navy yards at Washington, D.C., for the past five years. They are on their way to San Francisco to make their home.

Richard and Joe BLANTON of Elvins spent Thursday and Friday with their grandmother, Mrs. Alice BLANTON, and also visited at the J. C. BLANTON home.

Mrs. Ollie BOUSHON spent several days the past week with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis SMITH and son of Belleview.

Miss Annalea WELKER of St. Louis spent from Wednesday until Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Jessie WELKER, and other relatives.

J. C. MIDDLETON and Mr. and Mrs. Fred MAAS spent Thanksgiving with the Grayden SHEPARD family in St. Louis.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. KILMER visited at the home of Mrs. Alice BLANTON Thursday.

Mrs. Gervis LESTER received a letter from her son, Delmer, last Monday telling her he received his honorable discharge from the navy on November 10th. The navy also notified her of Delmer's discharge at San Pedro, Calif. He and his wife will leave California in December and are expected to arrive in Bismarck about New Years.

Mrs. J. J. RICKMAN and father, C. W. NEWCOMB, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. NEWCOMB and daughter, Nancy Lee, spent Sunday at the home of their grandfather, J. E. PROVINCE of Potosi Route 1. He will celebrate his 95th birthday on December 5. Also visiting Mr. PROVINCE was his son, C. E. PROVINCE of Marshall, Mo., who came to visit during the Thanksgiving holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. W. K. GIESSING and son, Don Karl, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. BLANTON.

Mr. and Mrs. Hansford HODGES of Gumbo visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. L. LESTER Sunday evening.



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