Bismarck, St. Francois County, Missouri
"Local Items" Column

Fri., February 7, 1947

Mr. and Mrs. C. G. BARKS of Millersville, Mo., were Thursday visitors here with Mr. BARKS' sister, Mrs. Jessie WELKER, and other friends and relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald NIPPER spent Saturday in Caledonia at the home of Mrs. NIPPER's parents, Rev. and Mrs. CONNOR.

Clifford STEWART of Bonne Terre visited friends here on Saturday.

Rev. A. C. WHITWORTH spent the week-end with relatives in St. Clair, Mo.

Mr. and Mrs. John HOUK and daughter of Poplar Bluff spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. HINZE.

John BROWNE of St. Louis spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. BROWNE.

...[line of print missing]...Akron, Ohio, are the proud parents of a baby boy. (Mrs. PATTERSON is a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. H. T. PAYNE.)

Mr. Al. TRAUERNICHT returned home from Missouri Pacific Hospital in St. Louis Sunday afternoon spending several days there for a check-up.

Mrs. Orville SCHEIHING and son, John Mark, came home from the Bonne Terre Hospital on Sunday.

Mrs. Ed. FREER and son, Jimmy, returned to their home in DeSoto Sunday after spending several weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter SINCLAIR.

Mr. and Mrs. Dale WILSON of Morse Mill, Mo., were Sunday visitors at the Walter SINCLAIR home.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred WHITE will leave Saturday for a visit with their son, Jack and family in Los Angeles, Calif.

Mr. and Mrs. Rolla SUTHERLAND and two sons spent Sunday in Fredericktown, Mo.

Mrs. H. E. HUTCHINGS of St. Louis is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. I. RUBLE.

J. C. WICKMAN of Farmington was a business visitor in Bismarck on Saturday.

Freeman DURHAM of St. Louis is visiting his wife and baby here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. SCHEIHING.

George LEGGETT of St. Louis was visiting his mother, Mrs. Sophia LEGGETT, and other relatives here the past week.

H. A. BLANTON of St. Louis visited his mother, Mrs. Alice BLANTON and his sister, Myrtle, here on Sunday.

Mrs. Elwood YOUNT and children of Belgrade were Thursday visitors here with her sister, Mrs. C. G. WELKER.

HINZE Motor Co. has some 1947 Chevrolets on display now.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. WOOD spent from Sunday until Wednesday in Columbia, Mo., where Mr. WOOD attended a meeting of County School Superintendents. They also visited their son, Robt. WOOD, Jr. and wife, who is attending Missouri University.

A Past Matrons Club luncheon and meeting was held at the home of Mrs. A. J. PILLIARD on Friday, Jan. 24. Officers for 1947 were installed by Mrs. D. I. SHELL in an impressive ceremony. The Club will sponsor a Food Sale on Saturday, Feb. 22; watch for the time and place.

Mr. and Mrs. M. W. BAKER were St. Louis visitors Saturday.

Mrs. Edith CARR of Kirkwood is spending several days here at the home of her father, Dan HODKINS and Miss Bess HODKINS. Mr. HODKINS has been on the sick list for the past few weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph GOETZ are celebrating their 47th wedding anniversary today, February 7th. Mr. and Mrs. GOETZ now live in Bismarck, having recently sold their farm west of town.

FOR SALE -- 21 jewel Elgin; B.W. Raymond works; lever set; size 16, pocket watch; excellent condition. Price $50. L. R. THURMAN, Rt. 1, Elvins, Mo.

Rev. H. G. HALTER, pastor of the Bismarck Lutheran Church, will speak over Radio Station KFUO, St. Louis, at 3:15 p.m., February 10th.

FOR SALE -- Baby Carriage; like new. Bill DUNLAP, Bismarck, Mo.

Dr. F. W. GALE took Mrs. GALE to the Missouri Baptist Hospital on Sunday and visited her there again on Wednesday. Mrs. GALE's condition is not favorable.

Bethany Class of the Methodist Church is preparing a bigger and better Negro Minstrel, which will be presented here the latter part of February, according to present plans. The date will be announced within a short time.

The Fire Department was called to the Dr. F. T. WALLEN farm at 11:15 today when a grass fire, whipped by a brisk north wind, threatened barns and outbuildings on the farm. The fire, probably started by a spark from a passing train, was quickly snuffed out by firemen who were anxious to get it over with and get in out of the cold. Riding a speeding fire engine with no protection of even a windshield is anything but in this kind of weather, but it must be done.



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