"Local Items" Column

Fri., February 14, 1947

Dr. F. W. GALE was in St. Louis on Thursday where he visited his wife, who is a patient in the Missouri Baptist Hospital. Mrs. GALE will return home Saturday afternoon.

Mr. L. E. LOGAN informs us that Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leslie LOGAN of Baltimore, Md., are the proud parents of a baby boy, Charles Leslie.

Byron and Edwin McCABE of Ironton were Bismarck visitors on Wednesday.

Bill [William] SIMANE is going about on crutches as the result of a badly sprained knee he suffered Friday when he slipped on his way to the fire station to answer a call to the WALLEN farm. Bill is a member of the Bismarck Fire Department and seldom misses a fire. We hope he will be able to navigate under his own power within a short time.

Mr. and Mrs. John REAGAN and Miss Annabelle HORTON were in Cape Girardeau on Tuesday evening to attend a basketball game in which their son, Johnny Lee, of Murray College, Ky., participated.

Mrs. R. E. THOMPSON was a business visitor on Tuesday.

Mrs. Martin DETTLING is in St. Louis under the care of a doctor.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman HENDERSON are the proud parents of a baby boy born Monday night at the Ironton Hospital.

Mrs. Freeman DURHAM was taken to the Ironton Hospital by ambulance on Thursday morning. She has been ill here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. SCHEIHING, for the past two weeks.

Jess SHANER of St. Louis was a week-end visitor here with his mother, Mrs. Louella SHANER.

The Board of Education has decided that tripping the light fantastic in the high school gym shall be tabooed in Bismarck.

On Sunday, February 9th, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. BAKER attended Zion Evangelical Church in St. Louis, at which time Mrs. BAKER sang a solo, "Lord, Thy Will Be Done" as a surprise to the D.O.N. Sunday School Class, which was organized 32 years ago on this day. At 5 p.m. a buffet supper was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George VonBEHREN for the class and their families, and Mr. and Mrs. BAKER were guests. Mrs. BAKER was a former member of the class.

FOOD SALE -- by Past Matrons Club, Earl Wright Building, on Saturday, February 22nd, 2 p.m.

The Bismarck Independents won the tournament at Ellington last week by defeating Elsinore 34-27; Ellington 56-29, and in the finals took the measure of Salem by a score of 43 to 30. Members of the Bismarck team are: Toby WELCH, Orville McDOWELL, Sonny COLLINS, Bill MASTERS, Buck CLOPPER, Bob COX, Kenneth HENDERSON, Don WHITE, Herman McCUTCHEON, and Albert WEST. The team plays on Thursday nights. See them in their next game. The boys play some good basketball. Lloyd BOARMAN is manager of the town team.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul DOOLEY of St. Louis County spent Saturday and Sunday here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. GROAT and Mrs. V. DOOLEY and Clarence DOOLEY.

Orville RIEHL of St. Louis was a week-end visitor here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John RIEHL.

R. F. JOHNSON was a business visitor in St. Louis on Wednesday of this week.

Mrs. George ANDERSON, Mr. and Mrs. Albert DITCH and Mrs. Rosa MASTERS attended the funeral of Mrs. ANDERSON's mother, Mrs. Tilda THOMPSON, at the Belleview Baptist Church on Sunday.

L. V. BOURGEOIS of St. Louis spent the week-end at his home here.

Mr. and Mrs. Oran KEATHLEY of St. Louis spent the week-end here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. HELVEY and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. KEATHLEY.

John REAGAN spent the week-end in Murray, Ky., with his son, Johnny Lee, and Mrs. REAGAN returned home with him after a visit of several weeks in Murray.

Chas. HAMM of St. Louis spent the week-end at his home here.

Bus JOHNSON and Tom SCEHIFER of Missouri University at Columbia, spent a few days here with homefolks the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ancel WHITE of Ironton were business visitors here on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. O. BUTTS have purchased a home in Farmington and moved there the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse ROBINSON of St. Louis purchased the Roy McDONALD 3-acre tract and buildings west of town and are preparing to move to it about the middle of March.

Chas. W. and Annabelle LEWIS have purchased two lots from John WICHMAN of Farmington and have started a home. The lots are in north Bismarck.

Lawrence SMITH of St. Louis bought the 10-acre tract west of town from Nora LaMOTTE and will move here later.

Ray and Helen WIDGER bought the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. JOINER and are preparing to move here from Weingarten soon. Mac Mateer Agency handled the above deals.



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