Published by
Bismarck, St. Francois Co. MO
Fri. January 3, 1947

Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn DARNELL and two sons of Kansas City, Mo., are spending the holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. DARNELL.

Miss Leona Van HERCK spent Christmas at the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. James STRADER in Springfield, Ill.

Johnny Lee REAGAN of Murray College, Murray, Ky., spent the holidays here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John E. REAGAN.

FOR SALE -- Hog to butcher, about 250 lbs. See George GIBBONS, or call 502-F-14.

Mrs. A. RENN and daughter, Sally, of Middlebrook spent Friday here at the home of Mrs. J. A. ROY.

Mrs. Bertha BUCHER of St. Louis, who has just returned from a trip to California, spent from Wednesday until Saturday here with her sister, Mrs. J. A. ROY. She was called to St. Louis on business matters Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd BUNTON are the proud parents of an eight pound, four ounce baby girl born at the Josephine Heitcamp Memorial Hospital on Christmas Day. She was given the name Carolyn Sue. Mrs. BUNTON is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry SELLERS of near Bismarck.

Boys and girls who received a sled or a pair of skates for their Christmas present have had the opportunity to make use of them the past week. Snow, sleet and ice have been a familiar sight in Bismarck recently.

Misses Beatrice and Eva BELL spent the week with relatives in St. Louis.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles OEHLER of near Sikeston spent Christmas here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. OEHLER and other relatives.

Edward POPP of Little Rock, Ark., spent several days here this week at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. A. SLOAN. He is attending college in Little Rock.

Pat and Sue SPORTSMAN of Hillsboro, Ill., spent the week here with their grandmother, Mrs. James SISK. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert MARTIN and two children of Middlebrook were Christmas visitors at the SISK home also.

Mr. and Mrs. Una CREWS of St. Louis spent the week-end here at the home of her mother, Mrs. Louella SHANER.

Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John TULLOCK Christmas were their children. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph SINCLAIR and daughter of Detroit, Mich., Earl TULLOCK of Kansas City, Mo., and Miss Ruby TULLOCK of Columbia, Mo. They expect their son, Henry, of the Navy, home for New Year's.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert WOOD, Jr., of Columbia spent several days here the past week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. WOOD.

Mr. and Mrs. Gene BROWN and daughter spent Christmas with relatives in Piggott, Ark.

Mrs. Earl THOMPSON and son, Sammy, spent Christmas with her parents, Mrs. Sam McMURTREY in Gideon, Mo.

Mrs. Helen ROBERTS of St. Louis spent Christmas here with her daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde RUBLE and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. [James] BROWNE and son.

Peggy STRADER, who is attending Washington University in St. Louis, spent the Christmas vacation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. STRADER and other relatives.

Mrs. C. G. WELKER was a St. Louis visitor on Friday.

Jesse WOOD and family of Festus spent several days here the past week visiting friends and relatives.

Carl COOLEY has been quite ill the past week of pneumonia. He is much improved, however, at this writing. His position as manager of the Farm Bureau Store here has been filled during his absence by Dale CONWAY.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond TEMPLETON and children of DeSoto and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon TEMPLETON and children of Poplar Bluff, Mo., spent Christmas here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. TEMPLETON. Mrs. TEMPLETON accompanied Vernon home for a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. John GRISHAM spent Christmas with Mrs. GRISHAM's mother in Vandalia, Ill.

Chris BOLZ of St. Louis is visiting at the home of Mrs. Emma BOLZ.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren ELKINS of Festus were visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. RAGSDALE, here several days the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. RAGSDALE of St. Louis spent the week-end here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John RAGSDALE and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. BLANTON.

Mrs. Eva CRUMP came here last week and is spending the winter with her son, Orville and family.

The new state auto licenses are now on sale. R. F. JOHNSON is selling the state tags in Bismarck. The tags are black on white, black numerals on a white background. City auto stickers are also on sale at the City Collector's Office in Bismarck. The deadline for the purchase of the State licenses is January 15. THe City Council follows the State deadline in compelling the purchase of city auto stickers.

Pvt. Bill BELL of the Marines, stationed at Camp LeJeuine, N.C., is spending a few days leave at the John RAGSDALE home here.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul BOWLIN and little son, of Ironton, were six o'clock dinner guests at the GOELTZ home on Friday of this week.

Bill HURFORD and sister, Alma, sold their five acre tract south of town to Rev. C. E. CALVERT and wife of Lesterville, Mo., the past week. Bill and his sister have moved to Farmington and the CALVERTs have moved to their new home. Rev. CALVERT is a retired Baptist minister. The transaction was handled by Mac Mateer Agency.

Mr. and Mrs. M. W. BAKER and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle BAKER and son, Tommy, attended the family Christmas dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth BAKER at Desloge on Sunday. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter SCHMALZ and family and Mr. and Mrs. Emmett THOMPSON of St. Louis.

Mr. and Mrs. M. W. BAKER and Mrs. A. R. MOEBIUS visited relatives and friends at Columbia and Millstadt, Ill., on Christmas day.

Christmas guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. BAKER on Thursday night were Mr. and Mrs. Walter SCHMALZ and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth BAKER and family, of Desloge, Mr. and Mrs. Lester ROSSER of Hot Springs, Ark., Mr. and Mrs. Lyle BAKER and son, Mr. Dan HODKINS and Miss Bess HODKINS.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward George ECKERT of St. Louis spent the Christmas week-end in the M. W. BAKER home.



Mr. and Mrs. Lee KEATHLEY traded their farm near Lesterville to Mr. and Mrs. Emmett CROCKER and the new owners moved to the farm Saturday. Mac Mateer Agency handled the deal.

The annual Christmas gathering of the ARMBRUSTERS and many friends was held this year at the home of Jim [James] and Clara ARMBRUSTER and daughters, Barbara and Ann, in Flat River. The guests were Bernice and Clara Mae HOOD, Flat River; Mrs. Louella COLLINS of Farmington; Mr. and Mrs. Walter FARNER and C. B. MATEER of Bismarck. In addition to the distribution of what Santa brought, a delicious dinner of turkey and trimmings was served. Clara ARMBRUSTER will be remembered as daughter and Mac as a brother of the late Katie WIRAG of Bismarck.



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