Published by
Bismarck, St. Francois Co. MO
Fri. January 10, 1947

Pvt. Darrell C. NOLAN, who recently completed his basic training in the Army Ground Forces Replacement Training Center at Fort Dix, N.J., visited his father, C. H. NOLAN, here recently. He reported to Ft. Lawton, Washington for further assignment.

FOR SALE -- 1939 Ford Dump Truck, good condition; new tires and new motor. T. M. WHALEY, Iron Mountain, Mo.

J. I. KNESS of St. Louis was buried at the Masonic Cemetery at Bismarck on Wednesday. Mr. KNESS was a Bismarck resident for many years. The family occupied the house now owned by E. G. HILL.

Mrs. A. L. BUSTER, a former resident here, died recently at her home in Desoto.

John BROWNE of St. Louis was a week-end visitor here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. BROWNE.

Kretz LaBEAUME is laid up from injuries he received in a fall on the ice during the recent slick weather.

Misses Lucille and Gene LaBEAUME of Jefferson City, Mo., were recent visitors here at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. LaBEAUME.

Rita TRAUERNICHT of St. Louis visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Al. TRAUERNICHT several days the past week.

Jess SHANER of St. Louis spent the week-end here with his mother, Mrs. Louella SHANER.

Mrs. D. L. SHELL was a St. Louis visitor on Monday.

V. O. SHAW of Farmington was a business visitor here on Monday.

Mrs. Marjorie ADAMS and two children of St. Louis are visiting here with her mother, Mrs. Mame DEVINE.

Pvt. Paul V. WILLIAMS was a recent visitor here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul WILLIAMS, following the completion of his Basic Training at the Army Ground Forces Replacement Training Center at Fort Dix, N.J. He reports to Ft. Lawton, Washington, for further assignment.

Mrs. John E. REAGAN is visiting her son, Johnny, who is attending college in Murray, Ky.

Miss Annalea WELKER of St. Louis visited her mother, Mrs. Jessie WELKER, here over the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. William WILKERSON and daughter of St. Louis spent the week-end here with Mrs. WILKERSON's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. SHELL, and other relatives.

Mrs. Roy STOUT was called to Jefferson City on Thursday after receiving word that her son-in-law had been seriously injured in a crossing accident there. The car in which he was riding was struck by a Missouri Pacific train. Three persons were killed in the car and another injured. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat carried the article on Friday describing the accident.

Theodore Van HERCK, Sr., one of Bismarck's oldest citizens, died Tuesday, January 7, at the age of 91 years, 4 months and 25 days. Funeral services were held at the Lutheran Church at 2:00 p.m. Thursday with burial in the Lutheran Cemetery.

The report of the Bank of Bismarck appears in this issue of the Gazette. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Bank at the banking house on Monday of this week, the following officers were elected for the year: Clyde RUBLE, president; Dr. F. W. GALE, and Fred OEHLER, vice presidents; J. N. ADAMS, cashier; Byron UPCHURCH, assistant cashier; and Bertha OEHLER, bookkeeper. The most noticeable increase in the bank's report is in the capital accounts, which over a period of years has increased from thirty thousand to ninety thousand dollars.



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