Flat River, St. Francois County, Missouri
"Bonne Terre News" Column
Fri. Jan. 2, 1920


Damon BELKNAP left Saturday for Detroit after spending the holidays with homefolks here.

Mr. Edmund DEGONIA was painfully injured while working in the yards at Herculaneum Monday
morning.  He and another man were loading a car and too much weight was put on one end of
the car causing it to slip and mashing his right foot badly.  He was brought to the Bonne
Terre Hospital Monday evening.  His many friends will be pleased to know that he is 
getting along nicely, although it will be some time before he is able to return to his 

Orville RUDY returned from St. Louis Monday after spending a week with his father, M. H. 

Mr. John WINER from Oklahoma spent Christmas here with his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. E. H. BYINGTON of St. Louis are the guests of Mrs. Louise MOSTILLER.

T. C. MOON has sold his business to his brother-in-law, Mr. Sam LONG.  Mr. MOON goes to
St. Louis to take the position as District Manager of the Ajax Tire Company, with head-
quarters in St. Louis.

Mr. and Mrs. S. J. DOUGLAS returned Sunday from Kansas City [where] they had spent

Percy ROSS of Detroit who is employed by the New York Central Railway spent the holidays
here with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Luther ROSS of St. Louis left Sunday after visiting the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John COMPTON and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. John PEARCE, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. THURMAN and Mr. and Mrs. F. D. HUDSON and
daughter, Marguarite, of Desloge spent Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McHENRY
where there was a large gathering of relatives at a family reunion.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MURRILL and Mr. and Mrs. Hans SHANTL spent Christmas in St. Louis, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. U. YOUNG.

Miss Etta LAWSON of St. Louis spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John 

Mr. and Mrs. Louis WOLF and little daughter, Helen Dorocas, of Tyler, Texas spent Friday
and Saturday here visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. WOLF.

Miss Margaret SWAN of St. Louis spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M.

Miss Louise PRATTE spent the past week in St. Louis with her mother, Mrs. Geo. PRATTE,
who is sick in a hospital there.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman McCABE and their guest, Miss Helen DAVIS of St. Louis, spent Christmas
in Leadwood with relatives.

Mrs. Gertrude WILLIAMS of St. Louis spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.

Louis WARD left Thursday for St. Louis where he will seek employment.

Elmer WARD of St. Louis spent Christmas here with relatives.

Kermit HAILE of St. Louis spent Thursday and Friday here with the family of Thos. AUBUCHON.

Mr. and Mrs. Linn CHANDLER spent several days last week with Mr. CHANDLER's mother who is
in the Jewish Hospital in St. Louis.

Mrs. Minnie CARVER and Mrs. Daisy CHERRY of East St. Louis spent Friday with their aunt
Mrs. Thos. AUBUCHON.

Willie THOMAS came down from St. Louis to spend the holidays with homefolks.

Frank and Raymond EDWARDS of St. Louis spent Christmas here with relatives.

Mrs. Martha DUNLAP and daughter Dora of Bismarck visited Mrs. Stella BELL Friday and

Miss Ida WILSON of St. Louis spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. J. L. DUNLAP.

Miss Hazel DODSON who is attending Commercial College in DeSoto spent the holidays here
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. B. DODSON.

Mr. and Mrs. M. CRONBAUGH and daughter and a niece Miss Florence CRONBAUGH left for their
home in Ada, Ohio after a week's visit with Dr. C. N. CRONBAUGH and family.

Miss Mabel RINGER who is teaching at Roswell, New Mexico is here spending her two weeks
holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Abe RINGER.

A very noisy and jolly, if rather unmusical serenade was given by a crowd of High School
students for Mr. and Mrs. SILVDGE Tuesday evening.  Mr. SELVIDGE is the Principal of the
High School here and was married while away during the holidays.  They are at present 
light house keeping at the home of D. R. BRAZEL.  The young folks met at the high school
building and went to the home of the newly married couple where they made plenty of 
noise until admitted.  The next three hours were spent in having a jolly good time and
Mr. and Mrs. SELVIDGE in spite of the surprise served refreshments of ice cream and cake.
The pupils left at a late hour wishing their teacher and his bride a long and happy married

Red Cross nurse, Miss Katheryn YOCUM began her class here Tuesday in the high school
building.  The course will cover a period of three weeks.  Many women have availed them-
selves of the wonderful opportunity the lessons afford.  A charge of forty cents is the
only cost connected with the entire work.  There is a class in the morning and two in 
the afternoon in order that all women who desire may arrange to take the lessons.

George SMITH was called to Knob Lick Saturday on account of the death of his brother,
James.  The funeral was held there Sunday.

Miss Maggie BECK left Sunday for St. Louis where she has a position in the printing 
office of Robert EAVES.  Miss BECK formerly worked for Mr. EAVES when he was owner of
the Register.

A chicken supper was served at the home of Mrs. Narcis McSPADEN Wednesday evening in 
honor of her son, James of St. Louis.  A number of relatives were present to enjoy the
bountiful supper.

The following Bonne Terre people went to Flat River Tuesday night to the Baptist church
there where a minister and six deacons were ordained:  Mr. and Mrs. A. M. LIVELY, J. J.
BOWMAN, Fred RICE, L. KURTZ, J. L. TIERNEY, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. McSPADEN, Mr. and Mrs.
Hy. WARD, Rev. and Mrs. J. W. BAYS and Mrs. Jennie SPENCER.

Walter FITZPATRICK of Shreveport, La., spent the holidays with his father, J. FITZPATRICK.

Miss Myrtle LONG, who is teaching in Baxter Springs, Kas., left for that place Saturday
after spending Christmas here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. LONG.

Mr. and Mrs. George TRAUERNICHT of Miami, Okla., spent Christmas here with the latter's
parents, Mr. Josh LONG.

Mrs. Robt. GLENN, Miss Marguerite BELKNAP of Kansas City and Mr. and Mrs. George NOLLER
of St. Louis spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Truman BELKNAP.

Melvin BELKNAP who is now employed in Detroit spent the holidays with home folks here.

Tom MOON of Detroit spent the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. MOON.

Miss Rebecca BREME who is employed in Texas came home to spend the holidays.

Mr. Cyprian BOYER and daughter, Miss Sydney, spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs.
Peter JOHNSON in Herculaneum.  Miss Sydney went to Ste. Genevieve Friday to attend a
dance given by the soldiers and sailors of that place.

A party was given Christmas night at the Bonne Terre hospital in the Nurses' home.  
There was a Christmas tree and various games were played.  The guests had a very delight-
ful time.  Those present were:  Misses BLACK, E. DAY, R. V. MURPHY, EBERS, SMALL, Mr.

Fairfield and Dubroy SEGER of St. Louis were the guests of Mrs. F. H. DEARING and other
relatives here the latter part of the week.  Mrs. SEGER came down with them and spent
Friday in Elvins the guest of Mrs. C. G. CARR.

Miss Hattie FERGUSON of St. Louis spent Christmas with her sister, Mrs. F. H. DEARING,
returning to her home Sunday.

Felix JANIS of Ste. Genevieve spent several days last week with friends here.

George STANFILL of Piedmont spent Christmas with relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. Col. DAVIS and little daughter of Fredericktown spent Christmas here with
Mr. and Mrs. Politte ELVINS.  They returned home Saturday.

Mrs. Ray E. PRICE returned to her home in St. Louis Friday, after spending Christmas
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. O. B. PRATTE.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. IAHN of Desloge gave a Christmas feast to about 30 of their relatives
Christmas Day, the occasion being the silver wedding anniversary of Mrs. IAHN's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. LONG.  The guests presented Mr. and Mrs. LONG with a purse of silver.
Those from Bonne Terre who attended were Mrs. Lizzie DINWIDDIE and son, Will, and Mrs.

Miss Stella PRATTE returned to St. Louis Sunday after spending Christmas with her 
parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. PRATTE.  Miss PRATTE states that she is well pleased with
her work.  She is taking a course in nursing at St. John's hospital and her friends
here think that the work must like her also for she has gained thirty pounds in the
few months that she has been there.

Fred GOVERO and Bill EVANS motored here from Cape Girardeau to spent Christmas with 
home folks.

Harry COMPTON who is serving in Uncle Sam's navy is here on a furlough visiting relatives.

Miss Gladys PRIMO gave a surprise party in honor of her brother, Lloyd, Christmas night.
The guests met at the home of Miss Helen MORAN.  The house was tastefully decorated with
crepe paper, cedar and other Christmas decorations.  The evening was spent in playing
games.  Music also added to the enjoyment of the evening.  Delicious refreshments were
served.  Those present were Misses Helen MORAN, Syble PRATTE, Nellie EVANS, Thelma and
Mabel WHEELING, Nellie WILFONG, Helen YATES, Syble BOWMAN, Edna DEGONIA, Lorraine MAHN,
Pearl MOON, Messrs. Charles ADAMI, Commodore HILL, Harold COVINGTON, Keith MOON, Willie
JACKSON, Pedric CONWAY and Harold SIMMS.

John BREWER of Detroit is here visiting his mother, Mrs. Ruth E. BREWER.

Joe BURNSIDE of Festus visited friends here the latter part of the week.

Miss Myrtle WARD returned Tuesday to her school in Agency City, Iowa, after spending the
holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. WARD.

Noah LaBRUYERE spent Sunday in St. Louis.

Vernon WILLET of Detroit is the guest of his aunt, Mrs. T. C. MOON.  

Frank MUNSEY of Detroit visited relatives here the past week.

Mrs. J. J. BOWMAN entertained last Friday afternoon at her home on Church street in honor
of Miss Renee DONILLE of Fredericktown and Yvonne Le MERRER.  These young ladies have 
very recently come from France for the purpose of learning our language and customs.  The
afternoon was spent in French conversation and in playing games.  Mrs. BOWMAN served 
dainty refreshments.  Those present were Misses Margaret SWAN, Bernice THOMURE, Caroline
WOLF, Claire EVANS and Charles ADAMI.

Will HURST of Pennsylvania spent the holidays here with his sister, Mrs. R. C. DOYLE.

Robert ANDREWS of Grand Rapids, Mich., spent several days the latter part of the week
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry ANDREWS.  When he left here he went to Texas to
look after some property he owns there, before returning to Grand Rapids.

Earl HOSKINGS of Detroit spent the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 

Mrs. Everett TURLEY is reported to be seriously ill.

Among those from St. Louis who visited relatives and friends here Christmas were A. A. 
THORNTON, Mr. and Mrs. Zeno BYINGTON, Byron HOSKINGS, Miss May CALLAHAN, Mr. and Mrs.
JOYCE, Andrew B. BLEMEL, Horace PORTER, Wilbur MITCHELL, Buford JINKERSON, Mr. and Mrs.
Everett WARD, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. ROY, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett WATSON, Robert and Raymond
BECK, Edison RINEWALT, Grover COOKSEY, Sam JOB, Mr. and Mrs. Will McMULLIN, Art MUNSEY,
Gertrude and Manda MOON, Christine TOTTEN, Mrs. Ruth WOODSIDE, Maggie CALVERT, Guy
AuBUCHON, Miss Elizabeth O'FARRELL.

Mr. Jim McSPADEN of St. Louis arrived Wednesday for a several days visit with his mother
and with his brother, Sam McSPADEN.  

Miss Agnes FRICK, teacher of English and Latin in the high school was unable to resume
her duties Monday.  Miss FRICK was taken ill suddenly before the holidays and went to
her home in Warrenton, Mo., where she is still quite ill.

We are glad to report that Mrs. Eliza RUDY, who has been on the sick list for some time,
is much better at this writing.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy WARD, Monday, December 20, a girl.

Mrs. Irene KEENE of St. Louis visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. NICHOLSON, last

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