"Bonne Terre News" Column
Fri. Jan. 7, 1921

The local chapter of the Eastern Star held their installation of officers at a special
meeting held last Friday evening.  All members of the order and their families were
invited and quite a large number responded to the invitation.  The installation cere-
monies were very beautiful and impressive.  Mrs. Chas. DINWIDDIE was the installing officer.  The officers who will serve for the coming year are:  Worthy Patron, Mrs. H. KURTZ; Worthy Patron, Mr. Lee MILLER; Associate Matron, Mrs. M. H. MOORE; Conductress, Mrs. A. E. LINQUEST; Associate Conductress, Miss Lizzie LANDOLT; Secretary, Mrs. Zeno MOON; Treasurer, Miss Nannie HOBBS; Sentinel, Mr. WINTERS; Chaplain, Mrs. Chas. DINWIDDIE; Warder, Mrs. W. D. GARDNER; Marshall, Mrs. John HOSKINS; Organist, Miss Ruth MADDERN. The star points are Ada, Mrs. Lee MILLER; Ruth, Mrs. WINTERS; Esther, Miss Olive MADDERN; Martha, Mrs. J. W. BOWMAN; Electa, Mrs. F. B. GREEN.  After the installation ceremonies there were a number of very interesting talks by visiting members.  A beautiful pin was presented by Mrs. MOON, on behalf of the Chapter, and Mrs. DINWIDDIE, although much surprised, made a very graceful speech in which she expressed her appreciation for the gift and what it signified.  Refreshments of pie a la mode and coffee were served.

Mr. A. C. MALONE returned to his home last Sunday after having been ill in the hospital here for several weeks.

Harold and Francis HARTSHORN of Elvins underwent an operation at the hospital here the latter part of the week for the removal of tonsils.

Miss Jessie HOBBS spent the latter part of the week in St. Louis visiting friends.

Misses Susie and Bell JOHNSON of St. Louis returned home last Thursday after having spent the holidays here with their sister, Mrs. J. H. MALUGEN.

Mr. and Mrs. Hans SCHANTL returned home Sunday after having spent several days in St. Louis.

Miss Marie DOYLE who is a student in St. Elizabeth's Institute in St. Louis, returned
to that institution last Monday.  She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. R. C. DOYLE.

Miss Cora AIRSMAN spent last Thursday and Friday in St. Louis.

Mr. and Mrs. Preston TUCKER of Nashville, Tenn., spent the last week here visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Nannie EATON.

Miss Caroline WOLF left last Monday for Columbia, Mo., to resume her studies in the
university, after having spent the holidays here with home folks.

Sylvester FALK left Sunday for Kansas City, were he will attend an automobile school.

Mr. Jacob GRANDHOMME spent Sunday in St. Louis.

Miss Mabel WHEELING spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Festus.

Miss Louise BRENNON spent the week-end with friends in St. Louis.

Mr. John MAHN returned to Cleveland Sunday after spending the holidays with his mother,
Mrs. George MAHN and other relatives.

Homer and Harold PIRTLE are here from Detroit to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey PIRTLE.

Mr. Will DINWIDDIE spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in St. Louis.

Mrs. V. M. JOHNSTON and her daughter, Elizabeth, returned Monday from a visit to
DuQuoin, Ill.

Mrs. M. H. MOORE returned the latter part of the week from Moberly where she had spent the holidays with her parents.

Mr. Henry ANDREWS discovered New Year's morning that some one had been celebrating New Year's Eve rather strenuously and at Mr. ANDREW's expense, by shooting the large plate glass window in front of his store full of holes.  Some person with a very poor sense of humor evidently stood on the walk across the street and deliberately fired the shots into the window.

Mr. HOLGATE, an uncle of Mrs. M. H. MOORE, and Mr. LYMAN, a brother of Mr. MOORE, both of Iowa, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. MOORE last week.

A very enjoyable dance was given at the Country Club on New Year's Eve, to watch the coming in of the new year.

Mrs. Ray E. PRICE of St. Louis is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. PRATTE.

Miss Mary MOSTILER spent Sunday and Monday of this week in St. Louis.

Miss Nellie WILLIAMS returned Tuesday to Columbia where she is a student in Stephens College.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. WEYLER spent Sunday in Farmington with relatives.

Mrs. Nicholas WHEELING returned to her home in Festus Sunday after a visit of several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Frank WHEELING.

Mrs. Earl MADDERN spent Tuesday in Pevely, having been called there on account of the serious illness of an aunt.

Mrs. Maude GUYTON is spending the week in Herculaneum.

Paul MARLER spent several days the past week in St. Louis.

Miss Louise BRENNON spent the week-end in St. Louis with her sister, Miss Clara.

Mr. and Mrs. BEIKMAN returned to St. Louis Saturday after a week's visit with relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. P. B. PRATTE returned home Saturday after a visit with friends and relatives in St. Louis.

Miss Ruth CRONBAUGH left this week for St. Louis where she will enter Barnes hospital   to take training for work as nurse.

Horace PORTER returned to St. Louis Tuesday after a visit of several weeks at home.   While spending the holidays here he was taken sick.  The latter part of the week he decided to return to St. Louis but was compelled to leave the train at Festus and   return home, being too sick to continue the trip.




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