Flat River, St. Francois County, Missouri
"News from Desloge" Column"
Fri. Jan. 2, 1920


A. L. WILSON, who is telegraph operator for the M.R. & B.T., Railway here spent a couple
of days the latter part of the week visiting home folks in Leadwood.

A. C. McMULLEN who lives in Leadwood passed through Desloge Monday morning on his way to 
St. Louis.

Mr. and Mrs. A. O. SCHLOSSER of St. Louis spent a few days here this week visiting Mr. 

Henry KINDLE returned home Friday after having spent a few days at Leeper, Mo., visiting
his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry JOHNSON.

Miss Leah GIESSING left Wednesday for Columbia, Mo., where she will resume her work in
the state university.  She has been here for more than two weeks having spent the holidays
here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. GIESSING.

Miss Mildred GOODMAN returned home Sunday after having spent a few days in St. Louis 
visiting relatives and friends.  She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. GOODMAN.

Andrew LOYD who is employed in RoseClare, Ill., came here Saturday for a few days visit
with his wife.

Dudley THOMURE left Monday for St. Louis where he will remain for a while if he can
secure suitable employment.

Miss Avah HEROD, who is employed in Kahn's store, spent Sunday in Bonne Terre.

Mr. and Mrs. A. GOODMAN and their son Louie spent Sunday in Leadwood the guests of Mr.
GOODMAN's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jake GOODMAN.

Max MANESBERG who is proprietor of a shoe and mens furnishing store here spent a couple
of days in St. Louis, this week, where he transacted business.

Frank FORSHEE, who is employed in St. Louis spent the holidays here visiting relatives.

Mrs. McCORMACK returned Sunday to her home in St. Louis after having spent the holidays
here with her sister Mrs. Mary MONROE.

Miss Robbie LAWS who is employed as a saleslady in the Ruffing and Jones store, went to
St. Louis the latter part of the week, where she spent several days visiting relatives
and friends.

E. J. BENTON and Charles PORTER, both of whom are connected with the Bank of Desloge,
Mr. BENTON as cashier, and Mr. PORTER as assistant, went rabbit hunting, Saturday after-
noon, in that portion of the country near Sprott.  We asked them what luck they had, but
they did not tell us.  We are undecided as to whether they killed so many, they are
suffering remorse of conscience or whether they killed so few that they are ashamed of

W. T. NEWMAN who is our post-master spent Saturday and Sunday in St. Louis where he 
transacted business.

J. W. HIGHLEY, proprietor of the Highley Farm near Desloge, shipped two carloads of mules
to Memphis, Wednesday of this week.

W. P. GIESSING spent a couple of days this week in St. Louis on a business trip.

Miss Clara McLEOD of Bonne Terre spent Sunday and Sunday night here the guest of Miss 
Maud WARD.

Miss Thelma GRADY who has been spending the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. L. GRADY left this week for Poplar Bluff where she will resume her work as teacher in
the Poplar Bluff schools.

Miss Iva EAVES spent Christmas in Farmington with friends.

Mr. and Mrs. John WARD and baby daughter, Janet, of Kansas City, came to Desloge for
the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. WARD and other relatives.  Mr. WARD
returned to Kansas City, Sunday but Mrs. WARD and the baby expect to remain here for 
several week's visit.

Miss Helen MILLER who is enrolled as a student in Soldan High School in St. Louis is
spending the holidays season here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. I. W. MILLER.  She will
return to the city Sunday.

Fred KLEPSATTLE, who is employed in Bonne Terre spent the week-end here with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. F. K. KLEPSATTLE.

Clyde HARDY spent the holidays here visiting relatives and friends.  He returned to the
city Sunday.

Miss Anna JOHNSON who is employed as a saleslady in Kahn's store, spent the holidays in 
St. Louis visiting home folks.

LaVern COPPEDGE, who is employed in St. Louis spent the holidays here visiting relatives
and friends.

Misses Bertha and Opal COPPEDGE, both of whom are employed as stenographers in St. Louis,
spent the holidays here with their parents.  They returned to the city Sunday and resumed
their work the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. A. N. McFARLAND and three children spent Christmas day in Bonne Terre with
his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth McFARLAND.

J. H. PARMER has opened a variety store in the building recently occupied by the dental
office of Dr. L. M. REAVES.

L. J. CASEY motored to St. Louis Monday where he transacted business.

Charles FIELDS of Leadwood passed through Desloge the first of the week on his way to
St. Louis.

Fielding P. BRADLEY returned to Jefferson City, Wednesday after having spent ten days
here visiting relatives and friends.  He formerly lived here.

Marvin BRYAN went to St. Louis Monday for the purpose of seeking employment.  He was 
released from military service two or three months ago, and has since been visiting
relatives here.

Z. JENNINGS who is employed in Hot Springs, Ark., but has been spending the holidays 
in Farmington with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. JENNINGS, came here Saturday for a
few days visit with his sister Mrs. I. W. SHANER and his brother, Jewell JENNINGS.

I. W. SHANER and daughter Mary Anna, spent Sunday in Bismarck, visiting relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. I. W. SHANER and family spent Christmas day in Farmington the guests of
Mrs. SHANER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. JENNINGS.  

Mr. and Mrs. I. W. MILLER and two children Miss Helen and Farrell, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.
MARGULIS and B. DeHOVITZ spent Sunday in Leadwood the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. GOODMAN.

Miss Iva EAVES was a Bismarck visitor Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Jewell JENNINGS and children spent Christmas in Farmington with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. JENNINGS.

Miss Grace NEWMAN who teaches in the high school at Clayton in St. [Louis] County is
spending the holiday season here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. NEWMAN.

Mrs. Milie DOWNING of Farmington is spending a few days here this week the guest of 
Mrs. I. W. SHANER.

Mr. and Mrs. John KLEPSATTLE of Festus spent a couple of days here the latter part of 
the week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. KLEPSATTLE.

Mr. and Mrs. W. R. SPRINGER and their two little daughters Wilma and Lucille who have
been making their home in St. Louis spent Christmas day and the following, here the 
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. BENTON.  Mr. SPRINGER and Mrs. [sic] BENTON were formerly 
associated together in the Bank of Flat River, in Flat River.  For several months, now
Mr. SPRINGER has been traveling for the Burriss Adding Machine Company.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde HARRIS, of Laramie, Wyo., who have spent a couple of weeks here 
visiting Mr. and Mrs. John GOSNEY, and other relatives, will leave the first of the 
week for their home.

Dr. L. M. REAVES spent Monday and Tuesday of this week in St. Louis.  He went for the
purpose of purchasing some new dental apparatus which he will install in his new office

Mrs. E. A. DALTON and four children, Marie, Ruth, Milburn and Lyman of Womack, spent
the holidays here visiting her sister, Mrs. R. L. WILLIAMS.  She also visited her 
mother Mrs. Sam MAXWELL in Cantwell.

The members of the local Presbyterian Church observed a watch party Wednesday evening
in the basement of the church.  A general good time was enjoyed with games and music.
Refreshments were served.

Mrs. Sam MAXWELL her daughter Miss Allene BREECE and her son, Chas. BREECE, all of 
Cantwell, went to St. Louis, Sunday.  The two young people expect to obtain employment
in the city and their mother will keep house for them.

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