Flat River, St. Francois County, Missouri
"News from Desloge" Column"
Fri. Jan. 7, 1921

The Order of Aztecs organized a new lodge in Desloge Tuesday night with a charter
membership of 35.  Robert WOMACK was elected King.  Thee Aztecs is a new fraternal insurance order.  The lodge at Desloge is the fifth in point of number.   The meeting Tuesday evening was largely attended.  Visiting members from the lodges at Leadwood, Bonne Terre and Frankclay were present.

Walter SHELLEY of St. Louis spent Sunday here a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. WHITENER.   He also visited relatives and friends at Bonne Terre, Route One, before returning to the city.

The local W.C.T.U. had its first meeting of the new year, Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. I. W. SHANER who is the president.  A good attendance and an unusually interesting meeting is reported.  The subject of the afternoon was "Why the W.C.T.U. Must Carry On."   The leader was Mrs. Wm. McHENRY, the vice-president.  The next meeting will be the third  Tuesday afternoon in the month, and will be held at the home of Mrs. McHENRY, with Mrs. S. BENNETT as leader.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo RAPP of Springfield, Mo., are spending the week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank SPARKS and her sister, Mrs. Zeno GIDEON here and other relatives in Esther and Elvins.

Mrs. C. MEADOWS returned Wednesday to her home in Webster Groves, a suburb of St. Louis.   She had spent a couple of weeks here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Emmett WESCOAT.

J. P. GRAHAM of the Graham Lumber Company of St. Louis was the dinner guest here Tuesday noon of his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. WHITENER.  He came to the Lead Belt for the purpose of attending the annual stock holders' meeting of the Miner's Lumber Company.   Mr. GRAHAM has [been a stockholder with the ?] company for a number of years.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. ROBERTSON, Miss Grace NEWMAN and Harry SCHIERMEYER attended a dance given at the Bonne Terre Country Club New Years Eve.

Jean, the three and half year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. JENNINGS, is ill with
diphtheria.  The little one is said to have a slight attack of this dread disease.   We hope for her early recovery.

Geo. WHITENER of Zion, in Wayne County spent a couple of days here the first of the week visiting his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. WHITENER.  He came here to attend the stock holders meeting of the Miner's Lumber Company which was held in Flat River Tuesday afternoon.  Mr. WHITENER has been a stock holder in the company for a   number of years, having formerly lived in the Lead Belt.

Mrs. Jas. HARDY spent Sunday in Esther visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. N. WHITE.

Miss Elizabeth CAPE spent Saturday and Sunday in Bonne Terre visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. FERGUSON.

Mrs. Jack BELL is reported on the sick list this week.

Miss Mayme WHITE of Esther spent Saturday here a guest of her sister, Mrs. Jas. [James]   HARDY. Miss Mayme is teaching in the Elvins schools.

Mrs. L. E. PRINTY of St. Louis spent a couple of days here the latter part of the week,
the guest of Mrs. C. A. ROBINTSON.

Major Spence MERRILL of St. Louis spent the week-end here the guest of Major and Mrs. J. S. McTAGGERT.  The McTAGGERTs and their guest spent Sunday at Goff Springs.

Ed BOYER of Leadwood spent Wednesday evening here visiting friends.

Rev. W. Mitchell WRIGHT, pastor of the First Baptist Church, attended the quarterly meeting of the district mission board of Franklin Baptist Association in Flat River Monday morning.  Rev. WRIGHT was elected a member of that board to take the place of   Rev. C. E. CALVERT of Leadwood who left Tuesday morning for Monroe County in this state where he will [line of text missing]...WRIGHT was also appointed chairman of a committee on evangelism.

Mrs. John SHANER of St. Louis spent Saturday and Sunday here visiting relatives.

Miss Lucille WEBB of Knob Lick spent the week-end here visiting Mrs. L. GRADY and Mrs. J. V. INMAN.

Miss Grace NEWMAN returned to Clayton Sunday after having spent the Christmas holidays here visiting her parents.  She resumed her work as teacher in the Clayton Schools,   Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. SLOAN and Mrs. C. A. SECOR of Farmington were business visitors here Tuesday morning.

Paul CLAY of Farmington who has been in charge of book-keeping for the Lead Belt Motor Company here for more than a year has been transferred to Flat River where he has charge of the new branch of the St. Francois Motor Company which was established in that town a few weeks ago.  Chas. CLAY, a brother of Paul and also a resident of Farmington, has been placed in charge of the book-keeping work here, having assumed the responsibilities of his new position January first.  He was formerly employed by the St. Francois Motor Company in Farmington.

Miss Grace JACKSON who has been spending the holidays here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. JACKSON, left Sunday to return to Festus where she has resumed her work as teacher in the schools.

Mrs. Laura SIZEMORE left Tuesday to return to her home in St. Louis.  She had spent
several days visiting relatives and friends here and in other Lead Belt towns.

Little Misses Clara and Bertha LUMOS spent Saturday night and Sunday in Farmington,   guests of Mrs. E. E. MASON.

Miss Bessie SACKS went to St. Louis Sunday where she remained until Wednesday with relatives.  Miss Bessie, who is studying music in the Kroeger Conservatory of Music in St. Louis, took advantage of this opportunity to take her lesson.

Mr. and Mrs. R. S. KAHN spent a couple of days in St. Louis this week.

Miss Helen KAHN who had spent almost three weeks here over the holidays visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. KAHN, left Tuesday morning to return to Lindenwood College at St. Charles, where she is a student.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Z. BOYER and son Berlin, spent Monday evening in Leadwood [to attend?] a joint-instalation of officers for the Woodman and Royal Neighbors of that town.  Mr. BOYER tells us the Leadwood people furnished a abundance of good "eats."

Rev. C. P. HALE of Leadwood stopped off here Tuesday morning on his way to Doe Run where he transacted business.  A few years ago Rev. HALE was Judge of the St. Francois County Court having served in that capacity for a couple of years.  Rev. and Mrs. HALE left Leadwood almost two years ago, and lived for a time in California, and later in Omaha. They came back to Leadwood two or three weeks ago and have re-established their home there.

The body of J. W.. GREEN who had died the previous Wednesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Nora LASLEY in St. Louis was brought here Saturday and was taken directly to the I.O.O.F. Cemetery at St. Francois where a short funeral service was held by Rev. W. M. WRIGHT, pastor of the First Baptist Church, assisted by Rev. J. E. CLARK.  He had been  ill for several weeks and died at the advanced age of 78 years.  The deceased man formerly lived here but left about 15 years ago.  At different times within recent years, he has visited his son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lon GREEN here.

Mrs. J. H. GOSNEY was taken to the Bonne Terre Hospital Monday for observation and treatment.  It is feared that she may be compelled to undergo a serious surgical operation.

Dr. and Mrs. L. M. REAVES and son Donald, accompanied by Mrs. Lou WARD, motored to Knob Lick Thursday of last week where they attended the funeral of a cousin, Louis BEAVE, who died in St. Louis.

Misses Sallie and Mary HUDSON of Dexter were the guests here the latter part of the
week of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. THURMAN.  They had been spending the holidays with their parents at Farmington, Route Four.  Miss Sallie is employed as a book-keeper in Dexter and Miss Mary is attending high school in that town.

Mr. and Mrs. John HIBBITTS and two children, Elizabeth and Jack spent Monday in
Farmington visiting Mrs. HIBBITTS' brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Carl BRIM.

Mrs. W. M. RAWSON returned home Monday after having spent a week in St. Louis visiting friends.

Mrs. J. N. STONE and her son, Billie who had been spending a few days here visiting
Mrs. STONE's sister, Mrs. L. W. GARRETT, left Monday to return to their home in St.

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. BENTON entertained with a six o'clock dinner Sunday evening.   Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. O. D. NORWINE and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy POSTON, all of Flat River.

Little Misses Edna May and Irene Lucille PENNINGTON, returned Sunday to their home here after having spent a week in St. Louis visiting their sister, Mrs. Minard STRAUS and   other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. GRADY and son James returned home Thursday of last week after having spent the holiday season visiting their daughter, Mrs. Eldon MILLS, in Poplar Bluff and Mrs. GRADY's sister, Mrs. A. H. MILNE in Pocahontas, Ark.

J. V. INMAN who has been employed in St. Louis for some time, spent New Year's Day and the following day here visiting his family.

Rev. and Mrs. S. A. BENNETT moved the first of the week into the new parsonage which is a modern six-room bungalow, and is complete.  This building has been erected at the cost of $2300.  The money was raised through the efforts of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Church.  The building will have no indebtedness.  Rev. BENNETT is pastor of the local Methodist Church.

Mrs. Chas. ABSHIER and her daughter Mrs. Ed CHESTER of Flat River spent Sunday afternoon here visiting friends.

Mrs. L. W. GARRETT had quite a painful accident Tuesday while bowling at the Y.M.C.A. in Flat River.  Mrs. GARRET is a member of a ladies bowling team, known as the Brawnies. It has been their custom to practice once or twice a week.  During the game, Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. GARRETT [took?] up one of the balls, not noticing that another ball   was rolling toward [it?].  Her finger was caught between the two heavy balls, the break resulting.  Mrs. GARRET was taken to the Bonne Terre Hospital where Dr. MONROE gave the injured finger attention.

Carl BRIM who recently located in Farmington, with his family was the guest here Tuesday of his mother, Mrs. A. BRIM.  He and his family spent several weeks here just before locating in Farmington having come here from Reynolds County.

Mrs. D. M. FLEMING is reported on the sick list.

Mrs. Fred ALLEN and little daughter, Charlotte went to Leeper, Sunday where they are
spending the week visiting relatives.  Mr. ALLEN joined them Thursday.  They will return home Sunday.

Mrs. A. BRIM, who has been suffering with an attack of rheumatism the past two weeks is improving.

The High School girls basket ball team and the Alumni team played a game at the Y.M.C.A., in Flat River Saturday evening.  The high school team was victorious, the score having been 25 to 29 in their favor.

Rolla CAMPBELL, the eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. CAMPBELL had the misfortune of getting his left arm broken, New Year's Day.  The arm was broken below the elbow, both bones having been severed.  We are told that Rolla and some companions near his own age were playing with a foot-ball, and that Rolla got a hard fall, which was the cause of the accident.

Misses Edith and Genevieve LAWS, and their brother, Glenwood, returned Sunday to their home in St. Louis after having spent several days here visiting their sister, Mrs. Ewald SCHINDLER.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank THURMAN and Miss Cora BYINGTON of Bonne Terre Route One, spent Saturday night and Sunday here guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. WHITENER.

The watch party which was given at the local Methodist Church, for the members, New
Year's Eve was well attended, and was much enjoyed by all.  A splendid program was
rendered during the first part of the evening.  A social hour, with refreshments, followed.  The last hour, just before midnight, was spent in a devotional service.

Mrs. E. J. SCHINDLER spent Tuesday in Bonne Terre a guest of Mrs. Pauline BARBAN.

Mrs. Drew LLOYD and daughter Iela returned home Sunday from St. Louis where they had spent a week visiting Mr. LLOYD who is employed in the city.


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