"Elvins News" Column
Fri. Oct. 22, 1922

Next Sunday will be observed as Rally Day in the Methodist Sunday School, with a 
view to increasing the attendance.  A goal of 400 has been set.  The primary depart-
ment will give an interesting program.  As has been the custom on each fifth Sunday 
for the past year, will be given to a fund for the creation of a new church.

Jas. BROADFOOT of Timber, Mo., in Shannon County is spending a couple of weeks here
visiting his son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. BROADFOOT.

Mrs. S. C. AUBUCHON and three children, Miss Lucy KENNER, W. E. McDONALD and Cecil
O'BRIEN, spent Sunday in Fredericktown, guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McMAHON and children motored to Annapolis, Saturday to spend the
week-end visiting Mrs. McMAHON's father, J. F. WILLIAMS.

George MAXSON who is employed on the drills underground at No. 12, Federal, was 
injured while at work Wednesday night of last week.  A drill with which he was work-
ing, fell, a part of it striking him on the head and inflicting a severe flesh wound
several inches in length.  MAXSON was unconscious for a time.  He is reported to be
doing nicely.

John BENNETT and niece, Miss Gladys BENNETT of Piedmont, spent Monday here, guests of
their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. WARD.

Mrs. Leeman PERRY of Detroit arrived in Elvins Friday for a visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer BESSENGER.

Miss Mamie TROLLINGER who has been employed as a saleswoman in The Model Store for
several years resigned her position Saturday and assumed a position in KEIN's store
Monday morning. 

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. DOUGLAS and Mr. DOUGLAS' sister, Mrs. F. E. HINCH of Ste. 
Genevieve, who is spending a few weeks here, spent Sunday in Farmington visiting 
Mrs. DOUGLAS' brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Gus LAWRENCE.

The boys of the high school entertained at the high school Wednesday evening of
last week.  Their guests were the high school girls and the members of the faculty.

Emmett SMITH disposed of his household effects this week preparatory to going to
Kansas City to join his wife who went to that city two or three weeks ago.

Mrs. Fred CIRCLUM expects to leave in a few days for Mount Vernon, Mo., where she
will enter the tuberculosis sanitarium.  She has been ill for some time.

Ed BENNETT and daughter, Miss Nadine of Patton, spent from Friday to Sunday here,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. GROUNDS.

Mrs. T. H. GIBSON went to St. Louis Saturday for a visit with her son, Ralph.  She
is remaining for the greater part of this week for medical advice.

Miss Clara HALTER who was formerly employed in St. Louis, but who has been spending
the past few months here, returned to St. Louis Monday.

Mrs. Thos. JOHNSON who has been ill for some time, contemplates going to Barnes
hospital in St. Louis in the near future.

Mr. and Mrs. F. J. REDMOND and small son, Fordice, accompanied by Mrs. REDMOND's
mother, Mrs. Lena WEST, who makes her home with the REDMONDS, left last week for an
extensive automobile trip.  They expect to visit Brookfield, Kansas City and other
points in this state.  They will also visit relatives in Wichita, Kas.

Clifford SHORT who is employed at No. 4, Federal, had the little finger of his
right hand so severely mashed the latter part of the week while at work, that it 
became necessary to have the nail removed.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. LAIRD spent Sunday at Knob Lick.  They made the trip with Mr. and
Mrs. Elijah NEWKIRK of Desloge.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry CRAFT of St. Louis motored here Sunday to spend the day visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Rov SIZEMORE.  They returned home Sunday evening.

John CLEMONS of Venice, Ill., spent several days here this week visiting relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. O. R. ROBINSON and little daughter, Mary Ann, of Arcadia, spent Sunday
here guests of Mrs. ROBINSON's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. BOLLINGER.

Arch CLEMONS of St. Louis spent a part of this week here visiting relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Delbert FIELDS who have spent the past seven weeks visiting relatives
at Des Arc, returned to Elvins last week.

Mrs. R. J. WOOD very delightfully entertained Saturday afternoon in honor of [the]
eighth birthday of her little daughter, Marguerite.  For the reason that the Halow
E'en season is so near, the decorations were carried out in Hallow E'en colors of
orange and black.  Small baskets made of orange and black crepe paper, and filled
with candy were given as favors.  The guests were Mable Lee McFARLAND, Mary CURLEE,
Magdalene McCLANAHAN, Marie HULSEY, Majory FRANCES, Lea CARR, Helen MARTIN, Elnora
and Wanda May BROWN, Vanisse MOORE, Marjory WHITESIDE, Anna and Virginia LANGDON,
Hilma LOVVORN, Dorothy MOYER, Bernice BOLLINGER, Marie RATTY, Sybil BYERS and Coa

Mrs. Kate TEMPLE who came here from Clarksville, Ark. early last summer and purchased
a home in West Elvins, left Thursday to return to Clarksville, where she will again
establish her home.  She will sell or rent her home in West Elvins.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben DAUGHERTY and children spent the week-end with relatives in St. 

Mr. and Mrs. H. A. HULSEY and daughter, Miss Lulu, and granddaughter, Essie GRAY of
Doe Run, motored to Bunker in north Reynolds County, Saturday for a short visit with
the former's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ira HULSEY.

Mrs. Wm. KEY of Keysville in Crawford County arrived in West Elvins Monday to join
his wife who had spent the past three weeks here visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. 
FREEMAN.  They left Thursday for Madison, Ill., for a visit with their son Ross.



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