Esther, Missouri
Published By:
Flat River, St. Francois Co. MO
Fri. Sept. 23, 1938

Mrs. Cassie REDFERN is seriously ill this week at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bud BAY.

Mrs. Troy BADER is confined to her bed this week by illness.

Mr. and Mrs. Ott KERNAN and two children, Howard UMFLEET and son, Denver, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. [Theodore] CALLAHAN and two children spent last Sunday on Castor with Mr. and Mrs. Harley UMFLEET. Mr. UMFLEET has been quite sick, but is improving at this time.

Raymond RANSOM and some friends from Union, Mo., spent last Sunday here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John RANSOM.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. PEPMILLER and children, Martha Lee and Paul, spent last week-end in Jackson with relatives.

Miss Georgia WININGER, who is teaching in the school at Lesterville, spent the week-end here with homefolks.

Mr. and Mrs. William CRAWLEY and son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard CRAWLEY, of Route One Weingarten spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Enloe BARKER.

Miss Beulah STOTLER and Mrs. Margaret GIFFORD spent Saturday and Sunday in St. Louis with relatives and attended the Camp Wyman Carnival Saturday night.

Mrs. Ray RAYMOR of St. Louis spent from Sunday until Friday here visiting her brother, John STOTLER, and family. Mrs.[sic - Mr.?] RAYMER [sic] came down Thursday and accompanied her home on Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Velva KENNON and Rev. and Mrs. John BECKLER and little son spent Monday and Tuesday in Glencoe, Mo., with Rev. and Mrs. A. K. KENNON.

Miss Adell SMITH and brother, Joe, and Ray SCHIMMELPFENNIG, all of St. Louis, were guests of relatives here Sunday.

Mrs. H. F. ROSENSTENGLE and Mrs. Floyd HENSON spent Tuesday in Farmington attending the Regional W.M.U. meeting of the Cape Girardeau district, which was held at the Baptist Church.

Miss Genevieve WILSON and her mother spent last Saturday in St. Louis shopping. Miss WILSON is Home Economics teacher in Esther High School.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry LEHR and daughter, Lee Ann, spent last week-end in Marble Hill with Mrs. LEHR's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judson DALE. Mr. and Mrs. John STOTLER and Ben PIERCE of Desloge went to St. Louis last Sunday where they visited Mrs. STOTLER's brother and Mr. PIERCE's brother-in-law, Irvin CHAPMAN, who has been seriously ill the past three weeks in St. John's Hospital. He is slightly improved.

Esther school pupils and patrons enjoyed a flower and relic show in the grade building Thursday afternoon and evening of this week.

The entire school faculty, board members, custodians and bus driver and their families enjoyed an outing and picnic supper Tuesday evening at Hughes Mountain near Irondale. They all enjoyed various games.

Mrs. Ray LARKIN and Mrs. Oliver JOHNSON attended the district missionary meeting Tuesday all day, which was held at Centenary Methodist Church in Bonne Terre as representatives of the local Missionary Society of the Methodist Church.

The Ladies Aid Society of the local Church of God was hostess to the Ladies Aid of the Leadwood Church of God in an all day meeting last Thursday in the basement of the church. At noon a chicken dinner was served. After the noon dinner a devotional service was led by the pastor, Rev. John BECKLER. The day was spent in quilting, three quilts having been completed. Those from Leadwood who attended were Mrs. Claude CARL, Mrs. Velma PENBERTHY, Mrs. Pearl GLORE, Mrs. Nancy GILLIAM, Mrs. Rhoda WALKER, Mrs. Myrtle FAULKNER and Miss Ruby CARVER of St. Louis.

The local Baptist Church members have been improving their educational rooms by plastering them and this week are tuckpointing the granite building, which will add much to its appearance. This church completed taking a religious census of the community last week and will sponsor a study course and enlargement campaign at the church, beginning Oct. 9, and will continue for five nights. The book, "Building a Standard Sunday School," will be studied and a diploma will be awarded to all taking the course. There will be no charge. A state worker will be present.


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