Flat River, St. Francois County, Missouri.
Fri. September 6, 1935


John NEIDERT and Jesse HECK attended the double header baseball game in St. Louis 
Sunday afternoon.

Rev. A. C. JOHNSON has been on the sick list this week.

Mrs. Bonnie WATTS of St. Louis, visited friends here over the week end.

Dr. and Mrs. W. C. CRENSHAW and son, Dr. William CRENSHAW of St. Louis, were week end
guests of their daughter and sister, Mrs. W. T. COGHILL and family.

Miss Alyce Mae MEYER of St. Louis, spent over the week end and Labor Day here with her
mother, Mrs. Annie MEYER and family.

Rev. and Mrs. Clarence BURTON attended the Labor Day picnic at Fredericktown.

Mr. and Mrs. L. B. COGHILL returned home Monday from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Earl
KENNEDY of Memphis, Tenn.  They stopped in Hot Springs, Little Rock and Eureka Springs,
Ark., and were accompanied home by Mr. COGHILL's mother, Mrs. Nettie COGHILL, who had
been visiting relatives in Eureka Springs for several weeks.  

Mrs. Marvin CLAY and son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest CLAY and little
daughter, Dolores of Bosco, La., Mr. and Mrs. Alvin CARTEE of St. Louis, and Mr. and
Mrs. Dave O'DELL and family of Lodi, were called here the first of the week on account
of the death of their aunt, Miss Mary H. DAY, which occurred at noon on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. COGHILL spent Wednesday in Caledonia, where they attended funeral
services for Mrs. COGHILL's cousin, Mrs. Ruth TOLLE of Chicago, who died Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. B. B. MILLER and son, Browning of St. Louis, returned home Monday, after
a visit of several days here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. MILLER.

Mr. and Mrs. F. P. GRAVES and little daughter, Carol Jane and the former's mother,
Mrs. J. B. GRAVES, spent over the week end and Labor Day in Jefferson City, the guests
of Dr. and Mrs. Wm. FORD.

Mrs. Ruth LANE and daughter, Ruth Mary of Washington, D.C., who have been visiting
here the past month with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Clarence BURTON, is spending a 
few days in Poplar Bluff, the guests of her aunt, Mrs. A. T. BUSH.  They will leave
the first of next week for their home.

Miss Mildred MEYER, who had spent the summer here with her mother, Mrs. Annie MEYER
and family, returned Sunday to St. Louis to resume her position as teacher at the 
grade school on Price Road.

Mr. and Mrs. R. S. ROBERTS and sons, Dickie and Raymond, spent from last Thursday 
until Sunday at Bourbon, the guests of Mrs. ROBERTS' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John 
ROHRER.  Her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John ROHRER, Jr., who have just
returned from Boulder, Colo., where they spent the summer, accompanied them home and
visited here until Wednesday.  They have gone to Fayette, where Mr. ROHRER will 
attend Central College and Mrs. ROHRER will be a student at William Woods College this

Rev. A. C. JOHNSON and his sister, Mrs. Mary LANE, returned home last Thursday from
a visit of several days in Columbia with the former's daughter, Mrs. Bower ALY and
family.  Rev. JOHNSON's grandchildren, Joanna, Barbara and John ALY, accompanied them
home and visited here until Sunday.

Mrs. Valentine GIDEON of Ogden, Utah, is the guest of her brother, W. R. LANG and 
Mrs. LANG.

Gentry KEITH of Albuquerque, New Mexico, came in the first of the week for a visit
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. KEITH and his sisters, Mrs. G. L. WATKINS and

Miss Bessie MANLEY returned home last week end from Los Angeles, Calif., where she
had spent the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry O. SMITH and Judge and Mrs. Taylor SMITH spent last week on a 
vacation in Northern Minnesota.

Dr. and Mrs. L. M. STANFIELD, Letcher HIGGINBOTHAM, and Jimmy WILSON attended the 
double header ball game in St. Louis Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. John PORTER of Flat River, was the guest of Mrs. Rolla COZEAN and family on

Mrs. Theresa WALLACE and daughter, Miss Eula of Los Angeles, Calif., and another
daughter, Mrs. L. C. GOODSON of Detroit, Mich., came in Sunday for a visit with
their son and brother, A. C. WALLACE and family.  Mrs. C. E. HAFER of St. Louis, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. WALLACE, is also spending the week here.

The Third Circle of the Ladies Guild of the Carleton Memorial M.E. Church, held 
its regular meeting Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ed GARNER, which turned
out to be a surprise miscellaneous shower for Mrs. Marvin McCREARY, who was until
her recent marriage, Miss Mae GARNER.  She received several lovely gifts.

Miss Frances Irene MORRIS left Wednesday for Columbia, where she will attend the
University of Missouri this term.  She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. W. L.
MORRIS, who is spending the remainder of the week in Columbia.

Rev. F. Q CROCKETT spent the first part of the week in Memphis, Tenn., with his 
mother, Mrs. Agnes CROCKETT.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. MOORE and little son, Billy Joe of Washington, D.C., arrived
Monday for a vacation with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. MOORE and 
family.  His brother, Bobby MOORE, who had spent two weeks in Washington, returned
home with them.

The American Legion Auxiliary held its regular meeting Wednesday evening at the 
home of Mrs. John WHITWORTH.  Mrs. Harry DOBBINS has been elected delegate from the
auxiliary to the National American Legion convention, which will be held in St. Louis
three days, opening September 23.

Mrs. Herbert KLEIN and sons, George and James, went to St. Louis Saturday to join 
Mr. KLEIN, who has employment there.  Their eldest son, Harold, will remain here 
this winter with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. TETLEY.

Mrs. J. B. ROBINSON and daughter, Miss Gwendolyn, spent Wednesday and Thursday in 
St. Louis.

Miss Theda Mae KITCHEN of St. Louis, visited home folks here over the week end and
Labor Day.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. CRUNCLETON, accompanied by their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank COLE and son, James of St. Louis, spent over Labor Day in Cape Girardeau,
the guests of Henry DALTON and family.

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. HAY of Mount Carmel, Ill., spent Labor Day here with the former's
aunt, Mrs. Gussie WATSON.

Miss Mary Helen HIGHLEY, who is employed in St. Louis, is spending her vacation here
with her mother, Mrs. Nell HIGHLEY.

Lynn DOBBINS, who is employed in the engineering department of the CCC Camp at Babler
State Park, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry DOBBINS and family over the week

Mayford SPENCE left Wednesday to return to Chicago, after a visit of several weeks 
here with his mother, Mrs. Joyce SPENCE and his brother, Reginald.

Ben CASTEEL has been seriously ill this week.

Mrs. Geo. TETLEY, Misses Roberta and Anna Caroline TETLEY and Lionel TETLEY, Jr., 
returned home Saturday from a visit with the former's daughter, Mrs. Cecil SHORT and
family in Washington, D.C.  Miss Ann Caroline left Monday for Overland, to resume her
position as teacher in the public schools.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse GLORE and family of Frankclay, were among those from out of town
who attended funeral services for Miss Mary H. DAY, which were held Wednesday after-

Willard VANDERGRIFF expects to leave next Sunday for Rolla, where he will attend the
Missouri School of Mines this term.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. ORTEN of Marshfield, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice ORTEN of
Rolla, spent Sunday with relatives and friends in Farmington.  A picnic lunch was
enjoyed at noon, other out of town guests being Mr. and Mrs. Anthony BERGERT and son, 
Paul of Webster Groves; Mr. and Mrs. Forrest EDWARDS of St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
ORTEN and son, Bobby of Bonne Terre and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McGEORGE of Bismarck.

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