Farmington, St. Francois County, Missouri.
"Town and Vicinage" Column
Thurs., February 9, 1911

FARMINGTON TIMES, Farmington, St. Francois County, Missouri,
Thursday, February 9, 1911


Mr. J. C. MORRIS is on the sick this week.

Bonne Terre Band Concert on Saturday night, Feb. 18.

Mr. W. T. O'NEAL of Frankclay was in town on business Monday.

Mrs. R. M. ANTHONY is the guest of her niece, Mrs. Samuel J. TETLEY.

Mr. G. W. GROVER went to St. Louis Wednesday to consult a specialist.

The St. Francois Packing Co. has two good work horses for sale. See J. S. CLAY.

Mrs. Anna HOLLADAY of Fredericktown has been the guest of Mrs. E. J.  McKINNEY the past week.

Mrs. James WHITELAW of St. Louis will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Theo. D. FISHER, for several weeks.

Mrs. TOBY and Mrs. J. H. TETLEY came over from Flat River to attend the  Jubilee meeting at the Christian Church.

Lovers of good music will be glad to know that the Bonne Terre Band will give a concert in Farmington on the 18th.

Mrs. J. G. DEARING and Mrs. George REDDING of Fredericktown were the guests this week of Mrs. R. M. TALBERT.

Mr. and Mrs. James DOBBINS leave to-day for Lebanon, Mo., to visit his sister, whom he has not seen for many years.

Mr. Louis N. BEAVE of near Knob Lick, one of our most enterprising and public-spirited farmers, was in town Tuesday on business.

The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will have a Market at Cole & Nixon Mercantile Co.'s store Saturday afternoon, February 11th.

Mr. A. T. NIXON was taken suddenly ill last Friday and has been confined to his home since, though we are glad to say he is improving.

A cablegram was received Monday morning by Sam ISENMAN from his brother, Dr. W. J. ISENMAN, in Shanghai, China, announcing the birth of a son.

Marvin YOUNG and Russell DOSS sold Wm. HALTER's farm to B. F. PATTERSON last Friday, and Will AGNEW's residence in Farmington to Wm. SELZER for $2,600.

President-elect of Carleton College, Dr. C. V. GILLIAND, will arrive here tomorrow (Friday) evening. He will occupy the pulpit at the M.E. Church next Sunday morning. He should be greeted by a large audience.

Mrs. John MAURER of DeLassus lost her pocket book in Farmington last Tuesday. It contains $2.35 in silver and an envelope with John MAURER's name on it. Finder will confer favor by leaving same at The Times office.

Get ready for the Revival at the M.E. Church to begin February 19th. Good music, strong preaching and an earnest effort to save you and your friend, with opportunity for you to be a blessing unto others. Plan to attend each service.

Mr. J. E. BEARD of Coffman was in town the latter part of last week and closed a deal with Mr. W. J. BRUETT for a five-acre tract adjoining Farmington on the north; consideration $3,000. Mr. BEARD expects to move to Farmington in the fall.

Miss Salla EVANS was the guest of Mrs. J. V. BRAHAM at Doe Run the first part of the week and left Wednesday for a short visit in Bonne Terre. From there she goes to Texas to visit relatives before resuming her work in Japan. Miss EVANS' visit here has been a most delightful one for her friends, and we are glad to have had her with us so long.


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