Flat River, St. Francois County, Missouri
"Flat River News" Column
Fri. Sept. 6, 1935

Members of the Deborah Class of the First Baptist Sunday School enjoyed a class party 
last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. H. J. CARLSON.  Refreshments of cake and punch
were served.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MAYBERRY and children of Bonne Terre, spent Monday here with their
daughter, and sister, Mrs. Homer KENNEDY and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard MAXSON and daughter, Joann and Mrs. MAXSON's mother, Mrs. Joe SUTTON
and son, Joe, spent Sunday in St. Louis.

Mr. and Mrs. Glennon HIGGINS and Misses Mary, Helen and Patricia HIGGINS, returned home
Saturday from a vacation of three weeks, which they spent on a motor tour of the north-
eastern states.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard MARLER and little daughter, Patsy of St. Louis, were week end guests
of Mrs. MARLER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James WATTS.

Mr. and Mrs. John PIPKIN and children, Reva, Neva, Reed and Glen, spent Sunday and Monday
with relatives in Cape Girardeau.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe COVINGTON and daughters, Nedra Maxine and Billie Jo and Mrs. Wm. 
COVINGTON, spent Sunday and Monday in St. Louis, the guests of Mrs. COVINGTON's sister,
Mrs. Wm. FORTNER and family.

Mrs. W. H. ELSER and daughter, Miss Violet, spent Monday with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John CAIN, at Irondale.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob WILBY and Miss Dorothy WILBY attended the ball game at Sportsman's
Park in St. Louis, Monday afternoon.

Mrs. C. E. PICKETT entertained eighteen small guests last Friday afternoon in honor of
her daughter, Patty, the occasion being her sixth birthday.  Games were played and 
dainty refreshments were served.  Patty received a number of nice gifts.

Mrs. Lloyd MERGENTHEIMER and daughter, Constant, left last Friday for their home in 
Oakland, Calif., after a visit of several weeks here with the former's father-in-law,

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. HERING of Hermann, Mo., and Mrs. Laura THOMPSON of East St. Louis,
were dinner guests of their mother, Mrs. L. C. GILLIS, on Monday.

Flat River Rebekah Lodge will resume its regular meetings next Tuesday evening, 
September 10, after being disbanded for the summer.

Miss Adele TUCKER of St. Louis, spent over Labor Day here with her father, Americus

Miss Leona TIEHES, who has a secretarial position in Jefferson City, is spending her
vacation here this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. TIEHES.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude THOMASSON and Bernard PRATT, are leaving Saturday for their home
in Rochester, Pa., after spending a month here with Mrs. THOMASSON's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. MITCHELL and other relatives.

G. T. HORN and T. L. ROSS of Iron Mountain, were Flat River business visitors Tuesday.

Lloyd BREWEN returned home last Friday after spending several months in Texas, California
and Old Mexico.

Mr. and Mrs. F. O. BUXTON and family and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond BUXTON attended the Labor
Day picnic at Fredericktown.

Miss Marian MEEHAN has resumed her position as teacher in the Marquand schools.

Mr. and Mrs. F. O. BUXTON spent last Thursday in Cape Girardeau with their son, Elmer
BUXTON and family.

Mrs. Arthur CALDWELL, who has been undergoing treatment at Barnes Hospital the past
few weeks, underwent a major operation yesterday morning.

Mrs. D. P. GOFF, who has been ill with heart trouble, was removed Wednesday in the 
Caldwell ambulance to St. Luke's Hospital in St. Louis, for treatment.

Mrs. H. A. NEUSTAEDTER and sons, William, Jimmy and Robert, have returned from an 
extended visit with relatives in Roselle, New Jersey.

Miss Gertrude MUNSELL returned Tuesday from a vacation of two weeks, which she spent
in Tennessee and Ohio and with home folks in Hannibal.

The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church held its regular meeting at the church on
Wednesday afternoon, with Mrs. R. H. POSTON and Mrs. RODGERS as hostesses.

Mrs. Randall MURRILL left Wednesday, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. A. S. OLIVER of
Webster Groves, for Wooster, Ohio, where they were called on account of the serious
illness of their mother, Mrs. S. W. STOPHLET.

Maxine MEEHAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard MEEHAN of Jackson, who had accompanied
her grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. MEEHAN, on their vacation trip of several weeks,
returned home Friday.  Dr. and Mrs. George MEEHAN accompanied her home and spent the
day in Jackson.

Dr. C. E. PICKETT left Wednesday for Syracuse, New York, where he will spend the next
two months taking a post graduate course at the Chiropractic College.

Mr. and Mrs. John FADLER and daughter, Bonnie Mae, were Sunday guests of Mrs. FADLER's
aunt, Mrs. B. ISABEL of Fredericktown.

The T. E. L. class of the First Baptist Sunday School held a business meeting and 
Sunshine social hour at the home of Mrs. Jesse BOYD.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver SILSBY and Mr. and Mrs. Fred SILSBY and daughter, Virginia of 
Desloge, spent Monday in St. Louis.

George KARSCH returned home last Friday from a visit of six weeks in California.  He
visited Warner Bros., First National, Universal and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer movie studios
in Hollywood.  He met several producing company managers and many of the leading movie
actors and actresses.  He also attended the San Diego Fair and visited his brother,
Adam KARSCH in Los Angeles.  He returned home by way of Texas and was delighted with
the trip.

J. Morgan HARRIS, Jr., expects to go to Fayette next Monday to resume his studies at
Central College, where he will be a senior this year.  His father, Rev. J. M. HARRIS,
will accompany him to Fayette, after which he will go to Armstrong, Mo., to open a two
week's revival at the Christian Church.

Mrs. R. C. BROPHY and small daughters, Kay and Martha, have returned from a vacation
of six weeks with relatives in northern Michigan.

Harold FRANCIS of Flat River, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Irvin GREEN and Miss Helen
SIZEMORE of Desloge, spent the week-end fishing on Black River where they caught a 
fine string of bass.

George CALLAHAN and Henry DOWNEY expect to leave September 16, for New Orleans, La.,
where they will attend the Veterans of Foreign Wars National Convention.

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. HORTON had as their guests from last Friday until Monday evening,
Mrs. HORTON's mother, Mrs. C. L. PRIDAY and her sister, Miss Virginia PRIDAY of St.


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