Flat River, St. Francois County, Missouri
"Flat River News" Column (by H. C. Inman)
Fri. Dec. 7, 1945

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. PARKER and son, Norman, spent Sunday at their home here. They had as their guest, Miss Jeanette BLACKMEIER of St. Charles, Mo. Mr. PARKER is instructor in the machine shop at St. Charles High School where Norman is a student in the senior class.

Mrs. Jane SCHAFFER and niece Violet SHAFFER, spent Saturday in St. Louis.

F. T. WADSWORTH of Texas City, Texas, spent Friday night here as a guest of his mother, Mrs. Wm. H. WADSWORTH, and his sister, Miss Laura Ellen WADSWORTH. Mr. WADSWORTH, who is a research chemist in the employ of Pan-American Refineries in Texas, was enroute back to his home from Columbus, Ohio, where he had transacted business for his company.

Mrs. Willard MOUSER and daughter, Judy, accompanied her mother, Mrs. Ben WHITE, to St. Louis on Thursday of last week, where Mrs. WHITE consulted her physician. Mrs. MOUSER and daughter remained over until Sunday evening for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank MOUSER. Mr. MOUSER joined them there on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert KOEN moved their household goods to St. Louis on Monday of this week. Mr. KOEN has been employed for several weeks with the Chevrolet Motor Company there. They sold their residential property on East Main to Mrs. Frank LEIST, and have purchased a home in St. Louis County near Overland. Mr. and Mrs. KOEN and their children, Gary Wayne and Ruth Ann, with Mr. and Mrs. Leeman RAGSDALE and children, Karen Sue and Rita Kay, of Esther were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. KOEN's and Mrs. RAGSDALE's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe KOEN.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. CLIPPARD of Festus visited friends here Saturday. Mr. CLIPPARD, former teacher in the Flat River school system, is now Industrial Arts teacher in the Festus schools. He came here Saturday to attend a meeting of Industrial Arts teachers of this district.

Mrs. J. A. ALLEN spent the week end in Farmington as the guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James WALLACE.

Rev. and Mrs. Roland SIMMS and son, Gibson, of Birmingham, Ala., were guests the past week of Mrs. SIMMS' father, Rev. A. C. JOHNSON and her sister, Mrs. B. F. RASCHE and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN, with their son and daughters, Cpl. Henry BAUMAN and Anne and Jane of St. Louis, spent Sunday visiting here with Mrs. BAUMAN's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John FRASER.

Mr. and Mrs. Larry ROTH of St. Louis spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. BUXTON.

Mrs. Alvin HALBROOK, Mrs. Charles ADAMS, Mrs. M. M. SHERRILL and Mrs. Albert TUCKER and son, Ferrell, spent Tuesday in St. Louis.

Rev. Arthur R. HICKS was the guest speaker on Friday evening of last week at a Young People's Associational meeting at the First Baptist Church in Chaffee, Mo. He was a guest over Friday night at the home of the pastor of the church, Rev. W. E. KEENEY.

Mr. and Mrs. Glen COBB recently sold their residence at 300 Houser Street to Mr. and Mrs. Winfred MELTON, and have purchased the Rickard property at 205 and 207 Houser.

Mrs. Alvin HALBROOK received a letter Saturday from her brother, T/5 Andrew BENNETT, Jr., who has been stationed for sometime at Manila, telling her he expected to leave immediately on his way back to the States. He has been serving for the past two and a half years in the Pacific area, and is eligible to receive a discharge under the point system.

Mrs. M. M. STEWART and daughter, Sara, spent the week end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Lola MAYBERRY, and also visited with her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. STEWART.

The Afternoon Circle of the Presbyterian Church met Wednesday with Mrs. P. N. FERGUSON at Rivermines with Mrs. Elmer BUXTON as devotional leader.

Alfred CARPENTER visited Friday of last week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. CARPENTER. He was enroute to El Paso, Texas to join his family after receiving an honorable discharge from the army at Ft. Meade, Md.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. HALL of Oshkosh, Wisc., spent Wednesday as guests of the former's sister, Mrs. W. A. KARSCH, and Mr. KARSCH. They were enroute to California where they will spend the winter.

Mrs. A. F. LIVERS of Esbon, Kansas returned home Wednesday after visiting her sister, Mrs. E. G. CORWINE and family, 407 Taylor Ave., since Friday of last week.

Miss Mildred SUMPTER who is employed at the Bethesda Hospital in St. Louis spent the week end with Misses Lucy and Susie WEBB.

Theodore PAUL, Jr., instructor in the speech department of Iowa University in Iowa City, spent the week end here with his wife and little daughter, Helen Margot, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. CARPENTER. He will return here for the Christmas holidays after which they will establish their home in Iowa City.

Mrs. Ollie REEDER and Miss Helen McGAHAN were business visitors Saturday in St. Louis.

Mr. and Mrs. Caruthers MOORE and son, Harvey, of Fredericktown Route 1, visited Sunday with Jake BURNS and Miss Mary BURNS.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer BURNS were visitors Sunday in Bonne Terre with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin CLINE.

Relatives here have had word that Mrs. Chester LEMMEL, who underwent a major operation on November 21 at the Lutheran Hospital in St. Louis, is now well on the way to recovery, and is expected soon to be able to be removed to her home. Her mother, Mrs. Edith CRABDREE, has been in St. Louis at the LEMMEL home caring for the children during the mother's absence.

Mary Alice CRANE, eight-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles CRANE, underwent an appendectomy on Tuesday afternoon at Bonne Terre Hospital.

Mrs. Frank SELF, Mrs. Harold GAMMON, and Mrs. Fred WOOD spent Tuesday of last week in St. Louis.

Rev. and Mrs. Marion HULL moved tuesday to the home they purchased recently at 403 West Main Street.

George GRAY returned last week from the Veteran's Hospital at Jefferson Barracks where he had been under treatment for several weeks. His condition is greatly improved.

George STEWART underwent an appendectomy on Monday at Bonne Terre Hospital. His condition is reported satisfactory at this time.

Elmo SILVEY went to St. Louis Tuesday of last week to bring home his wife from Missouri Baptist Hospital where she underwent a major operation three weeks ago. She is making good progress toward recovery. During her convalescence they are staying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John SEVENING.

Mary Kathryn BOLLINGER, Louise BEBOUT, Carolyn MEYERS and Mary Jo O'BANNON, all of Fredericktown were week end guests of Miss LaNelle O'BANNON.

M. M. STEWART, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. STEWART, wired his wife, Mrs. M. M. STEWART of Farmington, from San Pedro, Calif., saying he had landed there Sunday and his ship, the U.S.S. Nevada, would be in dry-dock for several days. He said he would not have time to come here for a visit.

Mrs. Carrie BURNS and family entertained over the week-end for her son, W. Parker BURNS and wife, and Lt. R. H. DROLLINGER, Lt. Jim WARNER, and Lt. Norman MILLER of Scott Field.


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