Published By:
Flat River, St. Francois Co. MO
Fri. July 29, 1938

Mr. and Mrs. Fred BEQUETTE and children, Edwin, Bobby, Evelyn Ann and Gene spent Sunday in Cape Girardeau. They also attended the Soap Box Derby races.

Miss Virginia BUSENBARK of Flat River, accompanied by her cousins, Misses Anna Belle, Mae, Ruth and Beulah HENRICH of Elvins Route One, and Miss Dorothy DINGER of Ironton, left Sunday by motor for a trip to Washington D.C., New York and Canada. They will be gone two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl DAVIS and two children, Jimmy and Carl Jr., left Saturday for North Little Rock, Ark., where they are spending a vacation of two weeks.

Granville LAYNE of St. Louis, drove down Tuesday and accompanied home his wife and two children, Jackie and Bobby, who had spent two weeks here with Mrs. LAYNE's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. STEPHENS. Mrs. STEPHENS is recovering from a serious illness.

Mrs. Sterling PRIEST and little daughter, Nelly Jo, of Mine La Motte, visited here yesterday with her sister, Mrs. C. D. Richardson, who accompanied them to the home of their brother, G. B. Nipper near Caledonia, where Mrs. PRIEST and daughter remained for a visit until Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard MAXSON and daughter, Joanne, Mr. and Mrs. Joe SUTTON and Mr. and Mrs. Fred SILSBY and daughter, Virginia, spent Monday at Van Buren with their son and brother, Joe SUTTON Jr., who is attending the Baptist Assembly. The group enjoyed a picnic at Big Springs.

R. C. BROPHY has gone to Chicago to spend a few days after which he will join Mrs. BROPHY and their two small daughters, Kay and Martha, who are visiting relatives in Northern Michigan. They will accompany him home in about two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Byron BEARD and children, Billy, Joanne and James, enjoyed a trip to Bagnell Dam and through the Shepherd of the Hills country last week.

Miss Dorothy WOODSIDE of Bonne Terre, Rolla BOYER of Desloge, Bill McGRAW and Miss Ruth DUEMLER of Flat River, spent Wednesday at Forest Park Highlands in St. Louis.

Mrs. L. P. PRESSLER has just returned from a visit of two weeks with relatives in El Paso, Texas. She made the trip with Miss Rosamond McDONALD and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McDONALD of University City, who drove to Flagstaff, Arizona, where Miss McDONALD has accepted a position as librarian in the public library. She was until recently employed as librarian at Flat River High School.

Miss Florence SILSBY left Tuesday for Moberly, where she is spending the week with Miss Frances McKINNEY.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer STEPHENS and two children, Forrest and George, of St. Louis, who had been on a trip to Bagnell Dam, visited here Monday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. STEPHENS.

Miss Lois RICHARDSON will leave Saturday for Detroit, Mich., to spend a vacation of two weeks with her uncle Leslie NIPPER and family. Miss RICHARDSON is employed in the Bonne Terre office of the Missouri Natural Gas Company.

Miss Enola LEDBETER and her guest, Miss Louise ROBINSON of Racine, Wis., Miss Lillian SCHMIDT and Mrs. E. S. POLITTE attended the baseball game at Sportsman's Park in St. Louis Saturday and that evening attended the performance of "Chimes of Normandy," at Municipal Opera.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo LEWIS and two children, Carla Ann and Francis Lee, are spending the week with relatives in Illinois. Mr. LEWIS is employed as pharmacist at Wood's Drug Store.

Sergeant and Mrs. Aubrey WHITE and son, Jerry, returned home Tuesday from a visit of several days with relatives in Salem and Steelville.

Mr. and Mrs. Clay THOMASSON and daughter, Miss Gwendolyn and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. THOMASSON spent Wednesday afternoon in St. Louis, where they visited S. C. THOMASSON's father, Rev. C. D. THOMASSON, who is a patient at Barnes Hospital.

Chas. LINZA spent Tuesday in St. Louis on business and while in the city visited his brother, George LINZA, who is a patient at Barnes Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo BERGHOEFER and children, Milton and Doris, returned to their home in St. Louis last Friday, after spending a week here with Mrs. BERGHOEFER's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe SUTTON and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. N. A. STOCKETT returned Sunday from a ten-day vacation trip to Niagara Falls, Toronto, Quebec and Callander, Canada. They enjoyed a visit with the DIONNE quintuplets while at Callander. They also visited in Ottowa while in Canada, and enroute home stopped in Chicago for a day.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie BUSENBARK are spending several weeks on a trip to California and Colorado.

Donald McDONALD of St. Louis, is spending the week here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. PRESSLER and family.

Mrs. Geraldine REEVES and little son, Dickie, and Willard KUNZE of Elvins, spent Sunday in St. Louis, the guests of the former's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George KELLS.

Mr. and Mrs. T. J. STEWART and sons, McVale and Walter and daughter, Ann Alice, and Mrs. STEWART's niece, Dean PIPKIN, plan to leave next Tuesday for a vacation of two weeks. They will drive to Yellowstone National Park, through the Black Hills, to Mount Rushmore, and other places of interest. Enroute home they will stop at Fort Collins, Colo., for a visit with Mrs. STEWART's sister, Mrs. Philip PIPKIN, who is spending the summer there. They will also visit friends in Denver, returning home in about two weeks.

Mrs. Roy CALDWELL, Mrs. Marvin LOCKE and Mrs. A. W. BONO attended the Cardinal-Brooklyn ball game at Sportsman's Park in St. Louis last Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Glynn GLASSCOCK entertained her two table bridge club at a luncheon and card party yesterday afternoon.

W. A. JOHNSON and daughter, Miss Hilda, attended Municipal Opera in St. Louis Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph HANEY and three daughters, Shirley, Betty Jo and Mary Sue, of Cape Girardeau, were Sunday guests of Mrs. HANEY's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. SMITH. Their two eldest daughters, Colleen and Kathryn, who had visited their grandparents for a week, returned home with them. Mrs. HANEY's sister, Miss Billie Jean Smith, accompanied them to Cape Girardeau for a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. T. J. STEWART and daughter, Ann Alice and sons, Mc and Walter, and Mrs. STEWART's father, Morris FRAIZER, spent Sunday in Cape Girardeau, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. FRAIZER. Morris FRAIZER remained for an extended visit with his son and daughter-in-law. Miss Dean PIPKIN, niece of Mrs. STEWART, accompanied the STEWART family here for a visit.

Miss Virginia DAVIDSON of Hannibal is spending the week here the guest of Rev. and Mrs. E. C. ABERNATHY and family. She is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. E. DAVIDSON and her father, who has served in the foreign missionary field, is now a member of the faculty of Hannibal-LaGrange College.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer THORPE entertained the following guests at a dinner party Saturday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Charles MITCHELL and Miss Ruth MATTHEWS of Flat River; Mr. and Mrs. Joe KLEIN and daughter, Joanne, Mr. and Mrs. Edw. STOCKSICK, Mr. and Mrs. Robert BROWN, Mr. and Mrs. Ben RABADEUX, Mr. and Mrs. George DOUGLAS, Mrs. Dave MITCHELL, Mr. and Mrs. Otto BEARD and son, Harvey, Misses Mattei and Gladys MURRILL and Tom DOWLING of St. Louis.

Dr. and Mrs. I. F. COYLE are expected home next Tuesday from Emporia, Kansas, where they have been spending the summer. Dr. COYLE, who is Dean of Flat River Junior College, has been teaching this summer at the college at Emporia.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed SIKES of Oak Grove and her daughter, Nina, of Farmington, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer CRITESER of Gofftown on Monday. They all attended the tent meeting in Columbia Park. On Tuesday they all met at the home of Mrs. POGUE in Farmington, where a chicken dinner was enjoyed.

Private funeral services for Mrs. Grace DALTON HATCH were held Wednesday, July 20, at the Turner, Stevens and Berry Chapel in South Pasadena, Calif., in charge of the Christian Science Church, with interment in the San Gabriel Cemetery, according to word received here this week from her sister, Mrs. Fred STRICKLAND. Mrs. STRICKLAND and her mother, Mrs. Emma DALTON, arrived in Pasadena after Mrs. HATCH's death.

Miss Esther GOLDSTEIN of St. Louis spent Sunday here the guest of Miss Norma Ruth HOWELL.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion WELLAND and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd WESCOAT returned home Sunday from a vacation of a week which they spent in Colorado.

Ruth REEDER, Verna Mae WHALEY, Margaret GIFFORD, Maxine GILLIHAN, Marie MORRIS and Thelma PHILLIPS attended Municipal Opera in St. Louis Saturday evening where they saw "Chimes of Normandy."

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HOWELL left Monday for a week's camping and fishing trip near Williamsville. They were joined on Tuesday by Mr. and Mrs. Marion WELLAND.

Mrs. R. L. HOOD and daughter, Miss Una HOOD, of St. Louis visited relatives here over the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas WILBY, Miss Margaret BARRETT, Ivan WOOD and Burette LINZA spent Sunday at Van Buren where they attended the Baptist Assembly.

Paul RAMSEY and Dr. D. S. LOCKHART participated in the golf tournament at Herculaneum last Saturday and on Sunday Mr. RAMSEY played with the Cape Girardeau team in a game against Perryville.

Bonnie Dale COOK, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. J. COOK, who recently moved here from Advance, is visiting relatives and friends in Patton this week.

Joe UNDERWOOD and Vernon ESTES of Flat River, who are attending Central Missouri State Teachers College at Warrensburg, were initiated into Chi Sigma Pi fraternity on Tuesday evening of last week. The fraternity made plans for the annual summer banquet, which was to have been held on Monday evening. About seventy planned to attend. Edgar DOUDNA, visiting lecturer at the college, was to be the principal speaker.

Mrs. S. I. D. SMITH went to Ironton Sunday for a visit with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. LONDON.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace MURPHY of Desloge, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. THOMASSON of Flat River, Alberta, Velma and Paul THOMASSON of Farmington Route Four, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Glen SHAW and two children, C. J. and Donald, of St. Louis, who are visiting here, spent Sunday in St. Louis the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee KERLAGON. They also visited their father, Rev. C. D. THOMASSON of Route Four, who is a patient at Barnes Hospital. He is suffering with a complication of diseases. His daughter, Miss Mabel THOMASSON of St. Louis, joined the group.

Mrs. A. A. MEADOR and grandson, C. A. ADE, returned home last Thursday from Louisiana, Mo., where they had spent a week with the former's daughter, Mrs. Audrey ADE, who has been ill with an infection in the left foot. She is recovering nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe COVINGTON spent Saturday and Sunday in St. Louis and were accompanied home by their two daughters, Billie Jo and Nedra Maxine Covington, who had visited relatives in the city for a week.

Rev. E. C. ABERNATHY, Dora Mae HYATT, Carol WEBB and Honorine ROWE are spending the week at Van Buren attending the Baptist Assembly.

Miss Glonna WINDLE has resigned her position as teacher at the Pleasant Mound school to accept the position of principal at the Gumbo school. She is attending the Southeast Missouri Teacher's College in Cape Girardeau this summer.

William G., Charles, Robert and Philip ROWE and their uncle, Thos. ROWE, of Fourche-a-Renault left Monday for a fishing trip of several days on the St. Francois River.

Mrs. Roy LONG and children, Joann, Gene Edwin and Richard Earl, of St. Louis are spending the week here with Mrs. LONG's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. SIGMAN.

Mrs. J. W. PHILLIPS, who has been in ill health for several weeks, last Friday entered Barnes Hospital in St. Louis for treatment.

Mrs. P. G. KEITH underwent a major operation at Missouri Baptist Hospital in St. Louis last Friday. She is recovering nicely. Mrs. KEITH is librarian at the Flat River public library.

Miss Louise ROBINSON, who had been the guest of Miss Enola LEDBETTER for two weeks, left Wednesday for her home in Racine, Wis. Miss LEDBETTER accompanied her as far as Moberly, where she is visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Rev. and Mrs. E. D. OWEN.

Joe WATKINS, ten-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. WATKINS, returned home Wednesday from Houston, Texas, where he had been the guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. PRIEST, for five weeks.

Mrs. Wayne HOWLETT was brought home Wednesday in the Hood ambulance from Bonne Terre Hospital, where she had spent a week for treatment.

Mrs. C. B. FARRAR and son, George, left Sunday for Eldorado, Kansas, to spend two weeks with their daughters and sisters, Miss Wilma FARRAR and Mrs. Glen HUTSON and the latter's family.




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