By O. U. Guess, July 2, 1898

As Published by the POTOSI JOURNAL
Potosi, Washington Co. MO
Wed. July 6, 1898
[Hickory Grove was located near Bismarck, Missouri]

As we have seen no items from this section for some time, we suppose Gold Bug has flown away to Cuba, so we will try to take his place and send you some news.

Farmers are almost done cutting wheat.

James HUGHES has purchased a new binder.

John WOOD and family visited Mrs. WOOD's sister, Mrs. BELKNAP, on Flat River, Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. J. W. WOOD is on the sick list.

Frank ALEXANDER and wife visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Jas. WALSH, near Flat River last Sunday.

Miss Delia SMITH, who has been away for some time, returned last week.

Several young people from Irondale attended prayer meeting at the Baptist church here last night.

Mr. RAGSDALE had the misfortune to lose a horse a few days ago.

Miss Alice ALEXANDER has been sewing with Mrs. Mary DENTON the past week.

Miss Kate MAXWELL is visiting friends in this vicinity this week.

We are sorry to record the death of Minnie HUGHES, only daughter of John HUGHES. She passed away on the morning of June 21, leaving many friends to mourn her loss.

Mrs. G. A. WOOD left this morning on a visit to Grandma WOOD, of Cold Water, Mo., who was formerly a resident of Hickory Grove.

Joseph ASH has been going about with a broad grin on his face. Reason, a young lady has taken a life residence at his house.

Wood & Co. will be ready to commence threshing in a short time.

Miss Annie TURNBULL visited her sister, Mrs. Jos. ASH, of this place last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom DENTON, Miss Lucy BOUSHON, and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse DENTON, went on a berry hunt Wednesday last.



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