Friday, May 18, 1945

 SO PROUDLY WE HAIL our gallant Men and Women who joined the colors in the cause of Freedom to achieve this Glorious Victory.

Esther & Leadington Honor Roll, sponsored by A.M. HOY, RAY LARKIN, FRANK GROOM, A.W. PARSONS,    Superintendent, Principal & School Board of Esther


Alexander, Henry                            Covington, Vernon                      Galvin, Wendall

Anderson, Chester                            Crabdree, Cecil                           Gerstenschlager, Alvin E.

Arnold, Bill                                       Crader, Harold                             Gibson, Everette

Arnold, Ancil                                    Crepps, Rolla                              Gibson, Cecil

Arnold, Earl                                      Crepps,  Harold                           Gibson, Leo

Arnold, Guy                                      Crepps, Paul                               Gordon, James Howard

Bader, Troy Russell                         Cresswell, Gilbert                       Green, Arthur S.

Barker, Samuel James                    Cresswell, Clarence                    Grifford, Louis Edward

Belew, William Robert                    Cresswell, Victor                         Guitar, Robert

Bess, Charles                                   Cresswell, Glenwood                  Hackworth, Earnest

Bess, Marcus Charles                     Critiser, Charles (Buddy)           Hager, Floyd

Bible, Vernon                                   Cunningham, Milburne               Hager, Roy

Bible, Clinton Edward                      Dalton, Delmar                          Hager, George

Bohnsack, C.A.                                Dalton, Robert                            Hahn, Paul

Bone, Clifford                                   Doggett, Francis                        Haire, Herschel

Bone, Clinton                                    Doggett, Virgil R.                      Haire, Kenneth

Bowden, Wilba Lee                          Dowers, Donald                         Halbrook, Clarence

Bredchoeft, Eugene                         Downs, Robert                         (one unreadable)

Brewster, Fielding                           Downs, Harold                           Halter, Raymond

Brewster, Leon                                Dush, John W.                            Hana, Orin

Broadfoot, Darmen                         Dush, Clifton Eugene                 Hardy, Ched

Burns, Belrt                                    Duvall, Leo Henry                      Harris, Delbert Arthur

Burns, Earl                                      Eads, Harry                                 Heltzel, Marvin

Bye, Ezra                                         Easter, Raymond                        Henroid, Rudolph Herbert

Center, John                                    Edward, Keith                             Henroid, Lawrence

Center, Leo                                      Ellis, Paul Silas                           Henroid, Rolla

Cheesebrough, Arthur                     Evans, Perry                              Henson, Freddie

Cheesebrough, Harold                    Evans,  Harry                             Henson, Eddie

Claunch, Charles                             Evans, Leeman                           Hicks, Leonard

Claunch, Harry Lee                         Fairfield, Harold                          Hicks, LaNoah

Clay, Billy Bob                                 Feeney, Norman                          Hicks, L.V.

Clay, Jack                                        Ferguson, Charles                       Hinkle, Charles

Clay, Virgil                                       Fleming, James                            Hogue, Truman

Cole, Darrell                                    Forsythe, Theodore                      Hogue, Elza

Cole, Howard                                   Franklin, Clarence                       Holley, Robert

Cole, Homer Dennis                       Freeman, Paul                               Hopkins, Clifford

Cook, John Marion                         Frye, Paul                                      House, Paul

Cook, Glenwood Harold                 Fryman, Kenneth                         Hovis, Earl

Corcoran, Paul Edward                  Galvin, Vernon                              Howell, Melvin

Hudson, Carl                                   Mead, Roy                                   Snelson, Joseph

Huber, Earl                                      Merritt, McNary                         Snelson, Billy Ray

Huff, Harold                                     Mills, Eugene                              Stan, Francis

Huff, Clyde                                       Minter, Glen                               Stanley, Martha

Hull, Bernice                                    Mitchel, Myron                          Stevens, Rome

Hutson, Glen                                    Montgomery, Floyd                    Stewart, Bengie

Hutson, Cecil                                   Montgomery, Harold                   Straughn, Harold

Hutson, Leonard James                  Montgomery, Eddie                     Strickland, Marvin

Janis, Earl                                        Montgomery, Howard                  Swaringum, Ansil

Jarrells, James Marion                   Montgomery, Robert Lee            Sweazea, James

Johnson, Clarence Edward               Moore, Alvin                                Thomas, Harold

Jones, George E.                               Mount, Wheeler                          Thomas, Robert

Jones, Donald                                    Myers, Perry Vernon                  Thurman, Darrel

Jones, Albert Henry                         Neff, Frank                                  Thurman, Alfred

Kearnan, John                                  Neff, Herbert                               Tinnin, Paul

Kearns, A.D.                                    Oder,  Harold                               Tongay, Frank

Kearns, Merlin                                Oder, L.D.                                    Tongay, Darrell

Kennon, Emerson                            Pilgrim, Charles Albert                Turnbough, Paul

Kennon, Lawrence                          Pigg, Norman                                Townsend, Harry

Kennon, Troy                                  Pirtle, Jasper Olen                        Umfleet, Ralph

Kennon, Milburn C.                        Pirtle, Earl                                    Umfleet, Earnest

King, James                                     Pirtle, Leo                                    Umfleet, Merrill

Koen, Alfred                                    Plummer, Ivan LeRoy                 Vaughn, Hobart

Koen, Charles                                 Plunkett, Cecil                              Wamble, Melvin Earl

Koen, Jess                                       Pratte, William                             Wampler, Wilbur

Lane, William Fenton                      Pratte, Robert                             Wampler, John M.

Large, William                                 Presser, Brodas                          Wildman, Howard

Larkin, Caree William                     Propst, jesse Loran                    Wilfong, Robert

Leatherman, Jesse                          Propst, James Edgar                  Williams, Joe

Leatherman, Ray                             Pryor, Carson                             Williams, Rulen

Lincoln, Dearl                                  Ransom, Raymond                    Williams, Marvin

Loughary, Lyndall                           Ratley, Harold                             Williams, Walter

Lewis, Arnold                                   Reeder, Delbert                          Wright, Harold

Lukachick, Michael D.                    Rhodes, Alvin                             Zarowski, Paul

McBride, Donald                             Rion, Raymond

McBride, Homer                              Rome, Elmer

McBride, William                             Rosenstengle, Harry

McBride, Clarence                          Rubottom, Dorse

McClanahan, Lester                        Rubottom, Edward

McClanahan, Andrew Harold         Rubottom, Iris

McCoy, Wesley Burt                       Rubottom, Thomas

McDaniel, Paul                                Sales, John

McDowell, Bobby                            Sarif, W.J.

McDowell, Rolla                              Setzer, Bill

McKinney, Dillion                            Sikes, Monroe

McLeod, Clinton                              Slinkard, J.C.

McLeod, Glenwood                           Smith, Joe

McWilliams, Willard Carl                Smith, Charles

McWilliams, Raymond                    Smith, Harry O.

McWorthy, Roy                               Smith, T.J.

Mann, Leon                                      Smith, Orson

Mann, Leonard                                Smith, Eugene

Mauk, Harold                                   Smith, William Forrest

Maurice, Thomas George                 Smith, Thomas V.

LEADINGTON HONOR ROLL                                                         *** HONOR ROLL**

Bible, Vernon Delmar                                                                        FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH

Brewer, Conrad Russell                                                                    DESLOGE, MISSOURI

Brewster, Fielding Roland

Callahan, Harold                                                                                  

Campbell, James William                                                                        Farrell B. McFarland

Coffey, Alfred                                                                                           Forrest Lee Nelms

Coffey, Hubert                                                                                          James Arthur Smith

Dalton, Robert C.                                                                                     Milford B. Ward

Dalton, Delmar Gene                                                                               Rawlin J. Winston

Eaton, Lloyd Owen                                                                                   Gerald Cape

Evans, Perry Howard                                                                               Clyde Jones

Evans, Harold Leaman                                                                             Thomas Morris

Evans, Elmer Leroy                                                                                  Earl Smith

Evans, James Harry                                                                                 William Baugh

Fleming, James R. Jr.                                                                               Clarence Baugh

Gibson, Cecil Emery                                                                                 Harold Ransom

Gibson,  Leo Henry                                                                                  Charles Edward Nelms

Gibson, James E.                                                                                      Floyd Rickard

Haire, Kenneth Ralph                                                                              Eugene Eaves

Haire, Herschel Paul                                                                                Elmer Devine

Halbrook, Clarence Robert                                                                     Harold McClanahan

Hale, Paul Joseph                                                                                    Charles Eugene Nelms

Henson, Eddie                                                                                         Williiam Gnadt

Henson, Freddie                                                                                      Robert Eaves

Hogue, Elza Roy                                                                                     Burlin Walsh

Hern, Lawrence Jr.                                                                                James Wilson Morris

House, Paul Edward                                                                               Lucien Dunlap

House, Melvin Paul                                                                                William E. Buckner

Huff, Clyde Warren                                                                                William White

Huff, Harold I.                                                                                         Harold Hibbitts

King, James Franklin                                                                             Harold Pinkley

Laird, James Carl                                                                                  Howard McClanahan

McBride, Clarence Everette                                                               John Ward

Mauk, Harold James                                                                            Grover Buckner

Mauk, Billy Gene                                                                                  Robert Meadows

Mills, Eugene Lee                                                                                 Melvin L. Smith

Montgomery, Howard Lenard                                                              Edward Parker

Nellson, Bartley Aaron                                                                          Harold Berghoefer

Oder, Landon Dewey, Jr.                                                                      Robert Jones

Oder, Harold Eugene                                                                            Elisha Ray Arnold

Setzer, Clyde                                                                                         Joe Bolt

Setzer, William                                                                                      Clarence Blunt

Townsend, Harry Marvin                                                                     Roscoe Mantz

Waters, Curtis William                                                                         Harold Shelley

                                                                                                               Eugene Harris

                                                                                                               Bill Waller

                                                                                                              W. Wayne Buckner

                                                                                                               Glendon Wright

SECTION D:                              




Judson Abernathy                                     James Lindsay                             William H. Thomure

Chester Anderson                                     Vernon Link                                  Oliver Thorpe

Dr. C.H. Appleberry                                  Burette Linza                                Earnest Wadlow

Arnold H. Arenz                                         Charles Dwight Linza                  William C. Wadlow

Alvis Bales                                                 Gene Martino                               Jacob D. Wagner

R.D. Ball                                                     Forrest Matthews                         Eugene Williams

W.W. Ball                                                   Glenwood Mauk                           Truman Wilson

Aleus Earl Barrett                                      Elmer McCormick                       Ivan Wood

Gene W. Barrett                                         Carl McGeorge                            Harold Wright

Marguerite Barrett                                    William McGraw, Jr

Paul Barton                                                 Charles Meador

Adolph Beard                                              Buford Mouser

J.D. Boring                                                  Clyde Nations

Jessee Boyd                                                Donald Nations

John R. Boyd                                               Benjamin Neff

John Brannon                                              Herbert D. Neff

Carl Carver                                                 Harold Nipper

Guy L. Clark                                                Doyle Osman

Raymond Clark                                           Howard Pape

Glen J. Cobb                                               Orville Patt

Forrest W. Cook                                         Alvin V. Phillips

Oneal Cooper                                             Clyde Benjamin Phillips

Thomas Daffron                                         Broadus Presser

Conan Dorman                                           Lloyd Presser

Burt Dudley                                                Olan Priest

Glenwood Dudley                                       Marion E. Rabaduex

L.C. Dudley                                                James E. Rabaduex

Lindell Edwards                                         Carl O. Reeder

Harold N. Forsythe                                    Norman Reeder

George Vernon Fraser                            Willis C. Reeder

Donald Gallagher                                      Ralph Reynolds

L.C. Gallagher                                           Haskell Richardson

William Gallagher                                     Grant Rickard

John Gideon                                              Harry Lynn Rosenstengel

Theran Gillman                                         Ralph E. Scott

Donald Goggins                                        Thelma B. Shell

Gene Lee Goggins                                   A.A. Siegenthaler

Ben F. Goode                                           Robert Sigman

Elmer Hampton                                        William Sigman

Harold Hampton                                       W. W. Silvey

Dwight Harris                                           Eugene B. Simms

Warren F. Harter                                      Orean Smith

William Hutson                                        Don Sparks

LeRoy Holley                                          Murphy Sparks

G.O. Kennedy                                          Roy W. Stotler

W.E. Kennedy                                         Clarence Stout

Eugene M. Kiefer                                   Joseph W. Sutton

Charles Kirkpatrick                                Lawrence Swangwarim

Glenwood Lees                                                  Downey Thomure




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