(including mine-related industries)
(Under Construction)

columbia_lead_mill.jpg (74421 bytes)


This page is under construction.  If you know of a miner 
who needs to be added, please E-MAIL us with name and approximate date of death. 

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)ABERLE, Henry C. (1899)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)ABERNATHY, Arthur (1942)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)ADAMS, John (1922)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)ADAMS, W. R. (1928)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)ANCI, John (1905)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)ANDRES, William (1882)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)ANDREWS, Gilbert (1926)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)ANSIC, John (1905)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)ARNETT, Robert (1920)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)AUSTIN, Ira (1908)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BABB, Homer (1955)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BAKER, James E. (1930)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) BALEGROSKI, George (1889)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BALDWIN, Claud (1919)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BARNA, Danko (1904)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BARNES, Lemory (1901)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BARNHOUSE, Glenwood (1951)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BAYLES, Cecil (1942)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BEASLEY, Clark (1916)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BECKNER, James (1911)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BEIBL, Antone (1920) - See BIEBL (below)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BELL, Robert (1911)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BELLMER, Isaac (1922)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BENARD, Ben (1921)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BENHAM, Joe (1913)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BENNETT, James F. (1923)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BERRY, Clay Winford (1941)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BEQUETTE, David (1912)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BIEBL [or Beibl] , Antone (1920)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BOHANNON, Richard (1919)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BOTO, John (1911)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BOYER, Edward F. (1911)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BRIMM, Frank (1894)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BRINLEY, Fred (1931)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BROOKS, D. C. (1944)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BROOKS, Floyd (1916)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BROWN, Harry (1921)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BRUCE, Nick (1907)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BRYANT, William (1903)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BRYNRA [Brynro], John (1913)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)BURNS, Kenneth (1946)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CALVIN, Delano (1914)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CAMPBELL, Joe (1900)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CAMPBELL, Joseph (1919)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CAMPBELL, Robert L. Jr. (1957)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CAPE, William (1872)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CARVER, Charles (1901)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CASEBAULT [CASEBOLT], John (1908)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CEBRISKI, Kasper (1910)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CHEEK, Carl C. (1924)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CHEEK, Henry (1917)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CHILDERS, Albert (1908)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CHRISTOPHER, Sylvester (1920)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CLAPOTS, Joseph "Joe" (1910)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CLARNISKY [Charnisky], Peter (1913)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) CLAYWELL, Rolla (1909)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CLEMONS, Edward (1917)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)COACHIE, John (1882)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CONRAD, Charles (1910)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)COOK, Dallas (1927)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)COOK, James (1915)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)COOKSEY, George (1882)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)COOLEY, John (1880)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)COOPER, Charles (1909)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)COUNTS, Roy (1908)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)COVAT, Pete (1911)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CRAIG, Steve "Gus" (1919)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CRAMP, George (1902)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CREPPS, Harold R. (1961)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CROUCH, Edmond A. (1947)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CUMMINS, Ed (1917)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CUNNINGHAM, Ostil (1923)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)CUNNINGHAM, Warner F. (1923)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)DALTON, Jesse (1911
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)DANAGE, Alex (1911)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)DAUGHERTY, Hershel L. "Dick" (1971)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)DAVID, Herbert A. (1925)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)DEGRANT, Edward E. (1945)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)DILLINGER, William (1908)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)DODSON, Tylor (1897)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)DOSS, Sol (1905)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)DOTSON, Taylor (1897)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)DOUGLAS, Henry (1927)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)DOWNES, Sam (1899)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)DOWNS, Earl (1927)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)DRUM, Walter F. (1936)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)DUEMLER, James (1926)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)DUNKIN, S. A. (1903)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)DUNLAP, Thomas (1935)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)EATON, Charles (1908)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)EDWARDS, Otto B. (1917)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)EDWARDS, William J. (1910)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)FEDOCK, Mike Tony (1915)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)FIELDS, Arthur (1949)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)FISHER, Louis F. (1954)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)FITZWATER, John (1916)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)FORSHEE, Edward (1941)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)FORSHEE, Irvin (1944)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)FORTNER, Henry (1909)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)FORSYTHE, Zechariah Jesse (1922)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)FRANCIS, Barbara House (1889) - Non-employee death

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)FRYE,   Marion (1922)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)FURIC, Felix (1911)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)GALO, John (1904)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)GALVIN, Dellno (1914)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)GIBSON, Iven / Ivan  (1917)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)GILBERT, J. Coke (1917)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)GLORE, Roy (1926)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)GOLDSMITH, Frank (1916)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)GORDA, John (1906)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)GRAMM, Emil (1950)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)GROCHTE, (or Grochto) Peter (1914)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) GROVES, Marin Luther (1956)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)GUDYNORVITCH, Mike (1909)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HAMAN, Henry (1914)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HAMILTON, John (1902)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HAMMOCK, Albert (1908)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HAMON, Amiel "Henry" (1914)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HANSELL, J. H. (1918)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) HARRIS, James (1912)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HARTZELL, Albert L. (1917)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HAWK, Donald Eli (1961)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HAWN, Frank P. (1886)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HEDRICK, Melvin (1958)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HELMS, John (1937)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HENDERSON, William Robert (1942)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HICKS, John (1907)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HOLDMAN, James (1920)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HOLLEY, Clifford (1944)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HOLT, P. C. (1905)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HORTON, Harry (1939)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HOUSE, Floyd, a/k/a Roy (1918)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HRATKO, Charles Mike (1916)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HUGHES, Albert (1917)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HUGHES, Arthur (1949)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)HUITT, William (1919)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)JANISOW, Nicolo (1915)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)JOHNSON, G. A. (1918)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)JONES, Orville (1961)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)JONES, Wilburn (1932)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)KASMAR, Lypstak (1911)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)KELLY, Albert (Robert) Newton (1918)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)KIDD, George  (1917)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)KIDD, John (1882)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)KINNEY, William (1917)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)KOCSIS, John (1884)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)KROKATO, Peter (1914)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes) LaBROT, Joseph (1920)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) LaBRUYERE, Waldo (1959)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)LaCHANCE, Charles F. (1937)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) LaROSE, Earl (1923)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) LAWS, Everett (1927)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes) LAWSON, Sterling (1924)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) LEWIS, Joseph, Jr. & Sr. (1915)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) LIMBAUGH, Earl (1948)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) LINCOLN, G. W. (1901)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) LINK, John (1925)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)LOVVORN, Delno (1947)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes) LYONS, Joseph (1921)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)MADDERN, William H.  (1897)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)MANNING, John F. (1916)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)MARLER, William (1910)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)MAYBERRY, Ollie P. (1920)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) MASSENGALE, Harrison (1904)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)McAVINNEY, Thomas (1901)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)McDOWELL, Robert (1919)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)McFARLAND, Edward (1913)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) McKAY, Eugene Walter (1970)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)McLAUGHLIN, James (1923)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) McLEOD, Jesse (1917)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) McWORTHY, David Ray (1921)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)MEADOWS, Charles (1922)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)MEDLOCK (Mellock), Wassie (1915)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)MERRITT, Charles Edward
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) MESTROCK/MESTROK, Harry (1901)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)METOLICH, Mike (1907)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)MIHALCHAK, John (1890)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)MILLER, Otto C. (1941)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)MILLS, James (1894)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) MITCHELL, Coke H. (1907)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)MITCHELL, Kossuth (1914)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) MOMOT, Nykoto "Nick" (1936)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)MONTGOMERY, Frank (1910)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)MONTGOMERY, John (1912)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)MOTLEY, Harry James (1914)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)MURPHY, George (1883)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) NEELY, Bertice (1921)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) NEWMAN, Richard "Dick" (1916)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) OGLESBY, John (1904)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)OKOWSKKI, Mike (1910)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)ORTLOF, Otto (1923)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)PARASZCRIAK, Wasil (1911)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) PATTERSON, Homer Lee (1961)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) PAYNE, John E. (1915)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)PERRY, H. O. (1889)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)PETROVITCH, Mike (1908)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)PIAZZO [Piazza], Harry (1922)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) PITTS, David Monroe (1928)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)PLEYKON [Pleykom], Mike (1913)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) POLK, Burdette A. (1950)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)POLITTE, Gilbert (1920)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)POLLOCK [Petlock], Andy (1910)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)POWOCKO, John (1909)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)PRITCHETT, John (1913)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) PUCKETT, Dan (1908)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) PYEATT, Harvey O. "Jack" (1948)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)RAISEN, Albert (1903)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)RASHLE, Joseph (1879)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) RAY, Edward Lee (1913)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes) RESSMEYER, Dale (1958)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) REVELLE, Henry (1905)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) RICE, Everett (1942)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes) RICHARDSON, Frank (1919)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)ROBERTS, Albert (1915)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)RODGERS, Asa Grover (1925)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)RODGERS, William (1926)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)ROE, Peter (1875)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)ROETHIEL, John (1883)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)ROLL,  J. W. (1901)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)ROSER, Albert (1903)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)ROHEORK [Roark ?], Ed (1909)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)RUNDEL, William (1924)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SABERANSKY, Joseph (1907)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SARRELL, [Carrell] Bert (1924)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SCHULER, George (1920)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SCOBY, Sam (1926)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SCOTT, Marcus L. (1915)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SCOTT, Wm. Houston (1940)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SEIFERT, George (1917)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SHANNON, John (1899)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SIMINO, Howard (1967)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SINCE, Tony (1915)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SINKO, Tona (1915)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SKILES, Benjamin C. (1923)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SMITH, Adron (1903)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SOBERANSKY, Joseph (1907)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SPRAY, William Henry Jr. (1918)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)STATON, Charles (1909)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)STEPHONTIC, Steve (1910)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SUMMERS, Charles (1911)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SUTTERFIELD, Burlin J. (1945)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SUTTON, Fred (1924)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)SUTTON, Paul J. (1928)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)TAYLOR, William (1922)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)TEDDER, Stewart (1910)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)THOMLINSON, Frank M. (1920)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)THOMURE, Isaac (1908)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)THORPE, Homer Oliver (1953)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)TINNIN, William Ernest (1943)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)TRIPLETT, Frank (1922)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)TRIPP, Claud (1923)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)TUCKER, Henry (1925)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)TURNBULL, William A.  (1912)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)UMFLEET, Gus (1926)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)UNDERWOOD, Floyd (1915)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)VALLE, Charles B. (1920)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)VAUGHN, Grover (1925)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)VEACH [Veatch], William (1915)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)VORESCHOSKI, Joseph (1943)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)VORISUCK, John (1912)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WADDERN, William H. (1897)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WAJWICZ, Stach (1907)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WALKO, Peter (1911)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WALLACE, James (1903)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WAMPLER, Frank (1917)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WANKUS, John (1910)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WASHINSKY, Pete (1912)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WEBB, William (1913)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WELCH, William (1904)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WELLS, Henry (1924)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WESLEY, Albert (1887)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WHALEY, Amos (1924)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WHITE, Robert (1936)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WIGGER, Bert (1907)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WILBORN, Roy (1925)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WILFONG, Martin (1920)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WILKERSON, [Wilkinson] Elmer (1921)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WILLIAMS, Oda (1930)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WILT, Andrew (1935)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WINSTON, David "Dave" (1917)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WISHON, Robert (1920)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WOLFE, Sam (1927)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WOOD, Leslie [William] (1909)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)WOODS, Charles W. (1911)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)YAUISIAU, Wyk (1915)
headstone.gif (1048 bytes)YOUNG, JOSH (1914)

headstone.gif (1048 bytes)ZAVODSKI, [Zovochy] Andrew (1921)

(Under Construction)

ADAMS, Virgil D. "Flitter"
BARTLOW, Granville (1955)
, Roscoe B. (1961)
BLAYLOCK, Pirl Edward (1955)
CARROW, Joseph L. (1955)
, George W. (1955)
DUNCAN, William A. (1965)
HALL, Roland E. (1967)
HULSEY, Glenwood (1965)
JOHNSON, George E. (1961)
JONES, John Henry (1913)
McCLARY, Clyde (1965)
McKINNEY, Homer F. (1968)
MOORE, Justin A. (1967) 
RAWLINS, Lee (1956)
RAWSON, Thomas F. (1961)
SAGO, Louis (1965)
SHERRILL, Elzie (1961)
TAYLOR, Samuel (1957)
WARD, J. N.  (1925)
WHITE, Herbert H. (1961)


sitzes_roderick_sm.jpg (7547 bytes)

Old Miners Recall the Brighter Days of Mining

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Miners' Memorials/Monuments in St. Francois County


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